Academic Affairs and Standards Council Meeting

Meeting Minutes (DRAFT): Friday, October 9, 2015

Agenda Item / Minutes
1. Call Meeting to Order / Jay called meeting to order at 1:12 p.m.
2. Roll Call of Members / PRESENT: Cristen Cox, Kurt Dershem, Don Hermanson, Ryan Langemeier, Candy Mortenson-Klimpel, Shayne Narjes, Deb Salmon, Karen Snay, Brad Schloesser, Judy Shultz, Dr. Susan Tarnowski, Dave Edwards, Jay Wendelberger
ABSENT: Diann Marten, Michele Brielmaier, Barb Embacher
GUEST(s): Jane Greathouse, Lisa Lamor, Wendy Sandstrom, Susan Mucha
3. Adoption of Agenda / Motion to Approve: Dave Edwards; Motion Seconded: Cristen Cox; Motion Passed Unanimously
 Add AQIP report: Renee Guyer (4.b.)
4. Approval of Minutes
(September 18, 2015) / Motion to Approve: Dave Edwards, approve as amended; Motion Seconded: Cristen Cox; Motion Passed Unanimously
 Add Judy Shultz as present at September 18 meeting
4.b. AQIP Update: Renee Guyer / All SCC committees have been asked to conclude every meeting with the following three questions; questions have been revised to be more user friendly and to line up with Systems Portfolio: P, R, I
P: What processes did you discuss? (a process is the way you do things)
R: Did you use data or results? (data can be quantitative and/or qualitative)
I: Did you improve any processes? (any changes that make things better)
 Need to get this information out college-wide
5. Committee Reports - Oral &/Or Written - Q & A (30 Minutes)
Request to have oral and written reports from each group during the school year.
  1. Curriculum – Gale Bigbee
  2. Learning Central Advisory Committee – Lisa Lamor
  3. Online Education Committee – Jane Greathouse
  4. Global Education – Kurt Dershem
  5. Student Engagement – Susan Mucha
  6. Student Learning – Vacant
  1. Curriculum Committee – Gale Bigbee (Written)
 Working on wording of ‘collection of class maxes’ in by-laws
 CC guidelines will support collecting class max requests
 Vote on by-laws now and deal with class max separately
 Need to inform faculty of process and request all credentialed faculty signatures on class max request form
Motion to Approve CC By-Laws: Dave Edwards; Motion Seconded: Don Hermanson; Motion Passed Unanimously
  1. Learning Central Advisory Committee – Lisa Lamor (Written)
 See attachment
 How to ensure membership / need to appoint faculty by MSCF co-presidents (Jay and Dave); send suggested names to Jay and Dave
  1. Online Education Committee/Quality Matters – Jane Greathouse (Oral)
 Slideshow of online support and details
 Some include tuition differential
 Need to meet Federal guidelines
 Clarified definitions of face-to-face / specific meeting times, D2L support is provided; web enhanced / some reduced seat time, some face-to-face, do more things in D2L; hybrid / much like online, mixture of face-to-face and online, at least 30% is online; online / primarily online, students may be required to be on-campus, possibly to take exams
 Check on ‘arranged’ instead of ‘online’ class schedules
 Shared process for online development process
 Needs 6 – 12 months to create course to be offered online
 Quality Matters rubric has been nationally researched and working to align that rubric with SCC’s peer review process. Deb Salmon has these details. Courses need to have been taught for at least one year.
