Non-Pricing Policy Statement
In accordance with 7 CFR §226.23, an institution applying for participation in CACFP that does not charge separately for meals, must submit its policy statement for providing free and reduced price meals.
Institution Name: / Agreement #:Address:
As a non-pricing program, the Institution assures the Delaware Department of Education (DOE) that:
1. All program participants at the centers and homes described on the application forms are served the same meal at no separate charge, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability, and that there is no discrimination in the food service. Any complaints of discrimination will be submitted in writing to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. All public releases and program information materials will contain the nondiscrimination statement and compliant procedure.
2. All meals served to enrolled participants will be reported on the reimbursement claim form in accordance with the method prescribed by the CACFP regulations.
3. ALL SPONSORS: A public release will be submitted by the Institution to the media serving the area from which the Institution draws participants announcing the availability of such meals.
4. DAY CARE HOME SPONSORS: There will be no identification of Tier I and Tier II recipients in day care homes. The income eligibility information will be limited to persons directly connected with the administration and enforcement of the program.
This approved non-pricing policy statement will continue in effect unless a revised policy statement is submitted and approved by the Delaware Department of Education.
______Signature of Sponsor Representative / Date / ______
Signature of State Representative / Date
Print Name / Title / ______
Print Name / Title
Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer
I:\SCH.SUP.SERVICES\CACFP\CACFP New\Application Process - New Sponsors\New Sponsor Interest Packet\Non-Pricing Policy Statement.doc
7/2000; Revised 10/2014