Deputy Mayor Sorensen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led in the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Role Call: Present were Trustees; Kraus, Gorman, Sinsabaugh, Goodwin, Chandler, Sorensen, and Mayor McDuffee (arrived at 6:34)

Also present were Clerk Treasurer Wood, Street Equipment Operator Pond, Recreation Director Traub, and Attorney Keene

Visitors included Ron Keene of 7 Elliott Street, Linda Vogel of 201 Broad Street, Andy & Marilee Quinlan of 515 Chemung Street, William Dimmick III of 19 Lincoln Street, Tom Bellinger of 474 Pennsylvania Avenue, and Joseph Picco with the Tinsel-n-Lights committee.

Press included, Ron Cole of WAVR/WATS, and Kristy Westbrook of the Morning Times

Public Comments: No comments were offered.

Minutes: Trustee Gorman moved to approve the Minutes of December 27, 2011 as presented. Trustee Goodwin seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Department Reports: The Board reviewed reports from the Code Enforcement, Recreation, Street, Court, and Police Departments. They also reviewed the complaint log.

Treasurer's Report: The following was presented, as presented:

General Fund 12/01/11 – 12/31/11

Beginning Balance / 52,156.96 / Current Revenues / 201,731.44
Deposits / 583,846.63 / Year to Date Revenue / 2,224,726.70
Disbursements / 460,495.81 / Current Expenditures / 370,378.62
Ending Balance / 175,507.78 / Year to Date Expended / 1,561,308.17

*General Capital Reserve Fund $83,396.29

Cemetery Fund 12/01/11 – 12/31/11

Beginning Balance / 3,249.32 / Current Revenues / 705.77
Deposits / 675.00 / Year to Date Revenue / 52,612.55
Disbursements / 206.39 / Current Expenditures / 206.39
Ending Balance / 3,717.93 / Year to Date Expended / 33,431.53

Finance Committee: Trustee Gorman presented bills for in the amount of General Fund $80,393.28; Cemetery $282.82; Dental Trust $611.98; for a total of $81,288.08. Trustee Sinsabaugh moved to approve payment of the bills as presented. Trustee Chandler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Tinsel-n-Lights Event: Mayor McDuffee stated he invited Mr. Picco to attend meeting and thanked him for coming. He also stated the Tinsel-n-Lights event is a great event for our community to have and the committee does a great job organizing it. Mr. Picco stated this was the 8th year of the event. It started with a concept to reproduce childhood memories and give new ones. The committee works very hard all year and collected over $15,000 for the event. He stated the best part of the event is that it is free for everyone to enjoy. Mr. Picco stated frustration that the park and ice sculptures got destroyed and equipment was vandalized the next day. He asked the Village for help to try to curb the vandalism. He also stated the event may be cancelled in the future if this continues. Mayor McDuffee stated what a shame it is that this happened. He stated the Village would punish any vandals to the fullest extent of the law. He also stated that security cameras would be placed in the park to help stop this from happening again. Mayor McDuffee stated this vandalism at Muldoon Park and damage to the gazebo is going on all year and it needs to stop.

FEMA Projects-Engineering Bids: Attorney Keene reviewed the bids from Hunt Engineers and Delaware Engineering and recommended Hunt Engineers as their bid was a set amount and Delaware Engineering’s bid was more of a salary schedule. Trustee Gorman moved to award the retaining wall replacement and the Glen bridge repair to Hunt Engineers in the amount of $35,400 plus billable expenses up to $1,000. Trustee Gorman moved to award Hunt Engineers the Flood Repairs Project encompassing the retaining wall and pedestrian bridge and work with FEMA for funding of this project. Trustee Chandler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Village Appraisal/Inventory Proposal: The Board discussed proposal from Industrial Appraisal for updating the Village’s inventory and appraisal values. The clerk stated our insurance agent is checking with NYMIR. Discussion followed regarding doing in-house inventories of each department. Trustee Gorman moved to table discussion for more information. Trustee Chandler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Commercial Building Inspection Charge: Attorney Keene stated Owego charges $25 annually for commercial building inspections, other municipalities charge by the hour, or no charge at all. The consensus of the Board was to not start charging for commercial building inspections as they are not being charged currently.

Loan Program Review: No comments or recommendations were given.

