17 August 2017

Roads to Recovery funding strengthening New England economy

The Federal Coalition Governmentdelivers $16.7 million for Roads to Recovery projects across the New England.

•Investment will support the region's economy, allowing local business owners to get goods to market quicker.

The Federal Coalition Government has confirmed more than $16.7 million for Roads to Recovery projectsacross the ten local council areas in the New England Electorate, Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, said today.

Funding from the Roads to Recovery Programme is provided to all local government authorities to assist them maintain and upgrade their local roads. The Australian Government will provide $4.4 billion to the Programme from 2013-14 to 2020-21.

In 2016, the Government extended the Programme to provide a further $50 million per annum from 2019-20 onwards, bringing the annual commitment to $400 million.

Mr Joyce said the upgrades and improvements provided by the programme would facilitate the movement of goods via the road network creating a stronger local economy for residents.

“The Roadsto Recovery programmeis critical to allowing local councils to build and improve local road infrastructure and the $16.7 million allocated to the councils located in the New England Electorate will improve connectivity, productivity, and liveability for local people,” Mr Joyce said.

“This Government is serious about improving the lives of people in rural and regional areas and by providing funding for roads that allows improvements in the flow of goods and services we are ensuring this happens through the strengthening of local economies.”

The $16.7 million for Roads to Recovery projects across the 10 councils in the New England Electorate includes:

  • Armidale Regional Council ($2.16 million);
  • Glen Innes Severn Council ($1.2 million);
  • Gwydir Shire Council ($1.77 million);
  • Inverell Shire Council ($1.8 million);
  • Liverpool Plains Shire Council ($1.2 million);
  • Tamworth Regional Council ($3.68 million);
  • Tenterfield Shire Council ($1.48 million);
  • Upper Hunter Shire Council ($1.7 million)
  • Uralla Shire Council ($859,565); and



  • Walcha Council ($814,440).

Some of the projects that are funded in the 2017-18 financial year in the New England under the programme include the following:

  • $650,000 for Armidale Regional Council to rehabilitate, widen and seal a length of 1.5km Booralong Road, Armidale, from Weirs Road;
  • $350,000 for Glen Innes Severn Council for rehabilitation, reshaping, stabilisation or replacement, sealing and improving drainage of Glen Legh Road;
  • $279,400 for Gwydir Shire Council - to create an all-weather wearing surface including drainage works on Bore Road near Croppa Creek Road;
  • $380,000 for Upper Hunter Shire Council to install a new storm water reticulation system, the replacement and renewal of existing kerb and gutter and the rehabilitation of the road pavement on Susan Street, Scone at the intersection of Guernsey Street to the intersection with Aberdeen Street;
  • $450,000 Uralla Shire Council for works on the base gravel and bitumen seal and the realignment of Bingara Road.

Armidale Regional Council’s Chief Executive Officer Peter Dennis welcomed news of the Roads to Recovery funding.

“This funding is great news for the region and enables Council to deliver on our promise to improve the local road network,” said Mr Dennis.

“It complements our own budget allocations and enables Council to maintain and upgrade our roads – ensuring thoroughfares are open for trade, tourism and the safe travels of our community.”

For a prescriptive list of current and future projects under Roads to Recovery, visit: