Meeting MINUTES of Governing Board for Peach Springs Unified School District
Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 6:00 pm
Peach Springs Unified School District #8- Governing Board of Education
403 Diamond Creek Road (Elementary School)
Peach Springs, Arizona 86434
Pursuant to A.R.S. $ 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Governing Board and the Public that the board will hold a meeting open to the public on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 6:00 p.m., in the Governing Board meeting room, Peach Springs Unified School District No.8, 403 Diamond Creek Road (Peach Springs Elementary School), in Peach Springs, Arizona. Information regarding agenda items, with the exception of materials relating to Executive Sessions, may be reviewed in the District Administrative Offices located at 403 Diamond Creek Road, Peach Springs, Arizona.The Governing Board of the Peach Springs Unified School District #8 may vote to meet in executive session intermittently throughout the meeting pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03, to review and discuss certain matters which are marked by an asterisk(*). Additionally, the Board may vote to go into Executive Session on any matter listed on the agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A) (3), for discussion or legal advice from the Board’s attorney, which may occur via person or telephone. Any Executive Session discussions will not be open to the public. However, all Board decisions will be made in the open public meeting.
If any disabled person needs any type of accommodation, please notify administration at (928) 769-9034 prior to the time scheduled for the meeting. All members of the public wishing to address the Board are required to sign the attendance sign-in sheet and complete a Public Comment form. Board members of the Peach Springs Unified School District may attend either in person or, when necessary, by telephone, video conferencing, or internet conferencing.
I. CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 pm
IV. ROLL CALL Emma Tapija- I, Roger Mueller- I, Michelle Zephier- I, Shawna Havatone - absent
V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Emma Tapija made motion to approve agenda and Roger Mueller second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
VI. Approval of Governing Board Meeting Minutes:
1. May 9, 2016 -While reviewing board minutes and discussion, Roger Mueller requested that mention of the Nazi lesson activities be mentioned in the prior board May 9th meeting minutes for Cameron Shepherd’s classroom. With that note included, Emma Tapaji motioned to approve prior board meeting minutes and Roger Mueller second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
VII. CALL TO THE PUBLIC (This is the time that the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not on the agenda. Therefore, action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter of scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.)
No comments were presented to the board.
1. Discussion and possible action to approve Envision K-8 Math program for next year based on student, staff, administration, ADE coaches, parent survey for past month in the board room
Ms Cole reviewed the three math programs that had input from teachers, students, and parents/community and recommended Envision K-8 Math because of the software and differentiated level options for interventions to increase academics. She will ask if they can include PD in their bid or work something out that My Math was willing to help with. Emma made motion to approve Envision K-8 math and Roger Mueller second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
2. Discussion and possible action to approve $500 retention stipend for certified teachers that worked half the year from January-May 2016: (note two full year teachers were approved $1000 on May 9)
· Melissa Caton, 3rd grade teacher- $500
· Valerie Klaus, special education teacher- $500
· Cameron Shepherd, 8th grade teacher- $500
· Lea Shepherd, art teacher- $500
Note: Board approved retention stipend that was taken from title funds for amount of $4,000. On May 9th, $1,000 was board approved for both Amber Tripp and Crystal Tennessen. Instead of carrying over funding for next year’s teachers, the recommendation is to divide the $2,000 evenly between the four half year teachers to provide fair retention stipend for certified teachers that completed half year contracts.
Emma made motion to approve $500 retention stipend as was approved from ADE due to our teacher storage plan to recruit and retain teacher and Roger Mueller second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
3. Discussion and possible action to approve the prop 301 extra pay beyond contract salary that was board approved with the teacher evaluation from the beginning of the year for certified teachers pending teachers provide data documentation (full year and half year teachers):
· Crystal Tennessen, $5,000 (full year 4th grade teacher that provided documentation of student academic growth using Galileo pre/post assessment scores or individual portfolio)
· Amber Tripp, $5,000 (full year kindergarten teacher that provided documentation of student academic growth using DIBELS pre/post assessment this year for each student)
· Melissa Caton, $2,500 (1/2 year 3rd grade teacher that provided documentation of student academic growth using Galileo pre/post assessment scores or individual portfolio work samples)
· Cameron Shepherd, $2,500 (1/2 year 6-8 ELA teacher)
· Lea Shepherd $2,500 (1/2 year art teacher that provided pre/post art examples from students’ portfolio work)
· Valerie Klaus, $2,500 (1/2 year sped teacher that provided progress from students’ IEP goals)
Note: Although half year teachers were not present during pre and mid-year testing, 1st evaluation, or help with school-wide improvement plan development for ADE; ½ year teachers did complete 1 formal teacher evaluation, participated in at least 3 monthly parent activities, taught for at least 4 months, and were present for students’ Galileo post assessment.
Ms. Cole made it clear that funding amount listed was for amount possible for teachers that provided documented evidence of growth using district adopted testing such as DIBELS, Mind Play, Galileo, (pre-post test scores from August 2015- May 2016) and state tests from AZ Merit with the exception of art using work samples in a portfolio format and special education teacher using progress on IEP goals. The teacher funding component also includes evaluations on Danielson’s Framework Domain 1-4 (i.e., evaluation of teaching strategies, lessons/prep, professionalism, etc.). The listed amounts are what the teacher could qualify for based on teacher evaluations, pre/post student growth assessment scores. At the time of the May 24, 2016 board meeting, 5 out of 6 teachers provided evidence needed to earn the full $2,500 or $5,000 bonus looking at student growth scores and teacher evaluation. The funding amount is based on evidence is submitted and evidence on file. To protect confidentiality, individual student scores and teacher score were not discussed at this meeting although we can provide school wide data results. Ms. Michelle Zephier requested copy of graph data for next meeting and Ms. Cole stated she would be happy to email copy grade level results to her too once we receive AZ Merit scores shortly.
