Meeting of the Ashlands and Misterton Federation Governing Body
Minutes of the Governing Body held on Tuesday 11th July2017at
AshlandsC of E First School (GB6)
In attendance: Richard Barratt (RB), Liz Clemow (EC), Anthony Mulligan (AM), Andy North (AN), Nicola Ball (NB), Eleanor Kading (EK), Richard Coath (RC), Mel Hooper (MH)
Diana Hunt (DH) Clerk
No. / Procedural Matters / Action1 / Apologies received and accepted from Jonathon Morris. No apologies received from Adam Pilton.
2 / Declaration of interests – None declared.
3 / SDP Review –Maths and Literacy update.
Richard Coath presented the Literacy update to the GB. RC handed out a document relating to the Literacy review. Please see attached document. Literacy is Priority 1 and 2. NB will refer to the data side.
Phonics and spelling development – the bid with CISP. No child to fail to get ARE. Spelling pack created and spelling bee to create confidence in spelling. Moderation of those children too. Mixed impact. Spelling pack limited impact, trialling it. SPAG was excellent in comparison. Results of those children were very good. Years 2- 7 children targeted and 6 developed to secure.
Priority 2 – Guided reading format working well.
Any questions?
AM: Is the reading and spelling policy finalised?
RC: no it still needs to be updated.
EK: Spag was more useful than the resources this year, what will be the way forward for next year. RC: Merging the best bits and CISP have been really useful too. NB: We have been working with both this year. Companion pieces working parallel with each other.
RB: Good data for years 2 and 4 what was the drag in year 3?
RC: The children chosen have additional issues which aren’t just spelling related. NB: Attendance issues in that class has had an impact on what we can do with those children. The children have worked really hard.
RB: Spelling Bee would have been a great opportunity to shine, why didn’t it happen?
RC: Staffing and other things going on in school. It was a successful activity so it might become annual and we will get it in the diary early and staff to go.
Mel Hooper presented to the GB the update on numeracy. MH circulated a document to the GB. Please refer to for notes.
AM: What is CPA? It is ‘Concrete Pictorial Abstract’.
Data looks very good for those children achieving ARE. Year 3 at Ashlands unfortunately dropped down again.
RB: Children at Misterton 77% in year 3. NB: Different starting points across the schools, different cohort. Attendance again at Ashlands. Intervention has been more focused on year 2 for our published data.
RC: If white rose had been available last year there would have been a gap closure. It lends you to securing the children. MH: It’s a mastery curriculum. We are aware of gaps and we know where the problems are and they will be in my class! Setting realistic targets.
RB: very good data across the board.
AM: Did year 3 get interventions? NB: Yes they did and there was an impact on them, but attendance did impact. In Spring 2 term time, I did target the year 2 as they have had barriers in the past. MH has already done assessments on the year 3 and knows what she is going to be doing and targeting in September.
EC arrived at 5.45pm
Very successful CISP collaborative bid.
Develop the understanding with the staff to speak to MH with any questions.
Any Questions?
NB: We will set the SDP in stone once all the data is in and national data has been released.
SPAG will continue to be a focus. As a CISP… reading writing and maths and the language of learning will continue to be our focus.
All very positive. Misterton Data very good. Just one or two have dropped off and we will look at.
NB: I have told the staff I am massively pleased with the results across the school.
4 / Minutes of last meeting – 16th May 2017 were circulated prior to the meeting.
The GB was asked if they had anything to raise relating to the previous meetings minutes. Nothing raised, therefore agreed and signed.
Action Points
GB5: Point 3 - Action points document – to be moved to GB1 in October.
GB5: Point 7 - Safeguarding – training pack – NB can deliver the training across two PDMs or inset day and for those Governors who wish to attend.
GB5: Point 7 - Esafety magazine.
Governors visits – to be presented further on in the meeting. / Action
5 / New Governor Enquiries–Three governor enquiries. AN is leaving at the end of this year and thank you for your work. Kay Dawson potentially as a staff Governor and Stephen Loveless –staff election. Both to write a piece about themselves. New parent has also applied. Details to go out to all GB and do a vote. With AN stepping down new parent could go in as Co-opted Governor. Hopefully in September we should have a foundation Governor in place too. Rev Huntley has a couple of names and wants to talk to JM about it, but he is away until September.
Introduced the new clerk – Leanne Haldane. / Action
6 / Calendar of Works – NB has been looking at the entire calendar and has put together a calendar for the year. We have introduced meetings for Finance only. We will have 8 meetings a year, but three are for finance. Values and Ethos is going to be more of a focus. We will be aiming for 5 key values.
7 / Annual Review of Instrument of Government, Standing Orders and Terms of Reference - Very minor amendments to all three documents. Added Ethos. Speaking to Sonya at St Barts regarding sharing Governors if short on numbers.
GB agreed with the minor amendments.
8 / Annual Declaration of Business Interests in preparation for 2017-18– forms returned. Forms to be completed and returned to Clerk from AP, JM, Kay Dawson and Liz Popham. / Action
9 / Chairs Report–Draft copy was distributed out to staff. RB to go through to finalise it before going on the websites. Copy to go on website. / Action
10 / Review/agree visits Protocol – document handed out from the key and the visits document. RB & AM to explore two visit forms using the information from the key. To be actioned for GB1. / Action
11 / Review/agree link Governor Roles–Is everyone happy to stay on their link roles. EC would like more help with teaching and learning aspect or perhaps moves to curriculum. EK would be happy to stand down from maths if AM would like to do it. RB will work on. NB: Please can we add EYFS and curriculum. / Action
12 / Health & Safety – nothing specifically to report. Misterton – Harwoods have visited to look at our options to raise the height of the gate into the field.
