26 September 2005

USAFSAM Commander’s Conference Room

Brooks City-Base, TX


Col Rick BachmannVice President

LtCol Steven HetrickSecretary

Maj Brian PinkstonExecutive Officer

Col Ces FerrerElected Member 05

ColRob YohoElected Member 04

LtCol Karen HeupelChair, Program Committee

Maj Doug FilesChair, History and Archives Committee

Col Ken KnightChair, Constitution and By-Laws

LtCol Jeanine CzechFlightlines Staff

Major EggerstromRepresenting ANG for Lt Col Gaul


Col Chuck FisherPresident (on emergency leave)

Col Tim JexTreasurer (by oversight, was not informed of meeting)

Col Randall FalkElected Member 05

Col Dale TidabackElected Member 05

Col(ret) Arne HasselquistElected Member 04 (non current email address used)

Col Vince MichaudElected Member 04

Col Jim StewartChair, Nominations (on leave)

LtCol HayesChair, Awards Committee

LtCol SiedleckiChair, Membership Committee (non current email address)

LtCol LawsonChair, Reinartz Education and Training Committee

LtCol CoakwellChair, Resolutions

Maj BorchardtWebmaster

Col SelvaggiAFRC

Col (ret) Romi RichardsonPast President 04-05

MGen Bruce GreenPast President 03-04

BGen Lloyd DoddPast President 02-03

1. Standard Agenda Items

a. Call to Order: The Society President, Col Fisher had planned to call into the meeting from emergency leave, but was unable to do so. The Vice President, Col Bachmann chaired the meeting in his place and called the meeting to order at 1110 CDT. Roll call was conducted telephonically and a minimum quorum was present. The meeting agenda is included as Attachment 1.

b. Review of Previous Minutes: Lt Col Steven Hetrick summarized the minutes of the January 2005 Board of Governors meeting and May 2005 Annual Business Luncheon. Lt Col Knight pointed out the Business Lunch minutes were not posted on the website. This item was passed to Major Pinkston for correction. There were no comments or issues raised and the minutes were approved as written. (CLOSED)

c. Secretary’s Report: LtCol Hetrick reported he received a transition brief from the outgoing Secretary, Col O’Brien and is expecting a CD containing archived material.

d. Treasurer’s Report: Col Jex ‘s report is attached (see attachment 4).

e. Committee Reports:

(1) Awards: Committee not represented.

(2) Constitution and By-Laws: Col Knight briefed the Board that the bylaws had been amended to allow the president or any other officer to remain in office to complete a term after active duty retirement. There are no new issues.

(3) History and Archives: Maj Files updated the Board on his developing collection of digitalized historical aeromedical photos accompanied by descriptive text. He asked for guidance on the project on whether to develop as a web-based product or hardcopy pamphlet. After some discussion, Maj Files will advertise his initiative in a future edition of Flightlines. Feedback from the readership may additionally characterize interest levels in this endeavor.

(4) Membership: In LtCol Siedlecki’s absence , Maj Pinkston spoke for the committee. He stated membership stood at 642. There were 22 new members obtained from the Aerospace Medicine Primary course. Although membership numbers have been stable, there remains a problem with lapsing dues. AsMA continues to provide pizza and soft drinks at the Society luncheons held for the AMP students.

Following the meeting, LtCol Siedlecki was contacted, who provided additional information on membership. Due to a current problem located on the Society webpage member search function, membership component levels are of questionable accuracy. The committee chair’s current numbers (complete report attached) include 426 active members, 57 active life members, 60 subscription only, 58 provisional members, 61 emeritus members, 6 emeritus life members, 3 honorary members, and 11 organizational recipients of the newsletter. (OPEN, LtCol Siedlecki/Maj Pinkston).

(5) Program: Lt Col Heupel queried the group for ideas concerning potential speakers at AsMA in 2006. Lt Col Czech offered up a suggestion to consider inviting Dr. Russ Raymanto talk about his experience with the repatriation of Vietnam Prisoners of War.

(6) Reinartz Education and Training: Lt Col Czech briefed the Board on the recent purchase of mishap guides. Lt Col Lawson worked directly with Col Fisher and the treasurer to obtain additional copies. Even though a new update is being worked on by the current 2nd year RAM class, additional copies of the previous edition are required for AMP graduates this year.

