NEW: Skate Canada’s STAR 1 -5 Program & Assessments
SMFSC is pleased to introduce Skate Canada’s STAR1-5 ProgramAssessments.
The STAR1-5 program encourages long-term athlete development and the tenets of skating for life. This new program replaces the former Preliminary & Junior Bronze Program & Assessment requirements which is being phased out entirely by next year.
This year, Skate Canada is allowing Clubs the choice to either implement gradually or entirely into the new program. It has been decided that SMFSC will begin implementation of this new STAR 1- 5 Program & Assessments beginning on September 1, 2016. This means, while the majority of coaches will begin immediately with the implementation on new programs, there may be a few coaches who decide to complete some of their skaters with the old format programs this year.
As, this year will mark the beginning stages of implementation we will work on improving the process throughout this skating season so that by next season, we will be completely ready for the NEW PROGRAM. With that said, theCOMPLETE Implementation of the STAR 1- 5 Programming and Assessments as dictated by Skate Canada will commence September 1, 2017. At that point the Preliminary & Junior Bronze Programs and Tests will no longer be available.
One mandate set forth by Skate Canada ensures that ALL Coaches have taken and successfully fulfilled all aspects of the training course designed to meet all requirements of the “Assessment Component” of the New STAR 1-5
Once this has been done, the BASE COACH has the approval by Skate Canada and SMFSC to become the EVALUATOR for their own skaters.
This “Assessment” component of the STAR 1- 5 Programs is a major change to what we have known as LOW TESTING. In the past SMFSC held LOW TEST DAYS that were conducted on a specific day separate from registered skating times of skaters. They were “tested” or evaluated by an independent evaluator under the director of Skate Canada Volunteer Evaluators. NOW this process is done by your Skaters’ Base Coach. They will become the EVALUATOR forthe NEW STAR 1 – 5 Assessment Requirements
Starting in October, 2016 ASSESSMENTSFOR STAR 1 -5 “Skills and Elements will NOW be replaced with on-ice assessments (evaluations) at your skaters’ regular skating sessions by the skater’s coach. STAR 1- 5 “Freeskate Program Assessments” will be evaluated on specified Tuesdays (approximately every 3rd Tuesday of the month) at 8:10 – 8:25 and 8:35 – 8:50 during the skills sessions.
Coaches will notify in advance the skaters who will be testing these programs and they will be told at what time and day this will be done.
STAR1-5 fees will be $15 / test (This fee goes directly to Skate Canada)
The following guidelines are in place to ensure an easy process:
- The coach will indicate to the skater that they wish to have the skater complete a STAR1 – 5 evaluation at least 1 week ahead of time.
- Parent will go online to our Test Day page and purchase a single test ticket. The serialized ticket will be included in the members receipt and must be printed. If you are having difficulties in purchasing or printing a test ticket should come into the SMFSC music room during office hours for any assistance.
- Upon evaluation day, the skater will provide the ticket to the coach before the evaluation will proceed. Coaches are not to evaluate skaters without having received their printed ticket
- Upon the completion of the test, the coach will provide the test and the paid ticket to the test chair for processing.
Note: Skaters will not be evaluated unless a valid ticket has been provided prior to the evaluation.
COSTS FOR LOW TESTING on Preliminary & Junior Bronze TESTING.
IF coaches are submitting testing for the traditional testing of Preliminary and Junior Bronze Levels, the old test day format would be used here. Low testing for these skaters would occur on a set day on TEST DAY ice only and they will be testing by an evaluator outside of the club. Skaters will be notified 2 weeks before if they are testing and costs for the tests would be $25.00/test.
For information on how the previous tests relate to the new STAR 1-5 evaluations, please review this equivalency chart.
STAR 2 & 3 = Preliminary (Generally skaters who have passed a Preliminary Test will have at STAR 3 equivalency)
STAR 4 & 5 = Jr. Bronze (Generally skaters who have passed a Jr. Bronze Test, will have STAR 5 equivalency)
Senior Bronze Tests and higher will continue to be administered and run as previously on our scheduled high test days.