May, 2008doc.: IEEE 802. 15-08-XXXX-00-004d

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / Minutes for 802.15 TG4d Meeting in Jacksonville May2008
Date Submitted / 19th of May, 2008
Source / [Arthur Shigeru Fukunaga, Yasutaka Kawamoto]
[Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.]
[1-16-8 Chuo, Warabi, Saitama, 335-8510, Japan] / Voice:[+81 48 431 2687]
Fax:[+81 48 431 2687]
Abstract / The document contains a summary of the work of the 802.15 4d task group during the week of May 11th to 16th 2008.
Purpose / Official minutes of the 802.15 TG4d.
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

Hyatt Regency Jacksonville,Jacksonville, FL

May 2008

MondayPM1 Session

13:40 PMMeeting called to order by the chair, Phil Beecher (Integration UK).

Chair said that TG4d take over the sessions of Tuesday PM2 and Wednesday AM2 from TG3c.

Chair discussed TG4d Objectives and Agenda (15-08-0229-00-004d).

Motion to approve agenda by Kuor-Hsin Chang (Freescale)

Second byShusaku Shimada (Yokokawa)

Motion approved.

13:55PM Remind IEEE-SA Stds. Board Bylaws on Patents in Std’s. & Guidelines

Chair shows the patent policy of IEEE, and drew everyone’s attention to the rules and regulations of the IEEE.

Everyone understood it, and there were no questions and no disclosures of patents or patent claims.

13:58PM Minutes of march meeting approved (15-08-0223-00-004d)

Motion to approve minutes by Kuor-Hsin Chang (Freescale)

Second by Yasutaka Kawamoto (OKI Electric Industry)

14:00 PM Progress of Japanese Consultation Shigeru Fukunaga (OKI Electric Industry)

Shigeru Fukunaga explained about progress of Japanese Consultation without document.

Shigeru Fukunaga said he did not have any explainable progress of Japanese Consultation.

14:00 PMDraft amendment

Chair said that we had to amend the draft to be based on the Japanese regulation.

Preparation for the draft amendment>

Chair said that we had to be able to do the dutycontrol for the Japanese regulation to use the draft. However, the draft must not have the function that can do the dutycontrol. Because, we can do the duty control in high layer. So, we define the mechanism for doing the dutycontrol.

Chair said that the draft did not have to assert how to do the duty control for the Japanese regulation because the draft did not assert how to do the duty control for the EU.

Chair said that we had to discuss regarding the transmitting control for the Japanese regulation.

All attendees agreed it.


Chair suggested PIB for the duty control that name is phySymbolesTransmittedS.

phySymblesTransmittedS is the counter of transmitted data.

Kuor-Hsin Chang (Freescale) suggested the function have to provide by MIB, because the MAC knows transmit data size and the characters of the PHY layer.

Chair agreed it.

The CCA duration is changing under the Japanese regulation.

So, Chair suggested PIB for the changing of CCA duration that name is phyCCADuration.

All attendees agree it.

Chair suggested adding the sentence regarding the transmission control to the Annex E.3.

All attendees agree it.

15:00 Recess to PM2 on Monday

Attendee7 persons

MondayPM2 Session

16:05 PMMeeting called to order by the chair, Phil Beecher (Integration UK).

Start the draft amendment.

Chair suggested MIB for the transitioncontrolthat names aremacTxControlAvtiveDuration and macTxControlPauseDuration.

All attendees agree it.

Chair suggested modifying the of the draft for the Japanese regulation.

The chapter said regarding beacon generation.

The beacon node can transmit data without random back-off when the duty cycle of the node more than 0.1% (= the node needs LBT when the node transmit data).

All attendees agree it.

Char suggested modifying the of the draft for the Japanese regulation.

The chapter said regarding the CSMA-CA.algorism.

Char suggested modifying regarding the slotted CSMA-CA.

Shusaku Shimada (Yokokawa) said that we should discuss regarding the problem in other place (ex, TG4e). The problem is not for TG4d only.