(7) Resolutions: Committee not represented.

(8) Webmaster: The function was represented by Maj Pinkston, who commented Majors Sarnow and Frey were assisting Maj Borchardt in maintaining the Society’s website. Back issues of Flightlines are available on the website.

Col Bachmann informed the Board of Governors USAFSAM had been tasked by the Aerospace Medicine Corporate Board to investigate and propose a solution for single-point flight surgeon access to a comprehensive aerospace medicine information website. He stated that the School’s “Flight Surgeon’s Clue Bag” is a good start, but envisions the single point access site to have better organizational structure and a more comprehensive build. This site would have an email function to USAFSAM to easily accommodate field queries.

(9) Nominating: Committee not represented.

(10) AFRC: Component not represented.

(11): ANG: Lt Col Eggerstrom stated there were no new issues.

2. Old Business

a. Lack of Award Nominees: The general consensus of the Board on this topic was that lack of award nominees continues to be a recurring problem. Col Bachmann recommended this topic be moved into the recurring agenda. (MOVED TO STANDARD AGENDA, OPEN TO LtCol Hayes).

b. Binding of Jones and Marsh Report: Lt Col Lawson was not present to fully brief the Board on this issue. The report, titled“The Role of the Flight Surgeon in Support of Combat Operations”is potentially being printed by AirUniversity. This initiative was being pursued by Dr. Roy Marsh at USAFSAM.

Following the meeting, Lt Col Hetrick contacted Dr. Marsh telephonically for an update. Dr. Marsh explained that Dr. David Jones pursued publishing the report with AirUniversity, but was not successful. The Smithsonian was also queried, but turned down the project due to its concern the report would appeal to only a niche audience. Lt Col Paul Nelson (prior Flightlines editor) had briefed BrigGen Travis on the project, who is querying the Air Force Historian office to see if it is interested in publishing. Dr. Marsh believes this option is unlikely and will probably fall back onto the Society to decide if it wants to publish it. The current report is in Tech Report format, on Word, without images, and is 185 pages in length. (OPEN, Reinharz Committee)

c. AnnualState of the Flight Surgeon Report: Major Pinkston briefed the Board of Governors on the triennial cycle involving flight surgeon surveys, MTF commander surveys, and lastly, line commander surveys. Col Yoho stated that the MTF commander survey had been overseen, interpreted, and published by Col Bill Nelson in Flightlines. Col Bachmann commented that General Taylor’s charge had been pretty clear on the AnnualState of the Flight Surgeon Report. (extracting from BOG minutes 9/04—“The Society’s role is to provide membership a chance to talk to the AF/SG”; and “the Society represents the membership and not Headquarters AF”. Major Pinkston indicated the flight surgeon survey could be “made active” relatively easily and would do so. (OPEN, Exec Officer)

d. B-2 Static Tour (Post event report): Col Bachmann reported the B-2 tour had been a successful add on to the 2005 AsMA meeting at Kansas City. Approximately 30 people took advantage of the opportunity at Whiteman AFB. He added that future sites of the annual meeting may offer similar attractions to an aerospace medicine audience. (INFO)

e. Tenure of Society Officers: As discussed above during committee reviews, the bylaws were amended to reflect the change allowing officers to complete their normal term following active duty retirement. (CLOSED).

f. International Members: LtCol Hetrick spoke with Col Kleinsmith before the meeting on this item. Col Kleinsmith is proposing Flightlines be available electronically for international associate members. Lt Col Czech stated the Board of Governors has been reluctant to offer an electronic version since there are no limits to access, and reading the current issue of Flightlines would no longer be a perquisite of membership. Col Farrer suggested password protecting the electronic access. Major Pinkston added that back issues are available electronically and the previous decision to offer only a paper version predated the high quality website. The Flightlines editor and executive officer will research further and report next meeting on the electronic posting of the current issue of Flightlines. (OPEN, LtCol Czech)

g. Membership Incentives: LtCol Siedlecki was not present. At the January meeting, Lt Col Siedlecki discussed incentives such as offering a discounted initial membership, a complimentary flight surgeon’s checklist. Col Bachmann pointed out that the Board of Governors may want to reconsider what it might do with its membership revenue aside from awarding incentives to members. One such idea would be to establish a scholarship fund or endowment. He suggested we consider the current price scheme we have implemented for membership dues, coins, and logo products and ponder on what we determine to be the purpose of Society profits. (OPEN, LtCol Siedlecki).

