Regina Mundi School Advisory Council (CSAC)
Minutes of Meeting
Monday October 28, 2013 @ 6:40pm
CSAC elected members:
Kim Abdool, Rita Aretusi, Rosalba Bellantone, Franca Belsito, Cristina D’Ambrosio, Sue De Freitas, Pamela Demesa, Louise Dowie, Rosanna Foti, Sonya Lazzer, Nancy Montesano, Lori Pressello, Liz Trombino, Rose Whittaker
Regrets: Elizabeth Cerqueira, Veronica Gheorghiade, Antonella Lumia, Mirella Murdocca
School Representatives:
Ms. Maggiacomo, Ms. Cianchetti, Mr. Conte, Mr. Borg, Ms. Sauro, Ms. Bot, Ms Testani
Non-Elected Members: Sonia Capozzolo
Declaration Of Quorum: Yes
Approval Of Minutes: Lori Pressello and Nancy Montesano
Approval Of Agenda: Rose Whittaker and Rosalba Bellantone
Principal’s Report:
- The virtue of the month will continue to be posted on the bulletin board outside the library
- We collected $4,153.85 for the Walkathon. Of this $400 was donated to the Terry Fox Foundation
- October's dress down collected $272.25 for the Angel Foundation
- November's dress down day will support the Relief Aid in the Philippines as per the Archdiocese request
- October 31 is dress down for the Halloween dance-a-thon. A $2 donation is being requested
- On November 22 there will be a school mass
- On November 20 there will be a Safety School Symposium at Monte Casino. A team of 2 parents (Mrs. Trombino and Ms. Belantone), 2 students (from the Student Council) and 1 teacher (Ms Sacchetti) and 1 administrator (Ms. Cianchetti) will be attending.
- Continue to focus on our goals for Reading, Math and Catholicity
- Regina is on District Review. There is a focus on learning goals, success criteria and descriptive criteria
- EQAO results reviewed. There was a drop in Math at Regina and also across the province. The summary will be included in the November newsletter. There will be more in-services for math.
- Progress reports to go home on November 12 and parent-teacher interviews will be held on the evening on November 14 and morning of November 15.
- Officer Terry had to reschedule her presentation. The rescheduled date will coincide with a lock down drill.
- Initiatives to support our goals were included in the current proposed budget and include listening centers, math manipulatives, and math workshops
Chairs Report:
- There is a People for Education Workshop this Saturday
- There is a Angel Foundation Noel Gala on November 15
- TAPCE's first meeting will be held on November 18 our TAPCE rep will attend
- There is a Sharelife Poster Contest which is due November 22
- At Mr. Giancola's retirement dinner, a book will be donated to the library in his name
- Sonya emailed the members a CSAC Draft policy from the Board for review. Any comments must be sent to Sonya by noon on Wednesday October 30. One collective response will be sent by Sonya at the end of this week.
- The Principal CSAC Workshop in October was well attended and very informative
Treasurer’s Report:
- As of September 30, 2013 our balance is $1,986.25
- There is an ongoing running total
- To add is the May/June Lunch Lady and CSAC specialty lunches
- The Executive met to come up with a draft budget
- The draft budget was presented
- There was a question regarding funds for the Christmas advent event. This year Regina will be hosting a Christmas Night at Dante instead (tentative date - December 11). Discussing option of attendees receiving a "loot bag" treat instead which will be paid for by the school budget.
- Cristina D'Ambrosio suggested that technology should be the focus now to ensure we get it this school year.
- Additional funds from Specialty Lunches and QSP will have to be add to the bank balance
- Mirella, via Liz, has asked to increase the CSAC Specialty lunches to 2 times a month. Ms. Maggiacomo will consider this and let us know. There cannot be another dress down day associated with the Specialty lunches.
- There is an understanding, as part of these minutes, to revisit the proposed budget as additional funds becomes available so they can be spent this school year on technology
- Unanimous vote to approve the budget as presented (copy attached)
- Sonya received an email for the CSAC Trustee with a list of grants available
- Rosanna Foti agreed to take the list and review to see what we can apply for
- Grant list also provided to Lori Pressello for fundraising purposes
Fundraising & Community Involvement:
- To date fundraising from QSP grossed $10,343 which will net us a profit of approximately $3,500.
- For the Christmas Plant Sale, the delivery date will be December 5. More details to follow.
- Movie Nights are being considered. Possibly one for the primary ages and one for the older ages
- Suggestion to have a Family Skate day at Glen Long
- Pamela Demesa offered her services for a Family Yoga Class night. Ms. Maggiacomo will look into this for liability concerns.
- Nancy Montesano suggested a Christmas Vendor Day. Vendors set up in the gym selling gifts for children to buy. This idea is already being done by the Grade 8 for their fundraising.
- Lori Pressello looked into a Gift Card Fundraiser. The return is 3% to 5% depending on the domination of the card and type of card.
- Acorn greeting cards is still an option
- A vote was taken to choose between Acorn greeting cards and Gift Cards. There were 8 votes for Acorn greeting cards and zero for the Gift Cards. Some members abstained from voting. The Acorn greeting cards will be done in the Spring.
Spiritual & Faith Development:
- No report
Education Improvement:
- Request to change the time from 6:30 to 7:00pm to our monthly CSAC on the same night. CSAC meeting will be from 6:15pm to 7:00pm.
- Rita will email the speaker to confirm the time change
- Rita to provide Sonya the flyer the week so it can go out with the November newsletter
Health & Safety:
- Issue re: outdoor lighting at the gym door
- Ms. Maggiacomo to approach the School Board re: issue
Parent Communication:
- Currently there are 149 parents and 14 teachers on the email listing
Meeting adjourned: 8:30pm