Date: Monday, January 13th, 2014

Start Time: 6:45 pm

Location: Library, LWPS


Lynda Hill (Principal)
Leon Barton (Vice Principal)
Sam Doubleday (Teacher)
Christine Erwin
Erin O’Brien
Anne Marie Kirkness
Yvonne Yan
Kathrine Mabley / Godfrey Greaves
Christos Babalis
Kristen Ramasra (Herre)
Koren Glenn
Doris Kokkinis Davidson
Nicolle Groff-Mainella
Leigh Mounsey


Archana Malik (via email)
Tamara Misevski* (via email) / Holden Pan (via email)
Lital Oz
1.  Comments and Adoption from the December 2nd, 2013 Meeting
Christine put forward a motion to approve the minutes.
Doris Seconded
None Apposed
Motion Carried / Christine Erwin
2.  Treasurers Report
Yvonne handed out copies of the December 2013 Treasurer’s Report. Total Direct Donations ended at $7, 275.00. Congratulations to all for their efforts on a successful Fundraising initiative. Notes in the margin of the report were clarified. Total funds available to disperse are $9,786.44 after actual and accrual expenses.
Christine put forward a motion to approve the December Treasurers Report.
Erin Seconded
None Opposed
Motion carried / Yvonne Yan
3.  Chairs Report
Wish List
Discussions centered around the remaining items on the “Wish List for School Council, 2013-2014 (November 4, 2013)” list provided in the November meeting by L. Hill.
-Technology cost sharing ($2500.00) has been covered by the school and no longer needs funding from school council.
-The Kindergarten requests (Math books $305.00, Poster Packs $260.00, and various toys $313.35) has also been funded by the school and no longer needs funding from school council.
-The Art Kits ($3000.00) request will be put off until we have additional information.
-The Math Kits ($2500.00) request is not considered a “high priority” item at this time and the school has put in extra funds for this request, so it too will be put off for now.
-The Musical Instruments request ($4260.55) is considered a high priority item.
-The Career Day request ($1000.00) is considered a high priority.
-The Literacy week request ($1000.00) and the Ottawa trip subsidy ($1000.00) are also considered high priority.
Action Item: -The Borrow a Book request ($3000.00) was discussed and the Administration team felt that a more exact figure would be much less, approx. $400.00 to $500.00. Council agreed to fund this request “in principal”, but will hold an email vote on the exact amount required, once exact details are obtained from the school. School Council has funded this specific type of request for the last 2 years. Council felt it was a very worthwhile request.
Christine put forward a motion to approve funding of $7,260.55 to be directed towards The Musical Instruments, Career Day, Literacy Week and Ottawa Trip subsidy.
Erin Seconded
None Opposed
Motion carried
This will leave a balance of $2525.89 in the School Council Budget.
Parking Lot – Safe Drop off
Due to weather circumstances, the situation in the parking lot and loop has been extremely difficult. It was noted however, that since last Thursday, the drop off situation in the parking lot and loop was much improved. The addition of administrative staff and teachers helping at peak times has greatly assisted in making the automobile flow more efficient and has greatly improved the safety environment for the children. Council would like to extend our sincere thanks to the staff for their assistance with this. Discussion ensued on how to further alleviate the congestion; however, no other additional ideas were determined to be followed up on at this time. / Christine Erwin
4.  Principal and Vice Principals Report
L. Hill handed out “Administrators’ Notes – Jan. 13, 2014.
Upcoming School events are noted as:
Movie Day – Wed. Jan. 29. Children will watch movies, and the teachers will engage in Professional Development activities centered on Math. A flyer for the day was handed out.
Electives Day – Thurs. Feb. 6th.
Ottawa Trip – Thurs. Feb. 6th. For grades 7 &8
Winter Olympic games – to be held week of Feb. 10-14th , perhaps on the Tues.
Mathletes – for Grades 3 4 on Thurs. Feb. 27th. Children during the day with parents included in the evening.
Swim to Survive – for grade 3 during February.
Yoga – for grades 2-5 held currently through April on Wednesday’s at lunch. The program has been very well received by the students.
Hockey- Team has begun practicing for this season.
Report Cards to go home Thurs. Feb 13th. Learning skills Certificates will be awarded for those students gaining 21 points or more. Honour Roll Reception to be held on Feb. 21st for those students gaining 80% or more.
