CLLS 30th Celebration Ideas
Trivia Bee/Challenge, a Fund-Raising Event
Trivia Bees conducted bySan Mateo County, Redwood City, and others
Programs that have been doing this event over the years have netted between $20,000 and 25,000.
Redwood City is the “mother” of all Trivia Bees having held the event since 1989! Many other literacy programs have conducted similar bees.
Community teams consist of threeplayers, witha Team Captain as spokesperson for the team. Businesses, service clubs, City Councils, Adult Schools, Friends of the Library Groups, and individuals sponsor teams. As many as 36 teams have participated in the past. Usually, there are four rounds: qualifying, semi-final, final, and if necessary, sudden death. Other programs choose to have just three rounds: 1st and 2nd, with a sudden death round if there’s a tie at the end of round 2. Trivia questions are compiled by library staff. (See samples below) Topics may include literature, science, history, sports, TV, movies, music and entertainment.
One point is awarded for each correct answer (no penalties for wrong answers). All teams compete in round 1 (consisting of 30 questions). In Redwood City,the 15 teams with the highest score compete in the semi-final round of 15 questions. The top five teams compete in the Final Round consisting of 7 questions. Sudden Death round is needed only if there is a tie for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.
Trivia officials typically include a judge, an assistant judge and a timekeeper. The judge rules on any questions that are challenged. Having the right emcee for the event can make or break the event’s success. The desired emcee can be a radio personality, the mayor, etc. Someone who is funny, well-known and has a good speaking voice would make the ideal emcee!
Some programs have Sponsorship Levels where each level of donation equals a commensurate number of teams and tickets to the Bee. Examples of Redwood City Sponsorship Levels: “Queen Bee” for $10,000 which covers the costs of 6 teams and 30 audience tickets; to “Bee Keepers” level for $550 sponsorship which covers the cost of one team and 3 tickets for friends in the audience. And several sponsorship levels in between! Single tickets for audience attendees are available for $25 – $30 (average). Team fee is $400 - $550 (average).
Sometimes, programs have raffles for donated prizes and/or silent auction. San Mateo sells a book of six raffle tickets for $5, and the majority of raffle tickets are sold at the event itself. The Friends handle the raffle, because of legal issues.
Food is served – either snacks and appetizers or a dinner (for an additional $30 in San Mateo). Serving great food helps. People are pleased and have fun too.
In San Mateo County, an average of 400 – 450 people participate. The event offers name recognition, getting groups involved e.g. city council, forming partnerships in the community, and educating stakeholders who are not familiar with literacy programs. Some communities come to expect the annual event. “It’s a foot-stomping, fun-loving, raucous and rowdy event!”
There is a lot of work that will impact the literacy coordinator/director and the office manager. A Friends Group or Literacy Council would be especially helpful to organize and provide volunteer support. One of the biggest challenges is getting teams to participate, especially in the beginning. It helps to have a team of volunteers willing to make presentations to service clubs, etc. to explain to groups how a Trivia Bee works. Sending two free tickets to all City Council members, department heads and librarians is a great way to encourage everyone to support the event.
Some sample trivia questions, courtesy of Redwood City: What city is known as the City of Light? What do the red and white stripes of a barber pole symbolize? What is a funambulist?