Cemetery Mowing: Trustee Sinsabaugh move to table discussion. Trustee Chandler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Street Department Computer: The clerk stated the estimate to repair a previously used computer for the street department to use is approximately $200. She stated a monitor and keyboard would need to be purchased. Trustee Gorman moved to approve as presented. Trustee Kraus seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Street Equipment Operator Pond stated the leaf picker broke down at the end of leaf picking and they needed to rent one for $800 per week to finish up. He submitted two estimates for a new picker, as follows.

Bradco Supply $11,900

Joe Johnson Equipment $12,300

Trustee Sinsabaugh moved to approve the purchase of a new leaf picker at a cost of $11,900 from Bradco Supply. Trustee Gorman seconded the motion, which led to a roll call vote, as follows:

Ayes – 7 (Kraus, Gorman, Chandler, Goodwin, Sinsabaugh, Sorensen, McDuffee)

Nays – 0

The motion carried.

Street Equipment Operator Pond stated the department trucks are all over 13 years old and requested permission to get estimates to replace them. Trustee Chandler moved to approve Pond to get estimates. Trustee Gorman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Street Equipment Operator Pond stated the concrete pad under the skateboard park is falling apart and he would like to remove it. He stated the skateboard equipment is in such bad repair that it will be torn apart.

Trustee Sinsabaugh stated concern that the street sweeper is put away too early. Pond stated it gets put away the same time every year. He stated it’s too cold and the water would freeze on the street.

Planning Board: Mayor McDuffee announced that Dave Gibbs has resigned from the Planning Board. He thanked Mr. Gibbs for his many years dedicated to the Village of Waverly. Mayor McDuffee stated that Bob Wright, a long-time member of the Planning Board, has taken over as Chairman. Mayor McDuffee is meeting with a potential new member and will possible appoint at the next meeting.

Grievance Day Resolution: Trustee Gorman offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:

WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees is required by the Real Property Tax Law to provide a Grievance Day on the third Tuesday, of February, 2012, and

WHEREAS, such third Tuesday falls on the 21st day February, 2012, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Assessment Review is required to meet for at least four hours to hear grievances,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, and it is hereby resolved that the Board of Assessment Review meet on the 21st day of February, 2012, in the Trustees’ Room, in the Village Hall, between the hours of 4:00 and 8:00 P.M. to hear complaints with respect to the Assessment Roll to be filed by the Assessor with the Clerk of the Village, on or before February 1, 2012, and the Clerk of the Village is further directed to publish statutory notice of such meeting required by the Real Property Tax Law.

The resolution was seconded by Trustee Kraus and on voice vote, unanimously carried.

Election Resolution: Trustee Sinsabaugh offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:

WHEREAS, the Annual Election of the Village of Waverly be held in the Trustees’ Room in the Village Hall, at 32 Ithaca Street, Waverly, New York, between the hours of 12:00 o’clock noon and 9:00 o’clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, March 20, 2012, and

WHEREAS, the following be designated as Inspectors of Election: Sharon Alamo, Laura Hoppe, Roberta Hollenbeck, and Joan Case, be paid $100.00 each, and

WHEREAS, Sharon Alamo be and she hereby is appointed Chairman of the Board, and

WHEREAS, that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Waverly accepts the voting machine custodians designated by the Town of Barton, namely Joseph Satterly and James Deming, and be paid $100.00 each, and

BE IT RESOLVED, the Village of Waverly will hold their General Election on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 for the purpose of electing three Trustees, each for a term of two years.

The resolution was seconded by Trustee Chandler and upon voice vote, unanimously carried.

Budget Committee: Mayor McDuffee asked Trustees: Goodwin, Sinsabaugh, and Chandler to help develop the 2012-2013 budget. They all agreed.

Code Enforcement Officer: Mayor McDuffee stated he held interviews for Code Enforcement Officer. Mayor McDuffee appointed Michael LeRose as Code Enforcement Officer to fill the vacancy at a salary of $15,755.70, as he currently is certified in New York State. Trustee Goodwin moved to approve the Mayor’s appointment as presented. Trustee Chandler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Part-Time Cleaner: Mayor McDuffee stated he held interviews for part-time cleaner. Mayor McDuffee recommended hiring Josephine Saxon. Trustee Gorman moved to to hire Josehine Saxon as part-time cleaner, at a rate of $9.50 per hour with flexible hours between 20-30 hours per week. Trustee Chandler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Fair Housing Plan Resolution: The clerk submitted a draft plan for Fair Housing. She stated New York State is now requesting communities to formally adopt a plan. The Board will review for the next meeting.

