The Swedish Mila exhibition was held on February 16 to 18. This exhibition is a small local farm exhibition including national shows for both dairy and beef cattle. In the beef cattle show participated around 60 heifers and bulls from Angus, Blonde d’Aquitaine, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin and Simmental.
This year’s Mila show was a success for Charolais. Both overall Interbreed Best in Show and best opposite sex was Charolais. Charolais was also the winners in Showmanship for both adults and youth. The elite auction showed good prices for Charolais and finally the heifer lottery winner chose the Charolais heifer!
Female champion and Interbreed Best in Show was 1179 M.Lady Monte of Simontorp. She is a daughter of the French polled bull Virgil SC and her maternal grandsire is the well known Swedish bull Neto of Sjunnetorp. The judges pointed out her excellent feminine type and the productional ability.
Reserve female champion was also a Virgil daughter; 749 M.Enjoleuse of Askome.
Male champion, supreme champion and Interbreed best male became two year old 2944 Lee of Simontorp. Lee is a son of theNorweigan bull Grieg of Dillerud with grandsireCockerington Urchin. Maternal grandsire is the Swedish AI-bull Best of Backagardenthat is one of the mostsuccesful and used Swedish Charolais AI-bulls. Lee got the impressive show weight of 1304 kg at only 25,5 months age! The judges pointed out the excellent performance, muscularity but also that he had managed to keep a functional body after this impressive growth!
Reserve male champion was also a bull with international breed, the yearling bull 2293 Miljon of Ekerod. Miljon is son of Canadian import semen from PCC Sudden Impact 818U.
At the elite auction with 3 charolais bulls Miljon was priced best with SEK 46000 (app € 4800). The same price achivedSonarp Charolais for free choice of their heifer calves this summer. Best paid was free choice of cow in calf from Stromsnas Charolais with SEK 53000 (app € 5600).
Again Swedish Charolais pointed out their market leadership and showed that functional traits and performance can be combined to a very complete beef cattle! You can see this for yourself on the Charolais world congress in July 2018 in Sweden!
For further information please see or contact Lennart Nilsson, vice president of the Swedish Charolais association; phone +46 70655 03 52 or mail