The second meeting of the committee formed by DoT consisting of S/Shri. P.K.Saha, DDG (SR), N.K.Yadav, DDG(SU), A.K.Das, DDG (ESTT) & P.K.Sinha DDG(TPF) from DoT, Shri Shakeel Ahmad, DDG(SR), BSNL and Com.V.A.N.Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU was held at Sanchar Bhawan on 14th September 2007.
The committee reviewed the action taken on the discussion held on 07.09.2007.
- Pension to BSNL Employees
The case after deliberation will be furnished to Secretary, DoT.
2.Settlement of disciplinary Cases
Eight cases have been settled by now. Other 43 cases alsowill be settled within one month. General Secretary, BSNLEU stated that there are more cases either yet to reach DoT or nor send at all. The CGMs should be addressed to forward the pending cases. Union can also bring pending cases to the notice of DoT.
3.Increase in Minimum Bonus to Rs.10,000/-
DoT Officers stated that BSNL has been authorized to decide about Bonus vide Letter No. 11-18/2003-SU.II(Pt.) dated 10.09.2007 in response to BSNL Letter No. 1-96/06-PAT(BSNL) dated 07.08.2007, reiterating that “respective PSUs may handle their PLI issue by following the broad guidelines issued by Department of Public Enterprises (DPE). This supersedes all the previous guidelines issued on PLI by the department”.
4.Grant of Lineman pay scales to the officials qualified in 2nd Screening Test.
BSNL has referred the matter to DoT. Dot assured to re-examine the case of granting Lineman pay scale to the officials passed in the second Screening Test.
5.Removal of 16-26 years restriction for OTBP/BCR to SC/ST Officials
The impact of the court cases is being examined.
6.Protsahan Batta in Naxalite areas.
Matter is under examination.
7.Date of effect of upgraded pay scale on completion of 26 years
BSNL will submit the case after assessing the financial implication.
The next meeting will be held on 21st September 2007 at 1430 hrs.
BSNL Employees Union has taken up the issue of early settlement of disciplinary cases of DoT officials who have opted for BSNL, in the committee formed by Secretary, DoT consisting of officers of DoT and BSNL and also General Secretary, BSNLEU.
DoT has assured early settlement of cases pending with them. However, it seems many cases are yet to be forwarded by CGMs to DoT. There are some other cases where clarifications have been sought by DoT from Circles.
We have to ensure that all cases are forwarded to DoT immediately. You are requested to take up the case with CGMT / GMT to ensure that this is done. Further they should collect the particulars and intimate CHQ, BSNLEU, the names of officials who have opted for BSNL and disciplinary cases against whom are yet to be finalized, so that General Secretary can bring the cases to the notice of Committee for settlement.
General Secretary