Date: 03-13-16, Hilton, Albany, New York

Members Present: Heather Paladine (Chair), Margarita DeFedericis, Mandy Harris, Scott Hartman, Ray Harvey, Linda Prine, Wayne Strouse, Mary Claire Abbot (resident - guest), Ron Rouse (staff),

Agenda Item / Discussion / Action (assigned to)
(1) / MSSNY Membership / Discussed methods for increasing membership in MSSNY, especially in those counties that lack representation.
Perhaps the NYSAFP could create a “fund” to help pay for membership in MSSNY for physicians from non-represented counties. / Identify counties that lack MSSNY Membership, work on common fund. (Strouse)
(2) / Resolution to Increase Awareness of School-Based Vaccination Rates / No further comments. / Submit Resolution to COD.
(3) / Single Payer Resolution / We need to take our resolution to the AAFP COD. Work with other state delegations to support it. Update Talking Points. Move many of the “Resolves into the “Whereas” section of the Resolution. Use the first two Resolves pertaining to support of a SP system and bi-lateral negotiations. IN the new second resolve, change “provider” to “Medical” in the new second Resolve. / Amend resolution and update talking points (Paladine, Rouse)
(4) / Death with Dignity / Spell out “GLMA” in the first Resolve.
Convert the Whereas clause that physician participation is entirely voluntary into a “Resolve.”
Delete “…in accordance with legislation such as exists in Oregon, Washington, Vermont, and California…”
Add resolve that the resolution be forwarded to AAFP.
Delete last resolve regarding the educational forum. / Amend Resolution consistent with comments from PHC, and develop Talking Points. (Harris, Paladine)
(5) / Expanding Vaccine Coverage Access For Adults / Add a Whereas that addresses the extent of non-coverage for adult vaccines.
Amend resolution to create a state fund for vaccinating all uninsured adults and other adults who do not have coverage for vaccines.
Remove second Resolve. / Amend resolution consistent with PHC comments (Hartman, Rouse)
(6) / Modification of Worker's Compensation Disability Questions / Clarify the title by deleting reference to “Disability.”
Delete other references to Disability.
Modify the resolution to add a Whereas that the final determination relates to cases where there is a question posed by the medical examiner. / Amend resolution consistent with PHC comments (DeFedericis)
(7) / Medicare Drug Price Savings Resolution / Delete “…such as HR 1042 (Medicare Fair Drug Pricing Act) and S 1083 (Medicare Drug Savings Act)….”
Streamline Background material since most of it is already in the “Whereas” clauses. / Amend resolution consistent with PHC comments (Paladine)
(8) / Raising the Minimum Wage / A resolution was presented to the 2015 COD, but sent to the Board, which referred it back to the PHC for a re-work.
So, the authors added in some additional information in the Whereas clauses to make clear that the minimum wage has a significant positive impact on health.
Change title to “Make the Minimum Wage a Living Wage.”
Provide a footnote for the MIT study, and delete “per.”
Revise the last Resolve pertaining to sending the resolution to the AAFP. / Amend resolution consistent with PHC comments (Wilder, Neghassi)
(9) / Oppose Transphobic Legislation Regarding the Use of Public Facilities / Delete “Transphobic” in the title and insert “Oppose Discrimination Against Transgender People Regarding the Use of Public Facilities.”
In the second resolve , delete “…through the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA)…”
Add talking points for the AAFP COD. / Amend resolution consistent with PHC comments (Prine)
(10) / Increase Access to Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care Services for Incarcerated Women / Define “reproductive justice.”
Cut out the first Whereas.
Change “an pelvic examination” to “a pelvic exam” in the last Whereas. / Amend resolution consistent with PHC comments (Prine)
(11) / Support Paid Maternity/Paternity Leave Policies for All Parents / Physicians should be taking the lead in supporting maternity leave.
Delete “Paternity” in the title.
Some residents do not want to take off all 12 weeks for leave because it extends their residency.
Delete “all parents” in the first resolve.
The AAFP should advocate that the Family Medicine ACGME Review Committee should develop a standardized policy that provides 12 weeks of leave for all residents but leaves the resident the option of how many weeks s/he will take.
Add in a resolve for a government subsidy for small businesses. / Amend resolution consistent with PHC comments (Prine)
(12) / Oppose Policing within Medical Care and Facilities / Hospitals should have standard training for guards that emphasizes de-escalation of potentially violent situations. Such training should emphasize alternatives to the use of physical force.
Emphasize that hospitals should be safe places for patients. / Amend resolution consistent with PHC comments (Prine)
(13) / T​he role of medically supervised safer injection facilities as a harm reduction strategy / We could have this topic at an NYSAFP event such as Winter Weekend.
Send a letter to NYS DOH supporting a pilot of a safe injections facility. / Amend resolution consistent with PHC comments (Harvey)
(14) / Medicaid Funding For Drug Treatment In The Criminal Justice System. / Drop this resolution. / No further action required.
(15) / Drug Treatment In Jails And Prisons / Advocate drug treatment for people who are incarcerated.
Add documentation for the Whereas clauses. / Amend resolution consistent with PHC comments (Harvey)
(16) / Revised and New Resolutions / Submit to Heather by April 1.