All attendees agree that we discussing regarding the problem and modify the draft in the meeting.

17:20Recess to PM1 Wednesday

Attendee6 persons

WednesdayPM1 Session

13:45 PMMeeting called to order by the chair, Phil Beecher (Integration UK).

Chair suggested changing the agenda of TG4d for the presentation by Shusaku Shimada.

Motion to approve agenda by Ruijter Henk (Integration US)

Second byTatsuji Munaka (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)

Motion approved.

13:50 PM Presentation WW-BPSK with AFA provisioning (15-08-0109-02-004d)

Shusaku Shimada (Yokokawa) explained his proposal.

Shusaku Shimada changes the proposal regarding theAFAfrom the last presentation (15-08-0109-01-004d) because the DSSS-BPSK and the GFSK used different channel plan.

Shusaku Shimada dose not add the document regarding the OFDM AFAproposal from the amendment because the technical issues regarding the technologies do not decide now.

So, in the future, if the technical issues will be decided, Shusaku Shimada would like to add the issues in the drafts.

Kuor-Hsin Chang (Freescale)could not agree with the proposal for the AFAbecause the proposal function for AFA can supply without PHY modify. We can supply the function to use MAC functions.

Shusak Shimada (Yokokawa) understood the opinion and Shusaku Shimada wanted to discuss regarding the point.

15:00 PM Editing the draft amendment

Chair and editors and attendees modify and edit the draft amendment.

15:35Recess to PM2Wednesday

Attendee 6persons

WednesdayPM2 Session

16:15Meeting called to order by the chair, Phil Beecher (Integration UK)

Chair and editors and attendees modify and edit the draft amendment.

17:50 Recess to AM1 Thursday

Attendee 10 persons

ThursdayAM1 Session

8:20Meeting called to order by the chair, Phil Beecher (Integration UK)

Chair and editors and attendees modify and edit the draft amendment.

They madeP802-15-4d-D0.2_Draft_Amendment.

9:50 Recess to AM2Thursday

Attendee 10 persons

ThursdayAM2 Session

10:45Meeting called to order by the chair, Phil Beecher (Integration UK)

Chair and editors and attendees made instruction document (15-08-0375-00-004d) to remove the TBD points in the draft amendment (P802-15-4d-D0.2_Draft_Amendment).

Chair said that we did not agree to write the AFA in the draft amendment.

We do straw poll regarding the point.The options of strap poll and the numbers of vote are below.

“I believe that AFA should be addressed in TG4d.”0 vote.

“I believe that AFA should be addressed in TG4e.”7 vote.

“I believe that AFA do not need to discuss.”0 vote.

11:30Based on the result of the straw poll this group believes that AFA should be addressed in TG4e. Therefore the PHR extension field should be removed from the TG4D draft amendment.

Moved Jay Bain(Fearm Consulting)

Seconded Clint Powell (Freescale)

Chair confirmedthat there was no denial motion for the motion.

We decided the peer reviewer team for the draft amendment composed of Jay Bain (Fream Consulting) and Benjamin A. Rolfe (Strategic Technology Consultant) and Clint Powell (Freescale).

That the 802.15 TG4d approves the draft amendment P802-15-4d-D1_Draft_Amendment.pdf, to be constructed from the pre draft amendment P802-15-4d-D0.2_Draft_Amendment and the instructions to the editors doc. # 0375 rev. 0 and subject to the approval of the review committee, and in doing so approves taking it to the 802.15 WG to seek approval to go to Letter Ballot.

Moved Shigeru Fukunaga (OKI)

Seconded Jay Bain (Fream Consulting)

TG4d Motion to Accept Draft by Task Group Passed Unanimously.

12:30Adjourned to July meeting

Motion to by ???

Second by???

Documents & Contributions:





SubmissionPage 1Shigeru Fukunaga,Yasutaka Kawamoto, OKI