3. New Business:

a. Social Planning for AsMA 2006, Orlando: As was already briefed by Lt Col Heuple, ideas are welcomed for guest speaker in Orlando. Lt Col Hetrick mentioned Col Fisher’s concern that the site for the luncheon and social are fairly distant from the main conference area. (OPEN, Program Committee)

b. Flightlines Copyright Query: Lt Col Czech summarized two recent queries to reprint articles on alcohol and the aviator. In these cases the authors gave their consent to have the articles reproduced, and Col Fisher permitted the Flightlineseditor to release the article. On a recurring basis however, we might wish to establish a standardized approach to this issue. Col Knight stated in his review of copyright law, any material that is published effectively becomes copyrighted by the publisher (in the case of Flightlines, that would be the Society.) Queries on having articles reproduced would require the editor to refer back to the author. Additional comments included the idea of adding a footer to Flightlines expressing this process. Col Bachmann was hesitant to go to a blanket policy and suggested legal advice be obtained. Col Yoho recommend Lt Col Czech contact one of the Society members who has publishing experience and whose spouse is a lawyer for advice on this issue. (OPEN, LtCol Czech).

c. Membership Dues Increase: Related to membership incentives, and the previous discussion on Society priorities for profits, the assembled group was unable to offer further clarity on this item in Col Fisher’s absence. Item is deferred until next meeting. (OPEN, Col Fisher).

d. Budgetary Issues: Similar to the last item, Col Fisher had specifics he wished to address on the budget. Item is deferred until next meeting. (OPEN, Col Fisher).

4. Next Meeting: Col Bachmann suggest the next Board of Governors meet in mid to late January, time and date to be determined.

5. Adjournment: Col Bachmann commented on the suboptimal turnout for this meeting and urged members to make sure their areas are at least represented if they themselves can’t make the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 1205.

Respectively submitted,

Steven M. HetrickCharles Fisher



1. Meeting Agenda

2. Membership Committee Report

3. Reinartz Committee Report

4. Treasurer’s Report

Attachment One




USAFSAM, Commander’s Conference Rm, 1100 CDT, 26 September

Brooks City-Base, TX

1. Call to order, opening remarks, and attendance roll call—Col Fisher

2. Review of January 2005 Board of Governors Meeting Minutes—LtCol Hetrick

3. Secretary’s Report—Lt Col Hetrick

4. Treasurer’s Report—Col Jex

5. Committee Reports

a. Awards—LtCol Hayes

b. Constitution and By-Laws—Col Knight

c. History and Archives—Maj Files

d. Membership—LtCol Siedlecki

e. Program—LtCol Heupel

f. Reinartz Ed & Training—LtCol Lawson

g. Resolutions—LtCol Coakwell

h. Nominations—Col Stewart

i. Web Master—Maj Borchardt

j. AFRC—Col Selvaggi

j. ANG—LtColGaul

6. Old Business:

a. Lack of Award Nominees, (Jan 05 Item 2a and earlier minutes)—Open to Lt Col Hayes.

b. Binding of Jones and Marshall Report, (Jan 05, Item 2d and earlier minutes)—Open to Lt Col Lawson.

c. Annual State of Flight Surgeon Report, (Sept 04, Item 2g and earlier—Open to Maj Pinkston.

d. B-2 Static Tour, AsMA 2005, Sep 04, Item 2i), post event summary—Open to Col Bachman.

e. Tenure of Society Officers (post retirement), Sep 04, Item 3a)—Open to Col Knight.

f. International members, (Sep 04, Item 3d)—Open to Col Kleinsmith

g. Membership incentives, (Jan 05, Item 3a—Open to Lt Col Siedlecki.