Administration staff and teachers continue to focus on Math improvements, including how to encourage a more positive scenario at home for math from the parents. They will also be creating a working document “The First 20 days in Math” that will outline objectives (Steps for Success) for teachers to follow to assist students in being ready for the first 20 days of school for the following year.
Staff outlined their concerns about the parking lot situation, including how they have engaged the schools contractor and the Town in improving plowing to help alleviate the congestion. The schools caretaking staff and the superintendent are also involved in this process.
Literacy Week – Discussion centered on the possibility of a “Used Book Sale” to be held during the week of March 3-6th. It was determined that school council will spearhead this initiative. L. Mounsey offered to organize this for council. Books are to be submitted by Feb. 21st.
Action Item: L. Mounsey to organize event including, request volunteers, prepare a flyer to request for books to be donated, etc. / Mrs. Hill
Mr. Barton
5.  Subcommittee Reports
i)  Communication (Council’s Corner, Website, Bulletin Board and Direct Donation Letter)
Nothing new to report.
ii)  Activities
Skate Day- Terrific event held last Friday. The weather was perfect and approx. 200 students and family members attended. We ran out of hot chocolate. The stingray tattoos were a great hit, and assisted in identifying LWPS participants. There was a total of $7 received in donations at the event.
Toboggan Day – Potentially to be held Jan. 26th, weather permitting on the hills behind the school.
Basketball Game night – Feb. 13th. To include parents, but school must be notified in advance so that they can provide enough notice to an outside group that we will be using the gym that night.
Other events tentatively scheduled are March – hockey game tickets, April – Bowling night, May – parent/student/council baseball game.
iii)  Parent Engagement –
Fresh Air Health Fair - It was confirmed that there will be a Fun Fair this year, and council would like to be included. Yvonne and Koren will get back to council once they have spoken to Margaret Burns about inclusion in the Fair.
Mathletes – We will need volunteers for this event, however, we don’t know just how many will be required, until we know much clearer how many parents/students will be attending. Mr. Barton will send out the first flyer requesting RSVP on Feb. 1st. The Grant for this program awarded us $1000.00 with $900.00 going to the program. That will leave $100.00 for refreshments. The organizing committee feels that they may need to ask council for additional funds for refreshments, but this will be dependant on the number of attendees.
iv)  Constitution -
Nothing to report. / K. Mabley
Christos Babalis
Yvonne Yan
6.  Action Items Report
Item No. / Date / Description (Notes) / Owner / Date Completed
1.  / Nov 4 / Fundraisers Coordinate record keeping of the cheques received in Direct Donation to analyze the campaign for future use / O’Brien / Jan 2014
2.  / Dec 2 / You’re the Chef Will get additional details on program (February training schedule, talk to Volunteer coordinator about getting a “lead” parent volunteer, / Yan
3.  / Dec 2 / Communications Prepare “Thank you” to be announced at Christmas Concert, included in Newsletter, and on bulletin board / Mabley
4.  / Jan 13 / Council To vote via email on approving the funding to Borrow a Book upon receiving details as to amount required / O’Brien
5.  / Jan 13 / Fundraising Organize and hold the “Used Book Sale” during Literacy Week (March 3-6th) / Mounsey
/ All
7. New Business
You’re the Chef – Still tentative for a February date. The templates (for organizing the event) are on the website and are great. Yvonne handed out information pamphlets which outline specific recipes used, requirements for equipment etc. We still need to determine a “leader” for this initiative, before it can proceed.
Art Club – S. Doubleday expressed his thanks for councils support for the Art Club. With our funding the group was able to purchase materials to produce two wonderful Native art teepees. They are currently on display in the library. Suggestions were received on where else these could be displayed including the Board office, and the Oak Ridges Community Centre. / Yvonne Yan

Meeting adjourned 8:35 pm

Christine put a motion forward to adjourn the meeting.

Kathrine Seconded

None Opposed

Motion carried

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