Doctoral candidate

Name Surname

Cycle / ??
Thesis title/subject / Title/Subject
Discipline / (Italian SSD)
Supervisor/s / Name Surname (University of XX)
Name Surname (University of XX, country)

Name Surname, born in xx(Country) on Monthday,year, graduated in Xxxx in the A.Y. 20xx/xx at the University of Xxxx with full marks (110/110).

S/He had been admitted as a doctoral student to the 3-year PhDProgramme in Materials, Mechatronics and Systems Engineering, after the public selection, in the 29th cycle beginning in the A.Y. 2013/2014.

[add any further specific info: with/without scholarship, on a co-tutelle agreement etc.]


(N. B. Respect the chronological series of the events: from past to present)

Institutional courses[1] at the Department of xxxx (main seat)

° / Title of the course. Lecturer: title+Name+Surname (Institution - if different from the main Department). Place, date(s), n. of hours.
Assessment: pending/passed, XECTS/credits
° / Probabilistic methods and stochastic models. Lecturer: Prof.Name Surname. Trento, 12 June – 7 July 2000, 30 h.
Assessment: passed, X ECTS/credits

Institutional courses[2] at other seats:

° / Kind of course: Title of the course. Lecturer: title+Name+Surname (Institution), Organising Institution (if different from the previous one). Place, date(s), n. of hours.
Assessment: No
° / Doctoral course: Geostatistics. Lecturer: prof. Alberto Bellin. Trento, 12 June – 7 July 2000, 30 h.
Assessment: passed, x ECTS/credits

Other courses at the University of Trento and/or other seats:

° / Kind of course: Title of the course. Lecturer: title+Name+Surname (Institution), Organising Institution (if different from the previous one). Place, date(s), n. of hours.
Assessment: No

Summer/Winter Schools:

° / Specific title of the Summer School, Denomination of the Summer School. Lecturer: title+Name+Surname (Institution), Organising Institution. Place (Country - to be specified if different from Italy), date(s), n. of hours.
Assessment: passed, x ECTS/credits


° / Specific title, Organizing institution,place (Country), date(s).
Invited lecturer/Presentation of paper or Poster (title of the paper)/Proceedings published/etc.

Training and research periods spent abroad:

° / Name of the institution, place (Country), Name of tutor/supervisor, dates.
Work done: short description of the activity (at least 10 lines).


[Register in a chronological order all teaching activity carried out during the doctoral programme (supervision of undergraduates, seminars etc.)]


1st year(max 1 page)

2ndyear(max 1 page)

3rd year(max 1 page)


(Monographs, articles, essays published and/or submitted, papers, posters and oral communications)

DOCTORAL SCHOOL COMMITTEE EVALUATION(at the end of the programme, for the admission to the final examination; it will be updated by the Secretariat)

[1]i.e. post-graduate, advanced and doctoral courses officially organized by the Department.

[2]i.e. post-graduate, advanced and doctoral courses officially organized by other UniTnDepartments or by other Universities, in Italy or abroad.