7. New Business:

a. SOUSAFFS Social planning for AsMA 2006, Orlando

b. Flightlines copyright query

c. Membership dues increase

d. Budgetary issues:

8. Adjournment

Attachment 2


BOX 35387

BROOKS AFB, TX 78235-5387

30 September 2005


Re: Report of the Membership Committee, September 2005


Due to a current problem located on the society’s “Admin Only – Member Search" webpage, the following membership report was generated indirectly from the society’s automated “Admin – Members Report” webpage. Comparisons were made with data from May 2005.

The society membership level is currently at 682 members. This is an increase of 27 members since May 2005. There was an increase of 13 active members, 5 active life members, 3 emeritus members, 2 subscription members, and 2 organizational recipients of the newsletter. There was a decrease of 1 provisional member.

Membership trends cannot be provided at this time. The membership components are in question because of inequalities within the membership program. Membership numbers and component numbers do not equate.

Our current membership based on Member Status is as follows:

Delta May 05Delta Jan 05

Active Members: 426+13+20

Active Life Members57 +5+2

Subscription Only: 60+2-3

Provisional Members: 58 -1+3

Emeritus 61 +3+2

Emeritus Life Members6

Honorary Members: 3

Organizational Recipients of the Newsletter: 11+2

TOTAL:682 +27+24

//Original signed//

Chung Siedlecki, LtCol, USAF MC, SFS

Membership Chairman

Attachment Three

30 September 2005



SUBJECT: Reinartz Committee report for SOUSAFFS Board minutes

  1. Old business:
  1. Binding of Jones and Marshall Report has been declined by the AirUniversity and the Smithsonian. The Air Force Historian's Office is considering publishing the report but their answer is still pending.
  1. Annual renewal of the memorandum of agreement with the Brooks Heritage Foundation (BHF) is pending finalization before submission for signing.
  1. SOUSAFFS split the cost (travel, lodging and van rental) of sending Brooks Heritage Foundation to the last ASMA conference. Ms. Klein deducted the society’s obligation from the total profits from that trip.
  1. The cost of the Flight Surgeon’s Checklist was raised by $7.00 for a new cost of $42.00 just prior to May ’05 ASMA conference. The increased revenue goes to SOUSAFFS.
  1. COL Les Folio has requested permission from SOUSAFFS to sell his book, Aerospace Medicine Board Essentials, via BHF. Previous concerns had been a potential conflict of interest with our non profit status. We have contacted JAG at Brooks City-Base. Their input is pending.
  1. New Business:
  1. A new edition of the Mishap Guide is currently being worked on by the RAM ’07 class. Estimated completion date will not be until after the next ASMA conference. In the interim we have purchased 200 Mishap Guides from the current edition.
  1. Will we be splitting the cost of sending BHF to the next ASMA meeting in 2006? We anticipate an even greater profit margin based upon projected attendance.


Acting Chair, Reinartz Committee

Attachment Four


BOX 35387

BROOKS AFB, TX 78235-5387

22 November 2005


TO:Board of Governors

SUBJECT:Treasurer’s Report

  1. As of 22 November 2005, the balances of the Society Accounts were as follows:

Account / 28 Apr 2005 / 22 Nov 2005 / Interval Change
Cash on hand / $236.02 / $103.77 / (132.25)
Money Market Checking Account / $8,246.12 / $6405.71 / ($1840.41)
Reinartz Checking Account / $6,867.42 / $9707.08 / $2839.66
Total Financial Assets: / $15,349.56 / $16,216.56 / $867.00
  1. Cash flow during this period was:

Dues / $7690.26
Interest / $32.46
Social Ticket Sales / $2095.00
Kelsey-Siebold Donation / $2000.00
Brooks Heritage Foundation / $5384.70
Total Income: / $17202.42
AsMA Social / $4016.32
Webpage / $176.93
BOG Breakfast / $414.81
Flight Surgeon Checklists / $2724.50
Polo Shirts / $966.00
Awards / $1680.70
SOUSAFFS Lunch / $358.47
Speaker Fees/Honorarium / $829.02
BHF Expenses / $632.03
Credit Card Fees / $262.44
Newsletter / $3938.18
Misc / $100.00
Total Expenses: / $16099.40
Net Gain(Loss): / $1103.02

3. For the period covered in this report, income slightly exceeded expenses and we remain solvent.

Respectfully submitted,


Timothy T. Jex, Col, USAF, MC, CFS
