Meeting Minutes: Malaspina Choir Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 1, 2015, 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Room 205 Vancouver Island University, Music Building
Mari Lynn Kelly - President
Rob Riches - Vice President
John Horn – Treasurer
Diana Priestley – Secretary
Frank Letain – Librarian
Sara Frisch, Production Committee Rep
Max Stocker – Bass Rep
David Brown – Tenor Rep
Roni Harrison – Alto Rep
Jan Lamont-Rodonets – Soprano Rep
Guest: Lionel Tanod - Music Director
What / Who / WhenTake a look at other venues for rehearsals / David Brown and Lionel Tanod / Following first Spring rehearsal
Spring Program: Rutter Gloria / Lionel to ask Cowichan Choir to join us
Tech rehearsals at St. Andrews Church / Lionel to set up / During February or March
A decision as to choice of music / Board / January meeting
Music for Spring season and Memorial Bursary and Memorial Scholarship / Board / January meeting
Attendance at Coastal Community Credit Union to provide signatures of new signing officers / Mari Lyn Kelly, John Horn, Sara Frisch, Diana Priestley / At an early date
1. Review and Approve Agenda
Motion to approve agenda. Carried.
2. Review and Approve Past Minutes
Motion to approve minutes from last meeting. Carried.
Motion to approve minutes of 2014 AGM. Carried.
3. Sectional Feedback
David Brown, for the Tenor Section, received some complaints from the tenors as to their placement during the concert. Several of the tenors were unable to see the Director clearly. He suggested a change of venue for the Spring concert and also for the weekly practices, other than the VIU, as the present set-up does not lend itself to the best sound. Other tenor matters related to returning and non-returning members.
Merits and deficiencies of the 4 available venues were discussed. The venues are Evangelistic Tabernacle, Nanaimo Ecumenical, St. Peters and St. Andrews. Brechin isn’t considered to be big enough.
Mari Lyn would like to work with the different section leaders, as choir marshal, and suggested making a seating plan. Also, we should take a look at the other venues that are available.
Jan Lamont-Rodonets, for the Soprano Section, said in her previous choir they had moved places every rehearsal in order to become familiar with different sounds and different places to sing.
Lionel Tanod suggested we should try to have regular Tuesday rehearsals in February or March at St. Andrews, which would also be technical rehearsals.
Resolution that there be a meeting with the sectional leaders after the first rehearsal in the spring to determine the positioning and seating. Carried.
Resolution that alternative venues be investigated by David Brown and Lionel Tanod. - Carried.
4. Music Director Report
Please see attached report respectfully submitted by Lionel, which includes a draft for the 2016/17 season programs.
· There is little money in the budget for workshops in February. There was discussion about the placement of the choir behind a guest choir, which is considered detrimental to our choir. Lionel said we should finish the concerts with the choirs singing together. The venue at St. Andrews is such that little physical movement is allowed. Also, it was noted that Lionel is very soft-spoken, so needs a microphone.
· Carolfest this Fall - Lionel is reluctant to withdraw from the concert but due to a significant number of singers opting out of singing in Carolfest, he is considering doing so. He asked for the Board’s response. One option is to cancel, another option is to go ahead even if we do not have a full complement of singers, though this puts additional pressure on the members of the choir sections. In future, we need to know well in advance. Lionel noted that some choir members feel it is an optional concert, or that they’re not aware of the concert, as it was not on a schedule until about 2 weeks ago. Mari Lyn considers it advisable for the section leaders to be more involved. It was suggested that people could be asked in future by e-mail whether they want to sing in Carolfest. However, it was only a month ago that Lionel had asked for participants.
Resolution that Lionel Tanod, as music director, have authority to cancel the choir’s participation in Carolfest if he feels it is proper to do so. Carried.
· Messiah: We need to establish that this is not an optional piece as quite a few members of the choir are not joining in to sing it. Mari Lyn said we need to have people more responsive, which can be requested by section reps.
· Several choir members in the tenor section will not be returning for the Spring season – this includes Derek and Neil. Lionel requested section leaders to report on non-returning members.
