Meeting of the Task Team on South South Cooperation (Tt-Ssc)



Preliminary agenda, version 08 September 2009

March 24, 2010
Local time / Session / Format / Comments
8:30 – 9:00 / Registration
9:00 - 9:30 / Welcome and official conference opening:
South-South cooperation and capacity development - Framing a more horizontal and effective development architecture
Opening remarks:
-  High-Level representatives Colombia
-  Co-chair WP-EFF
Informing on process and challenges of Accra (RT9) and AAA implementation, discussing global perspective (global governance of aid, development architecture) and role of non-traditional actors, especially MICs; role of CD in SSC / Keynote speeches
9:30 - 10:00 / Session I: Towards an evidence base on what works in South-South cooperation
Representative TT-SSC: On meetings, analytical work, next steps
Representative DCF: On steps taken by ECOSOC
Representative regional development bank: On regional dynamics of SSC / Moderated TV-show setting
10:00 – 10:30 / Session II: Taking stock of capacity development for results
Representative CD Alliance/LenCD: On analytical work, next steps
Representative UNDP: On support by UN to CD (CDDE, etc.)
Representative World Bank Institute: On the “How to” of capacity development for results / Moderated TV-show setting
10:30 – 10:45 / Coffee Break
10:45 – 12:15 / Session III: World Café - Bridging South-South cooperation and capacity development
Round 1: What is the role of CD in SSC? How can CD trigger country-led development?
Round 2: What are the needs of LICs and MICs? What is the role of traditional donors in SSC and CD?
Round 3: What constitutes success in Seoul? – From best practice to policy action / World café set-up: Round tables a 8-10 participants/table;
1 table host/table to capture findings and report out; 30 min. per round, participants change tables after each round
12:15 – 12:45 / Reporting out / Moderated report out by selected table hosts
12:45 – 14:15 / Lunch Break
SSC/CD Knowledge Fair
14:15 – 17:00 / Round Table Sessions
All working groups will be working off draft papers developed in the process towards the HLM (regional dialogues and task team meetings) / Moderated working groups
Round Table I
Screening for best Practice: Case studies on effective CD in SSC
Agree on criteria and recommendations on what constitutes best practice in CD in the context of SSC. / Round Table II
Implementing Paris and Accra principles in SSC, enriching Paris and Accra through SSC
Objective: Develop/validate recommendations on how SSC can enhance aid effectiveness as a direct input into Seoul 2011 (looking at role of LICs and MICs) / Round Table III
Regional and inter-regional perspectives on SSC
Develop / validate recommendations on regional and inter-regional cooperation and effective use of networks and clusters / Round Table IV
Measuring capacity development for results in SSC
Develop /validate recommendations on effective measurement of CD for results
Coffee Break at around 16:00
17:00-17:30 / Reporting out from the round tables:
Based on the outcomes of the 4 round table working groups, the session will collect recommendations on relevance of SSC and CD for Seoul 2011 / Moderated report out by selected table hosts
17:30 – 17:45 / Closing remarks day 1
Summary of key findings and discussion points, and outlook on day 2 agenda and objectives
18:00 – 19:30 / Reception
March 25, 2010
Local time / Session / Format / Comments
8:00 – 9:00 / Breakfast
9:00 - 9:30 / Summary of day 1 outcomes:
Recapitulation of key findings of day 1 sessions and outlook on day 2 agenda / Plenary, HLM Co-Chair
9:30 – 10:30 / Presentation of draft recommendations:
HLM Chairs present recommendations on how to effectively foster South-South cooperation (SSC) and capacity development (CD) in the context of aid effectiveness. / Plenary: Keynote presentations by HLM chairs
10:30 – 10:50 / Coffee break
10:50 – 12:00 / Discussion and Q&A:
-  DAC chair
-  High-level representative UN/UNDESA/ECOSOC
-  Regional representatives (tbd)
-  WB representative / Moderated discussion, TV show format, questions from audience
12:30 – 14:00 / Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:00 / Knowledge Fair (I)
Selected good practice presentations in various parallel session rooms according to thematic clusters (3 presentations per room) / Moderated breakout sessions with 3 keynote presentations per session
15:00 – 16:00 / Knowledge Fair (II) – Identifying and promoting good practice in SSC and CD
Presentation of the synthesis report and methodological guide as a direct result of the knowledge fair process
-  LenCD
-  Impact Alliance
Q&A / Keynote presentations, Q&A and discussion
16:00 – 16:20 / Coffee break
16:20 – 18:00 / Partnering for results - Teaming up for SSC and CD
Facilitated open space session for representatives from the South (and North) to partner up in South-South and triangular partnerships for development results, by identifying demand and supply sides of knowledge exchange and capacity development and facilitate the “match making”. / Open space
March 25, 2010
Local time / Session / Format / Comments
8:00 – 9:00 / Breakfast
9:00 – 11:00 / Ministerial segment
The Ministers will agree upon and endorse a series of recommendations of how to foster South-South cooperation (SSC) and capacity development (CD) in the context of aid effectiveness. / Plenary
11:00 – 11:20 / Coffee break
11:20 – 12:30 / Closing session:
New perspectives on aid and development – The way ahead in a more horizontal and effective development architecture
-  High-Level representative Korea
-  Co-chair WP-EFF / Plenary