Meeting of March 21, 2012 called to order 8:00pm
Call to Order:
Please make sure that everyone signs in. This will be tracked for voting and purposes of being a member in good standing. According to our Bi-Laws Article 2 Section 2 letter B A member is considered in good standing if said member has attended at least one meeting per quarter, an additional meeting in the third and fourth quarters, served on at least 1 committee and has no outstanding obligations to BYF & CC. New first time members/coaches joining the organization become members at the start of their second meeting.
Secretary’s Report:
February Minutes posted to website. Motion made by: Lori Second: Chrissy
Treasurer’s Report:
Motion to approve: Lori Second: Angelo
League Reports: Football (Angelo)
Colonial Meeting took place Wednesday March 7, 2012 in Shelton. Firm start date, August 6th.
Spring football being offered, 2 weeks in town, non contact. End date, June 29th as a competitive day. more info to follow.
Cheer Report (Janet)
Colonial Meeting took place Wednesday March 7, 2012 in Shelton.
Age cut off Is July 31st.
States to be held 11/3
regional held on or before Thanksgiving.
Contest to be held for competitive design.
Ansonia is purchasing new mats… selling old. No price yet, looking into storage. More info to come.
New this year… pompoms.bows, and socks.
Motion to approve: Jessica Second: Chrissy
High School Gridiron Update:
Todd/Dave: Discussions with Coach Gill and Coach Martin are on-going. We would like to offer two clinics. One for Defense which would include proper tackling and practice organization. The second would be for Offensive plays and formations. Spring practice will be an excellent time to see the plays and formations in action. This will take place around the 1st 10 days of June, more information will follow. March 31st
Friday night lights
Old Business:
I Dave is in need to know the location of each of the Validation books and they need to be turned in to me please make this happen soon.
Helmets have been picked up by Stadium. 132 helmets
Shed update (We are trying to get our shed up at the fields in which we practice) .This is another money saving opportunity for us. We are looking at renting. More information to come.
Any outstanding equipment. We need to send bills.
New Business:
We need to have maximum participation on the committee level. Each of these committees are essential to the success of the organization.
Fundraising: We need to come up with a BYF fundraiser for the community. Similar to ROTC Christmas tree pick-up that we can do once to create an annual income.
Scholarship Committee: Responsible for HS scholarship award 1 football 1 cheerleading. This will take place at the end of May.
Equipment Committee: Chrissy Phelps needs your help. We need to get all jerseys matched up and put away. We need to number all equipment to make hand-out and turn in easier. We want to have all shoulder pads numbered.
Bi-laws committee: This committee will review and update the bi-laws to be current with times and programs. This needs to be brought to the April meeting for Membership vote. (Dave Belcourt Chair)
Field Committee: Responsible for the set-up and break down of the field for all games and facilities that Bethel Youth Football uses. (Alan Weiss Chair)
Banquet Committee: Responsible for banquet/ team parties and the trophies for the teams. (Steve DeMarco Chair)
Photo Committee: Responsible for the photo day and all the details that surround this event (Craig Carlson Chair)
Publicity Committee: Coordinates newspaper and on line publicity. As well as parent permissions for photo opportunities (Heather Moran Chair)
AYF Day: Responsible for coordinating players and routes as well as door to door fundraiser.
Fashion Committee: Responsible for all fashion sales- Lori
Uniform Update:
Unveil the new Helmet design. We can have significant savings if we go with this design. We are also going to use the savings with the helmet to offset the purchase of additional helmets have to replace close to two dozen helmets this year.
We are also looking to purchase black game pants for our away uniforms. They can also be used for the home games to make a different look. The one thing I would like to stress is that all teams have the same look on a given weekend.
We would also like to purchase Practice Jerseys Simple logo. Consistent look for scrimmages and pre season games.
Voted: black pants. Helmet, black strip with number
Motion to approve: Chrissy Second: Lori
On line registration is currently open. We have had a handful of sign-ups for the upcoming season.
We will have our first sign-up on March 24th from 9am – 1pm at the Muncipal center in meeting room A.
All Head Coaches should be in attendance
We need to contact every athlete from last year and make sure that they are aware of sign-ups.
We were included on Dr. Smith’s Newsletter for the past two weeks
Flyers have been distributed to the schools
We need to send out an e-mail that Friday is BYF day. All BYF athletes should wear some form of Bethel clothing to School.
Signs need to be put up all over town.
Recruit, Recruit, Recruit……
Upcoming events:
Next Meeting April 11th 8:00pm municipal center
Coaches meeting April 12th 8:00pm at BHS multipurpose room
2nd sign-up April 28th 9-1 Municipal center
3rd sign-up May 19th 9-1 municipal center
Discussion on Tiger sports option for fashion. More to be discussed
Adjourned: 9:07pm