White Plains, New York


January 17, 2012

PRESENT:K. Broderick, PresidentM. Cheesman, George Washington

A. Williams, TreasurerC. Levant, Mamaroneck Avenue

G. Setterstom, Vice PresidentD Cherico, Ridgeway

A. Russo, SecretaryM. Dorchak, Ridgeway

L. Tuck, Parliamentarian/Board LiaisonE. Melendez, Highlands

S. Tapia, Grieveance-ElementaryL. Antonion, Highlands

C. TIto, Grievance-SecondaryJ. Shaw, High School

L. Mollo, Outreach/PTA Liaison/Post RoadD. Brill, High School

K. Cabral, Staff DevelopmentP. Cortino, High School

L. Carpenter, Church StreetM. Hauge, High School

I. Acceptance of Minutes

December minutes accepted as is.

  1. Officers’ Report

1. Treasurer – Angela Williams

Financial report.

2. Secretary – Anthony Russo

Please send “staff” information to me at Post Road.

  1. President’s Report

1. December District Liaison

It was a lively discussion.

2. Building Liaison

•Must occur monthly

•This is the opportunity to deal with building level problems

•It is more effective if you come with solutions

•Some items that should be on monthly meetings (when you write the agenda, refer to specific contract language)

•Budget (this is another tough year)

•Schedules, class loads, prep periods (Article V)

•Discipline committee (XVII)


•Lockdown protocol

•Facilities (Article XVII)

•Duties (Article XVIII)

3. Student Status

If you have a dependent child who is a full-time student, forms for the Spring semester

(January 31st-August 31st) are available from the Teachers Association office or on our website,

Please contact Karen McGuire at 761-5187 or a form.

4. Representative Training

Elementary - January 24, 2012 at Church Street, Faculty Lunch Room, 4:00 PM

Secondary - February 2, 2012 at High School, Atrium, 3:00 PM

5. Retirement Date

Those teachers who are considering retirement and wish to participate in the “sick time buy out” must notify the district by February 1, 2012 (See Article XXVIII, E.) or 5 months prior to the effective date. Teachers may submit letters for purposes of retirement after February 1, 2012 but a 10% penalty will be assessed.

6. Seniority List

The seniority list will be available after February 1, 2012. A copy will be held in the WPTA office for anyone to view. A copy is also located in the HR office.

7. Budget

The district held a budget forum on Wednesday January 11th. It was poorly advertised and poorly attended. The next budget forum is Wednesday January 18th, 7:30 at Church Street School Cafeteria. Please encourage all colleagues who live in WP to attend.

8. Negotiations

Article II A.1, On or about January 15, 2012, and no later than February 15, 2012, the Association shall submit written proposals to the Board concerning proposed changes in this Agreement or terms and conditions of employment not covered by this Agreement for teacher and/or adult education staff, which it desires to negotiate for the following school year. (please see copied article II for discussion)

The following memo will be released to staff today after the meeting.

Greetings colleagues -

As per Article II (Negotiation Procedure) we must notify the district our intent to collectively bargain our Contract that expires on June 30, 2012. We will be submitting our proposals by the February 15th deadline. As the negotiation team begins to finalize the proposals, we want your voice heard. Please go to and complete the negotiation survey.

We anticipate that ALL of the various articles will be part of the conversation. Please review your contract as you complete the survey. We will update you weekly about the progress of our negotiations.

In Solidarity,

The Negotiation Team

Kerry Broderick, Chief Negotiator

Glen Setterstrom

Lori Mollo

Anthony Russo

Angela Timeka Williams

Carol Tito

Shabnam Tapia

Donald Brill

Lonnette Tuck

9. Political backdrop

There is much going on at the state and local level. The state level includes APPR, Tier 6, Triboro Amendment and there is much discussion and press. Our local WP level includes the budget, M.S. redesign, initiatives, and PLC’s. It is VITAL that we do not contribute to any rumor mill. If there is a rumor, please ask if it is true. You are welcome to call or email the WPTA officers and we will find out ASAP. The negotiating team requests that this is done since rumors will derail any and all progress made with negotiations and a settlement.

We will also continue our VOTE/COPE campaign. At this time, we average $20 per member per year. With all of the attacks on education and teachers specifically, we ask that people increase the amount given. At this time, no monies are given to any political candidate unless that person has a proven record of working WITH US and NOT against us.

IV. Round Robin

Highlands: There is concern about the redesign. Teachers are glad to be a part of the process but need

more specifics Teachers are told contradictions and are concerned about assignments for next year.


•Ongoing problem with heating. There is a great disparity from room to room and in both gyms. The principal and custodial staff have been supportive but relocation is not always the most effective solution. There are also ventilation issues in some interior classrooms. Faculty reports chronic illnesses due to these conditions.

•Concern over mid-terms and CFA’s. Teaches do not have adequate training with performance plus to effectively create and analyze assessments. Teachers feel there are too many mixed priorities. Teachers feel that the creating of tests should be a more collaborative process.

Elementary: Reps met with Jessica O’Donovan to discuss elementary concerns.

Respectfully submitted,

Anthony Russo, Secretary