Mayor’s Comments: Mayor McDuffee stated he met with representatives of Broome Community College and local business people. He stated BCC is very interested in our building’s wing to hold classes. This would be a satellite school, and are planning for 43 classes. He also stated this is a great geographical area for this and would help the community flourish. BCC is planning to present at the next meeting.

Thomas Bellinger stated the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce should have representation from the Village and offered to be the representative. Mayor appointed Thomas Bellinger as the Village representative to GVCC. Trustee Chandler moved to approve the Mayor’s appointment. Trustee Sinsabaugh seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Andy Quinlan of 515 Chemung Street stated he has never had sewer and would like to get it. Trustee Chandler stated he would research.

Trustee Gorman stated she would not be running again in the next election. Mayor McDuffee thanked her for time served, and stated there may be other avenues in which she could serve the Village if she were interested. Ms. Gorman stated she may be interested in the future.

Executive Session: Trustee Gorman moved to enter executive session 7:48 p.m. to discuss one personnel and two contractual issues. Trustee Chandler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

The clerk did not attend.

Trustee Chandler moved to enter regular session at 8:20 p.m. Trustee Sinsabaugh seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Adjournment: Trustee Kraus moved to adjourn at 8:21 p.m. Trustee Sinsabaugh seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,


Michele Wood, Clerk Treasurer





Mayor McDuffee called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Role Call: Present were Trustees; Gorman, Kraus, Sinsabaugh, Chandler, Sorensen, Goodwin, and Mayor McDuffee

Also present were Clerk Treasurer Wood, and Attorney Keene

Visitors included: Ron Keene of 7 Elliott Street, John Giovenco of 452 Pennsylvania Avenue, Linda Vogel of 201 Broad Street, Ben Borko of 17 Lyman Avenue, and David & Kirstyn Perry of 41 Orchard Street. Representative of Broome Community College were Dr. Drumm, Andrea Wade, Kelli Ligeikis, Debra Morello, Janet Hertz, Doug Gaivell, Greg & Susan Talley, and Katie Bucci

Press: Ron Cole of WATS/WAVR, Amanda Renko of the Daily Review, and Kristy Westbrook of the Morning Times

Public Comment: No comments were offered.

BCC Presentation: Dr. Drumm thanked the Village for allowing BCC to have this presentation. He introduced his collegues. Dr. Kelli Ligeikis submitted information, and presented a slideshow regarding BCC possibly opening a satellite school in Waverly. She stated BCC is very interested in utilizing the Village Hall wing for this endeavor. She also explained that Waverly is centrally located and a great area for this. It would provide easy access to educational opportunities, students would stay in the area, promote higher education, increase preparedness for job placement, local business benefit, and teaching faculty provided from local area. BCC would like to be using this facility for the Fall of 2012 semester, and would be offering 42 courses to begin with with more to come. Discussion followed.

Mayor McDuffee stated he was very excited about the possibility of BCC coming to Waverly. He stated this kind of opportunity was talked about and hoped for when the Village bought and renovated the new Village Hall. Mayor McDuffee asked for a motion to proceed. Trustee Kraus moved to proceed. Trustee Goodwin seconded the motion, which led to a roll call vote, as follows:

Ayes – 7 (Kraus, Gorman, Chandler, Goodwin, Sinsabaugh, Sorensen, McDuffee)

Nays – 0

The motion carried.

Mayor McDuffee, and the Board, thanked the Representative of BCC for their presentation.

Mayor McDuffee appointed Trustees Goodwin, Sorensen, and himself to be contacts for this project. Trustee Kraus moved to approve Mayor McDuffee’s appointments as presented. Trustee Gorman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Approval of Minutes: Trustee Sinsabaugh moved to approve the Minutes of January 10, 2012 as presented. Trustee Kraus seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Finance Committee: Trustee Gorman presented bills for in the amount of General Fund $8,900.37; and Dental Trust $876.85; for a total of $9,772.22. Trustee Sinsabaugh moved to approve payment of the bills as presented. Trustee Chandler seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Glen Challenge Mountain Bike Race: Dave Perry presented a plan and insurance information to hold a mountain bike race in the Glen. The event will be scheduled for May 26-27. Attorney Keene reviewed the insurance information and had no concerns. Mr. Perry stated this would be an overnight event with camping in the Glen area, with approximately 75-125 people. He stated they would cover all costs, including extra portable bathrooms and showers. Attorney Keene stated she would like to review the code regarding camping in the parks. Trustee Goodwin moved to proceed with the biking/camping event pending Attorney Keene’s review of the code. Trustee Gorman seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.