Meeting of Novice Directresses
28th September 1997
Closing address
To appreciate diversity is to discover that the experience of others has something to say to us. It touches our deepest self, what we are and what we do, so that we in our turn may offer ourselves with our riches and vulnerability. It enables us to share with the sisters in formation the urgencies of this path and to leave what is familiar, what we are used to, in order "to join the other on her shore" (cf. Fr. Gwénolé Jeusset) and adapt to her values and needs. The experience of diversity, an inculturation for incarnation, becomes then the "Good News" (cf. Chapter Document II, 2.5).
Accepting diversity commits us to be "signs and instruments of communion", (cf. Chapter Document II, 3.3). We have felt an important call to develop, during the time of initial formation, an attitude of active non-violence, (cf. Chapter Document II, 1.4) which for us FMM is' strongly rooted in the foundation experience of the Institute. As the Church is preparing to • celebrate the beatification of Mother Mary of Jesus on 12th October and as we join in the thanksgiving of our Reparatrice Sisters, the painful trial which cut through the life of Mother Foundress reminds us that active non-violence is fruitful and gives life. On 24th November 1901, in the A Mother's Journal to her Daughters, she wrote: "It is just 25 years since I completely left India. Free again before God and men, I went to Pius IX searching to know the will of God. Now, I know what this divine will was. It was to use my misery to accomplish this magnificent work of the Institute of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary." For Mary of the Passion, living active non-violence was basically living the Gospel: "Only the true spirit of the Gospel, of Jesus, can heal our wounds" (cf. 16th April 1884).
This meeting sends us out to our provinces in order to propose to them the convictions which animate us and together to be coresponsible for initial formation. This time of sharing and transmission is indispensable in order to find the necessary answers for today and tomorrow. However, it sends you in priority to the sisters in formation, those who are called to be the missionaries of the third millennium. It confirms you in the beauty of your task to be at the service of the Father's plan of love for each one of them. In the ministry of formation you are called to collaborate in this project so that in each one the work of the Spirit, who forms into the likeness of the One Sent, may be accomplished. The question of discernment then arises with its exigencies for accompaniment and for a continual search for the will of God: how to understand God's call, his expectations and hope for each of the sisters in formation. What orientation is to be given to their choices, how to open them out to what God expects of them, to enable them to be penetrated with his inspiration in order to make them disponible to his mission and grow in the freedom of those who discover that they are chosen, called, consecrated and sent, to become God's partners in this world which is in the process of becoming.
Before finishing it is important to express our gratitude and appreciation:
to Margarita, Christobel, Salomé, Grace Chu and now Celine, who organised and animated this meeting;
to our FMM speakers who gave us their time and revived within us the grandeur of the charism. Our joy was immense at the presence and participation of Sr. Alma Dufault;
to the translators (simultaneous and translators of texts). We confidently found once more - those who are experts at these meetings and welcomed the newcomers, with a lot of hope and encouragement;
to our secretariat team, our librarian and documentalist, and our communications team. Your generous service contributed greatly to the smooth running of these days;
to our liturgist whose discreet and creative presence inspired our prayers together; to our bursar, always ready to offer her services and advice;
to our nurse who ensured her service with great sisterly attention;
to Sr. Gemma, Sr. Alma and the sisters of Via Giusti and Grotta, to the different services for travel, welcoming and hospitality.
Now, at the Eucharist, we will confide our thanksgiving to the Lord for each of our sisters in the Generalate House. Through them, the family spirit which is so dear to us remains firmly anchored in our two houses, and enables each one to feel at home.
And now, together, we continue our journey towards the year 2000 to accept the unforeseen which ceaselessly takes .us by surprise. Entering into the dynamic of hope, we receive life in Christ in order to transmit it in superabundance (cf. Jn 10:10). "Soaked in Him", (cf. Fr. Giacomo Bini), we can then "become true signs in the world" (cf. Vita Consecrata 25).
Christiane Mégarbané,
fmm, Sup. Gen.