Date: 3/9/2015
Members / Present / Absent / Visitors / Present / Absent
Mr. Chris Hrubiec (Chairperson) / X / Ms.Theresa Fishburne / X
Mr. Tim Miller (Vice Chairperson) / X / Mr. Farhad Jabberi / X
Ms. Amie McKague (Secretary) / X / Ms. Lanette LeMay / X
Ms. Mary Mickel (Principal) / X / Ms. Keysha Wilcox / X
Ms. Lindsey Armstrong / X / Ms. Marilynn Urquieta / X
Dr. Jeannie Ballentine / X / Ms. Shonette Cumberbatch / X
Ms. Susan Booth / X / Ms. Madison Sheraga / X
Ms. Crissy Brown / X / Ms. Hrubiec / X
Ms. Barbara DeSantis / X / Ms. Meimuna Haruna / X
Ms. Marcy Dunavant / X


Meeting opened by Mr. Chris Hrubiec.


- Minutes from the February 9, 2015 SAC meeting were reviewed and approved by attending SAC members.

_ SAC members reviewed the final letter sent by the SAC to Florida Governor Rick Scott and State Legislators expressing concerns regarding the 2015 State Legislative Platform. SAC members expressed appreciation to Dr. Ballentine for drafting the letter. The letter was signed by Ms. Mickel and the SAC Chair.

- SAC Chair had been in contact with the developers of Tamaya which is a new residential subdivision being built off Beach Blvd. and is zoned for KTE. SAC had previously discussed inquiring as to whether the developers would be interested in making a monetary donation to KTE. The developers offered that a specific amount be requested, they would consider the request, and then respond to the request. SAC Chair advised that the request was submitted but no response has been received as yet. SAC Chair advised that no further contact would be made at this time.

- Mr. Tyler Loenhert from the Duval County Public Schools real estate department was scheduled to attend this SAC meeting however he was unable to attend and will instead attend the April 13, 2015 SAC meeting. Current FTE at KTE fluctuates between 643-650 students. SAC members continue to express concern with future capacity and these new residential developments. SAC members will address this issue with Mr. Loenhert at the next SAC meeting.

- SAC members revisited the crossing guard at the street light just at the Kernan Blvd. entrance. SAC Chair followed-up with the Duval County Public School Police and was informed that Officer Jennifer Robinson is the new point of contact. SAC Chair is waiting on a call back from Officer Robinson. SAC members discussed seeing an increased motorcycle police officer presence.

- The KTE Bookkeeper will be researching the Private LLC designation for parents to make direct contributions to the continued fundraising efforts for the school track. Ms. Brown offered to work with Ms. Young on this matter. An additional $8,000 is needed for the track.


- Ms. Mickel discussed that the monthly SAC Meeting Minutes and Agendas have been submitted to the County however we need to develop by laws for this year. SAC Chair will research the matter. We are still operating under the previous year by laws at this time.

- Ms. Mickel discussed the need to explore having a representative from the NAACP along with a School Board Member to attend the SAC. The Honorable Scott Shine is the School Board Member representing this area. SAC Secretary offered to look into making contact with the NAACP and The Honorable Scott Shine to extend an invitation to attend the SAC. Invitations will be extended on behalf of Ms. Mickel and SAC Chair.


- The Sunshine Math Test is this Thursday, March 12, 2015. The students with the highest scores for the 1st through 5th grades will be tested.

- KTE Spirit Night at Chik Fil A on Atlantic Blvd. and Hodges Blvd. is scheduled for Monday, April 6, 2015. A percentage of sales from that night will be donated to KTE.

- The KTE Spirit Tumblers are still on sale. Cost is $15.00. A total of 48 out of 100 have been sold thus far.

- The PTA is continuing to recruit new board members for the upcoming school year.

- The Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast is scheduled for Thursday, April 23, 2015.

- Class and individual pictures were taken this past Friday, March 6th. There were 8 volunteers from the PTA providing assistance.


-Ms. Mickel held the first “Chew & Chat” with the Principal. This was an opportunity for parents to receive information and ask questions about the new FSA standards and testing requirements.

- Ms. Mickel discussed House Bill 1121 which is proposed legislation regarding accountability factors for schools and students.

- This past week, students who had achievement on “Achieve 3000” were recognized. This is a blended learning tool for 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students.

- The Book of the Month is “My Many Colored Days” written by Dr. Seuss. This book focuses on the arts.

- The recent curriculum night, in support of Math, was held on February 26th. The event was a success. “Mathnasium”, a KTE business partner, will be donating $10 to the school for every new KTE student who joins “Mathnasium”.

- “Rosinas Pizza”, a KTE business partner, presented the school with a check for $50. This money resulted from a recent KTE Spirit Night.


-Spring Break is March 16-20, 2015.

- FSA Writing Testing for 4th & 5th grades is scheduled for March 10, 2015.

-Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ms. Amie McKague, Secretary