13 / Safeguarding Training & Visits – AM and RB attended a training course on Safeguarding. AM: Have the Statutory Duties Section 1 been read by all staff. NB: Confirmed that they had been read by all staff. Funding available for children with additional needed – explore with LC. Early help assessments, do we have any in place? NB: We don’t have any in place at the moment. NB explained this when you have a concern about a family and they are a family in need you would put one of these in place. There are three thresholds. The safeguarding lead should be made aware of any families that fall into those thresholds. RB is the safeguarding Governor and meets with NB and is updated. The safeguarding audit is always presented to the Governors too. AM: Do we have a policy on staff and social media. NB: We have a user agreement and that contains the expectations in this policy.
14 / School Website – Literacy side. Check the literacy is still current on the website.
Business Manager should report annually to the GB on the website.
AN left the meeting at 18.54. Thank you to AN for his contribution to the GB. / Action
15 / Headteacher Report – Copy was circulated to the governors prior to the meeting. Please refer to document.
Numbers have increased at Ashlands so we have definitely made the right decision to go to the fifth class.
At Misterton we are going to have a mixed EY, Year 1 and 2 class in Oak and Year 2, 3 and 4 in Cedar.
EC: How will the child be perceived?
NB: We have had an assembly to talk about it and if a parent asks it is for the benefit of the child’s learning. The parent is fully on board with the decision.
We will monitor and if the child develops quickly we will teach to their ability and introduce year 2 work.
School council will take on the pupil voice and do the children’s questionnaires in school and feed back to the school.
MH has been very rigorous in her maths lead this year. RC has lead EY to a real strength across both schools. Rebecca Williams is going to lead Literacy next year. English has been identified across both schools as a target for next year.
With KD on maternity leave we have a less experience team in Misterton. LC will spend more time over there and Will Pearse will support Early Years. I need to still stay 2 days at both to ensure both schools run smoothly.
NB invited the GB to come and see the library, the 5th class at Ashlands and the SEN room at Misterton once they are completed.
AM: Liz Strange highlighted in the report that Class room monitorwas essential, it’s not proving effective or popular? NB: As part of my review, we are going to be moving away from it. Really good for understanding the new curriculum but it isn’t fit for our purpose. In the summer we drew a line under it and we are using SIMS and targets in the back of the books as MH has done with maths. We will upload 3 times a years onto SIMS. SIMS doesn’t cost anything, but classroom monitor would have cost us £2,500 a year. The teachers are happier about it too.
Raising of standards in year 2 is in place. KD has been supporting the year 2 at Misterton to raise their standards in presentation.
Looking at all the staff and delegating role. Will Pearse has been identified as a lead for pupil premium.
FFT aspire – highly recommend that you log on. Forward logon out to all GB. There is a built in training programme.
EC: Has Nathalie Knight passed her NQT. NB: Yes she has. Very proud of her.
AM: Is there anythingpractically we can do to help the children who are not reaching ARE?
NB: Come into school and listen to the children read.
NB: In Support of the staff, your visits and asking of the questions really helps.
RB: Attendance?
NB: I am going to do a report on attendance and the impact that has had on the children. Lots of holidays this summer 2nd half term.
EC: Is it worth a letter to all parents about it.
AM: What about an option of work sent with them?
NB: Extra work for teaching staff and that still wouldn’t cover the curriculum if we asked them to do a diary of their holiday.
RB: Please pass on a congratulations to all the staff for their data. / Action
16 / SEP Report – Final document hasn’t come through.
17 / Policies Review – SEN – couple of typos. All policies agreed and signed off.
18 / Governor Visits – move to GB1 in October. / Action
19 / Feedback from Meeting–nothing to report.
20 / Date and time of next meeting – The next meeting will be w/c 16th October.
21 / Next meeting Focus–.Headteacher Report 1, SDP priorities for 2017/2018, Surveys – sharing the 2016/17 end of year surveys, Pupil Premium/Sports Premium review and moving forward. Share finalised link Governor roles and calendar of works.
Meeting closed at 7.45pm
ITEM / ACTION / BY / TIMESCALE / COMPLETEGB5: Point 3 2016/17 / Action points document to be presented. / AM / GB1 2017/18
GB5: Point 7
2016/17 / Esafety Magazine / Clerk / ASAP
Point 5
2016/17 / Staff Election for staff Governor / Clerk / ASAP
Point 8
2016/17 / Annual Declaration of Business Interests to be completed by JM, AP, Kay Dawson and Liz Popham. / Clerks / GB1
Point 9
2016/17 / Chairs Report to be finalised and published on the websites / RB / ASAP
Point 10
2016/17 / RB & AM to explore two visit forms using the information from the key. To be actioned for GB1. / RB & AM / GB1 2017/18
Point 11
2016/17 / Review of Link Governor Roles to be confirmed. / RB / GB1
Point 14
2016/17 / Check the literacy is still current on the website. / NB / ASAP
Point 14
2016/17 / Annual Website Report to be presented to the GB. / LC / To be built into the calendar.
Point 17
2016/17 / FFT logons to be forwarded to the GB.
Point 17
2016/17 / Attendance report and the impact it has on the children. / NB / To be confirmed.
Point 18
2016/17 / Governor Visits to be moved to GB1 / GB / GB1
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