· Auditions for solos and small ensembles in the Dvorak mass and Rutter Gloria will be conducted in February. David does not feel there are enough male singers for the Rutter Gloria, and suggested that another choir be asked to join us. Lionel will contact Cowichan to see if they will collaborate with us. The brass section would cost $2,500.
· Lionel advised that he needs to become better acquainted with the voices of singers in the choir, and will be taking some soprano and alto sections in January and February to this end. He has no idea of the singers’ voices and would like to hear them.
· Lionel wants to receive an attendance record of the different sections at the end of each month and requests section reps give him an idea of who is present at rehearsals.
· In order to defray extra costs of music, we will need to request an extra contribution of $10 to $15 per term commencing in January. A discussion ensued of the viability of even keeping a Chamber Choir any more, one opinion being that it separates singers from the main music program. Lionel feels the Chamber choir is valuable. John mentioned that it is difficult to discuss this in the abstract as it may not be included in the budget. Mari Lyn wanted to know when a decision to choose prospective music is decided. Sara wants to see the cost of the music, plus the cost of the musicians.
· John Horn wants to have this discussion at the next meeting. Lionel does not want to buy the music unless the choir wants to sing it. Members of the choir should research the music chosen. Jan asks if there is a way to find out what the audience likes. Roni remembers years ago that the choir was surveyed about the music they preferred.
Lionel Tanod, as Guest, left the Board meeting at this point.
5. Treasurer Update
John doesn’t generally compare the actuals with the budget. He compares what money was in the bank at this time last year with what is in the bank this year. Last year after the November concert we had $6,988 and this year we have $7,855. The executive has already voted to raise the fees for 2016.
Resolution: Signing Officers for the Malaspina Choir Society with the Coastal Community Credit Union shall be any one of the following Directors: Mari Lyn Kelly, John Horn, Diana Priestley and Sara Frisch, and that Kathryn Grant and Stephanie Johnson, the existing signing officers, be removed. Carried.
Every signing officer will be required to attend at the Coastal Community Credit Union in order to provide their signatures.
Resolution: That withdrawals from the Gaming Account shall require the signatures of two authorized officers. Carried.
6. Production Committee
Messiah: Preparations for the Messiah are coming along fine, though figures are down compared to last year. 47 tickets have been sold at the Port Theatre (last year 80 were sold). It was noted that the orchestra was paid $400 last year for the Messiah performance. The Production Committee report is attached to these Minutes.
Sara asked that smaller chairs be obtained for St. Andrews. Lionel Tanod has 30 chairs in his basement and can provide them.
Kathaumixw: This is an international choral festival held in Powell River. One of the choirs is usually hosted for a concert A decision on whether or not the Malaspina choir should do so again does not have to be made at this point.
7. Business Arising
Music for the Spring season and Memorial Bursary and Memorial Scholarship – deferred to the next meeting.
8. New Business
Music folders – subject deferred to next meeting.
Proposal to change ticket pricing for youths – This was not a popular move; though ticket prices could be $5 for students, concessions should also be made for seniors. However, in Nanaimo, there are many seniors. Mary Lyn wants to know how we can increase our audience base to include youth.
Letter from Bill Walley – Max Stocker suggested that a written statement of appreciation and support should be expressed to Lionel Tanod from the Board for the past year’s performance. He had assumed such a letter would have been sent by the outgoing Board.
After a discussion among the members of the Board, it was decided that no such letter would be sent. This does not mean that Lionel should not be thanked, however, just not in a letter. Max will advise Bill Walley that such a letter will not be sent to Lionel.
Mari Lyn will explain the Board’s decision on this point to Lionel, and Sara will set it out.
Frank said that an e-mail was sent to Max and he asked for it to be put on the agenda.
Mari Lyn advised the Board that Tuesday evening Board meetings before rehearsals are very difficult for her, as she works during day, and she would like to change the date of Board meetings from Tuesdays to another day that is mutually acceptable to the Board members. John Horn asked that each member of the Board advise which dates would be preferable to them, and Diana will canvass the members on this point by e-mail.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.
Next meeting: January 12, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. VIU – room 205.
[This was later changed to Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 5:00 pm – John Horn’s house – 450 Vancouver Avenue (off Terminal, between Townsite and Rosehill)]
Malaspina Board Minutes—December 1, 2015