Emma made motion to approve Prop 301 funds pending the allowed and qualified amounts per teacher and Roger Mueller second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
4. Discussion and possible action to accept Jaime Cole, superintendent’s request to decline her yearly bonus (same requirement as teachers to offer bonus based on student academic achievement growth and evaluation) NOTE: Will decline accepting bonus but requesting funding amount be spent on ordering extra paint to remodel inside middle school hallway to provide clean building for students next year.
Emma stated that she is thankful of the efforts of Ms. Cole, regardless of prior meeting/community feedback because she has gone through a lot making needed changes for the school and she sees the hard work and focus she is making on what is best for kids. Emma made motion to approve Ms. Cole’s request to decline her yearly bonus and Roger Mueller second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
5. Discussion and possible action to revise Ed Cruz’s contract to $45,000 a year from $40,000 based on work schedule.
Michelle Zephier noted that he has already requested multiple pay increases and the rate of $40,000 is enough at this time. Roger Mueller also expressed he felt that $45,000 is too much he is requesting. Based on discussion, Michelle Zephier made motion not to accept increase of Mr. Ed Cruz’s contract for this year but may look at for next year and Roger Mueller second motion. All board members agreed to deny his request at this time.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 0, 0, 3
A. Superintendent’s Report (no Board action required)
1. Newsletter and updates (newsletter)
2. Student data DIBELS, Mind Play, Galileo (power point)
Ms. Cole reviewed update for the board and end of year successes and goals for next year as mentioned in the newsletter for May 2016. Scores were provided for in district assessment data although we will present AZ Merit in July 2016 with graph data per grade level.
B. Training and Travel
1. Discussion and possible action to approve teacher recruitment efforts
a. Discussion and possible action to approve retroactive recruitment teacher job fair travel for Mr. Mikhail Smallcanyon and Mr. Jeren Smallcanyon on Wednesday, May 18 in Phoenix, Arizona using title funds designed for recruitment efforts
b. Discussion and possible action to approve summer teacher recruitment efforts by administrators using title funds designed for recruitment efforts. (list of possible locations may vary depending on open recruitment options)
For a. and b. items on teacher recruitment fair, Ms. Cole reviewed Michigan trip for recruitment July 16, 2016. Ms. Cole stated that about $6000 is in budget for recruitment efforts.
Emma made motion to approve recruitment efforts for items a. and b., and Roger Mueller second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
2. AASBO 63rd Annual Conference which includes AASBO dues for business manager and superintendent July 20-23, 2016 in Tucson, Arizona at rate of $465 and $100 for preconference legal sessions
Emma made motion to approve AASBO training for Jeren Smallcanyon and Jaime Cole from July 20-23, 2016 and Roger Mueller second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
3. Discussion and possible action for Ed Cruz to attend school business training on June 16 for 1 day from 9am to 4 pm in Las Vegas, NV to review legal updates for business professionals NST.
Emma made motion to approve 1 day travel for Ed Cruz to attend school business training June 16, 2016 in Las Vegas, NV and Roger Mueller second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
4. Discussion and possible action for Jeren Smallcanyon one night hotel stay on 5/22/2016 in Prescott, Arizona as he traveled to Phoenix to pick up 8th grade promotion certification based on parent requests on 5/22/2016 for event on 5/23/2016.
Emma made motion to approve 1 night hotel expense for Jeren Smallcanyon as he traveled to Phoenix to get 8th grade promotion certificates based on last minute parent requests to obtain prior to promotion event the next day and Roger Mueller second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
C. Business
1. Discussion and possible action to Approve District Payroll and Expense Vouchers 1627
Michelle Zephier made motion approve district payroll and expense voucher 1627 and Emma Tapija second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
2. Discussion and possible action to Approve annual estimate of school district money report pursuant to A.R.S. $15-991
Michelle Zephier made motion approve annual estimate of school district money report and Emma Tapija second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
3. Discussion and possible action to Approve Purchase of a 72-Passenger RWC Blue Bird Visions Conventional School Bus for students next year. This includes a Camera System that will be installed in the bus for immediate time viewing access for the safety of students (Mohave no bid needed)
Mr. Smallcanyon described the options for the bus bids from various companies including RWC and Blue Bird even though bids were not needed as they are part of the Mohave agreement. Mr. Smallcanyon reviewed the prices differences between Blue Bird and RWC and cost with air conditioning vs. without. All agreed that air conditioning and good temperature when traveling is best for kids and worth the price. The total costs would be $109,594.25
Michelle Zephier made motion approve RWC bus and Emma Tapija second motion.
Motion: Emma Tapaji-I, Michelle Zephier – I, Roger Mueller- I, Shawna Havatone – absent
Vote: 3, 0, 0
4. Discussion and action to prepay the ASBA Insurance Trust, agreement for participation, ASBAIT 2016-2017 Policy Statement, Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust Commission Statement/Authorization, and Agreement for COBRA Administration through ASBAIT
5. Discussion and possible action to Approve National School Lunch Program (NSLP) for the NSLP Revised Food Program Permanent Service Agreement (FPPSA) with ADE, Health & Nutrition Services
6. Discussion and possible action to accept list of donation items from family and group from Boston, Conn. for PBIS tiger store from 2 target cards @$25, 3 footballs, 3 board games, 3 balls, 5 soccer balls, 1 sports cone, 1 badminton set, 8 headphones, 1 box pencils, 3 Crayola set, 17 assorted folders, 22 backpacks for kindergarten class with supplies for kids, 3 dairies, flag football kit, 10 jewelry sets, 3 coloring sets, and pack of bows on April 20, 2016.