City Hall 404 S. Jefferson Street


June 27, 2017 @ 5:00 P.M.

Draft: Minutes will not be official until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Alderman meeting.

PRESENT: Present members were: Mayor David Norman, Alderman Burrely Loftin, Alderman Keith Jones, Alderman Stan Lovan, Alderman Noel Dye, City Clerk Suzanne Welsh, Administrative Director Peggy Porter. City Attorney Larry Tyrrell, and Police Chief Reggie Johnson were absent.

GUESTS: An attendance register was provided for guests to sign.

I.  Call to order: The meeting on June 27, 2017 of the City of Ava, Board of Aldermen, was called to order by Mayor David Norman.

II.  Roll call of Aldermen: Aldermen present were: Burrely Loftin, Noel Dye, Keith Jones, & Stan Lovan.

III.  Approval of Minutes: Minutes of June 13, 2017 Board of Aldermen meeting were presented to the aldermen ahead of the meeting. The minutes were approved as presented.


V. Approve or Amend agenda: Motion was made to amend the agenda by Burrely Loftin and

seconded by Stan Lovan. Motion carried. All were in favor 4-0.

VI. Order of business:

A. Unfinished business: None

B. Reports of special boards, committees & city officers

1. Administrative Director Peggy Porter- A resolution for budget amendment for the current budget was needed to correct unexpected expenditures from the Bill Martin Memorial Airport pavement project, pool maintenance, general fund, and sidewalks.

2. City Clerk Suzanne Welsh- Reading of Resolutions and Ordinance

C. Reading of Bills (proposed ordinances) and Resolutions-

Resolution #2017.06.04 A resolution authorizing the mayor to execute and the city clerk

to attest a renewal of lease agreement know as Fairground Lease was read once by title. A motion was made by Burrely Loftin and seconded by Noel Dye. Motion carried. All were in favor 4-0.

Resolution #2017.06.05 A resolution amending annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 and appropriating funds pursuant thereto was read once by title. A motion was made by Stan Lovan and seconded by Keith Jones. Motion carried. All were in favor 4-0.

Ordinance #1019 An ordinance of the City of Ava, Missouri, to repeal Ordinance #610 Floodplain Management Ordinance and replace it with an updated version of Floodplain Management Ordinance 60.3(d).

First reading:

A motion was made by Keith Jones and seconded by Noel Dye. Motion carried. All were in favor 4-0.

Second Reading:

A motion was made by Burrely Loftin and seconded by Noel Dye. Motion carried. All were in favor 4-0.

D. Mayor/Aldermen’s comments:

1. Recycling Equipment- County Commissioner Lance Stillings and Mayor David Norman approached business owner Jeffrey Searcy regarding purchasing the equipment that the city and county loaned him to use for recycling. The old recycling committee did not want to be a part of a contract with ownership of the bailers, truck, and trailers that were loaned to J & R Recycling. The agreement was made to purchase the equipment at $10,000.00 making monthly installments of $2,500.00 due at the first of the month each month until paid in full.

2. Landscaping- Zach Uhing worked Saturday putting plants in the soil. Weed barrier will need to be in place and then rocks put down.

3. Playground Equipment- The shipment was to arrive in 5 weeks. It was shipped on 6/22/17 and is to arrive any day.

4. Airport closed July 5th- The first day of construction will begin on July 5, 2017 and is expected to take 30-60 days for completion.

5. Senior Age Area on Aging- contract renewal will be postponed until their board meeting on the 21st of July. The city has proposed a rent increase of $500.00 versus the current rate of $255.00 per month.

6. James Cardinal, Verizon representative- they are looking at the contract and will get back with the mayor. They are still doing inspections on the footing of the old water tower.

7. SCOCOG meeting- The TAC meeting was held on June 20th in Pomona. MoDOT went over upcoming repairs. If they are doing a project where they have ownership of the sidewalks, they will repair the existing sidewalks to be ADA compliant. All Cities will have to have their public sidewalks repaired or replaced to be up to ADA standards by 2020. Improvements for the city would be a flashing light at the junction of 5 HWY and Y, improving the round about to make it bigger, 4 lanes on Springfield Rd, and passing lanes on Highway 5.

8. Floodplain- the cities floodplain information was updated with newer forms and requirements so that the city does not get fined if there was an audit for non-compliance.

VII. Court Docket – approval for June 16, 2017. A motion was made to approve the court docket by Keith Jones and seconded by Stan Lovan. Motion carried. All were in favor 4-0.

VIII. Closed Session under RSMo 610.021 (1) Litigation (3) Personnel- cancelled closed session meeting. Minutes for closed session on June 13, 2017 were approved as to form.

IX. Adjourn- a motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Stan Lovan and seconded by Burrely Loftis at 5:32 P.M.

Minutes submitted by: ______

Suzanne Welsh, City Clerk

Approved by: ______

Mayor David Norman