 Jane Greathouse is chair of online committee
 Shared 7 Goals of committee
 Will focus on data collections
 Looking at support of faculty and services to students
 Competencies and objectives could be included in rubrics
  1. Global Education Committee – Kurt Dershem (Oral / Written)
 Working to arrange a meeting to determine if committee should continue
  1. Student Engagement – Susan Mucha (Oral)
 Working on students’ engagement / retention plan
 Include strategic planning and Charting the Future
 Looking at creating individual success plan
 Creating co-curricular transcript to track leadership
 Would like to see teaching faculty (4) to be included on committee, besides student representation
 Working with Diversity Committee on student success initiatives
 Contact Susan Mucha with ideas and/or questions
 Need to look at intentional way, needs to be a campus effort and not just a student affairs’ effort
  1. Student Learning – (Vacant for Fall Semester)
 Jay has put out a call for a chair for fall semester
6. Department Chair Discussion
(5 Minutes Each) /  Cristen Cox – good presentation by Anthony Riesberg and student affairs; updating standards for accreditation; working with marketing and sell sheets and bulletin boards
 Kurt Dershem – no report
 Don Hermanson – FBM is going through program review this month and in November; students are on harvest break; faculty are doing high school visits; concern on lack of activity and attendees on marketing committee
 AASC would like Shared Governance to recommend that marketing committee reconvene as soon as possible
 Need to support collaboration with marketing and student affairs
Motion that an opinion at AASC is that a functioning marketing committee is critical to growth of SCC and AASC would like marketing committee to convene and operate; Jay Wendelberger; Motion Seconded: Dave Edwards; Motion passed unanimously; Dr. Tarnowski abstained
 Ryan Langemeier – Student Affairs’ advisors will attend next department meeting; high school visits today at SCC
 Diann Marten – absent
 Candy Mortenson-Klimpel – Nursing department brought in MN Health Course consultant, via web-ex and in person; possibly some curriculum changes will follow
 Shayne Narjes – Anthony Riesberg will attend next meeting; high school visits at SCC today
 Deb Salmon – LAS now has a sell sheet; developed a presentation for high school students
 Karen Snay – high percentage of faculty offered to do presentations at SCC today; using sell sheets
7. Vice President Minute and One-Half – Dr. Susan Tarnowski /  Working on AQIP Systems Portfolio – 6 main categories, plus overview and introduction, due date is November 1
 Working with Graphics on layout
 Need assessment of SCC
 Need to understand AQIP and quality improvement
 Very data-driven
 Copies have been shared with proof-readers
8. Proposal from Nursing to Administer Course Evaluation Through D2L – Michele Brielmaier /  Hand-out and attachment on web; updated copy will be on web
 Request to pilot new process of course evaluation with surveys through D2L
 Should student survey results be sent to Human Resources; it was recommended to remove this statement from process
 It was determined that faculty cannot require students to complete the survey before taking the final, can be an option only; could this be included on the syllabus?
 Would like to pilot this process this fall
 Bring results back to AASC
 Concern on timelines and military students
 Bring revised process to next AASC meeting
9. Discussion of Program Assessment /  Need to brain-storm on functioning of assessment process; need consistency across the college
 Brad Schloesser – per program review, self-employed students enrolled for many years, completed face-to-face surveys
 Don Hermanson – use different tools, internship evaluations by outside people, capstone courses bring in outside evaluators
 Deb Salmon – regularly completed assessment plans per requirement, do have internship assessment forms, no one has asked for assessment forms in the recent past
 Need training on form that that was distributed by Kaycie Lawson
 Need Learning Program Outcomes / Institutional Core Competencies for SCC and for some national accreditation requirements
 Cristen Cox – need to meet national accreditation requirements, completed SCC form in 2012-13
 Kurt Dershem – Capstone class with program outcome assessment requirements, a rubric has been created for these classes, looking at changing Capstone measures to focus on assessment, completed SCC form in the past in 2012-13
 Shayne Narjes – OTEC has a normed test, nationally; nothing in accounting; marketing has tried, is working with MnSCU to find a better fit, Culinary – not sure at this time
 Need recommendation for next steps
 What should Student Learning Committee look like
 Concern on standardized testing
 Should it be department chairs and Deans to be responsible?
10. Policy Review
a. Interpreting Services for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Students
3000-28 /  Correct title per Marilyn Weber, official MnSCU and ADA language
Motion to Approve: Candy Mortenson-Klimpel; Motion Seconded: Brad Schloesser; Motion Passed Unanimously
  1. Repeating a Course
3000-36 /  Add to new template
 Add purpose statement
Motion to Approve: Dave Edwards; Motion Seconded: Kurt Dershem; Motion Passed Unanimously
Transfer policy – upcoming policy; please review prior to meeting.
P: What processes did you discuss? (a process is the way you do things) / Discussed AQIP questions; discussed online development process; discussed using D2L for online course survey; discussed improved D2L process for nursing survey; discussed policies
R: Did you use data or results? (data can be quantitative and/or qualitative) / Had data on number of students taking online courses; in walk-around for assessment
I: Did you improve any processes? (any changes that make things better) / Advised improvement on marketing process; approved D2L; assessment discussion, aimed at improving process; identified where next discussion will happen
 Need to speak to: goals that every student should meet upon graduating; program learning outcomes and assessment are too broad; program review / health
Adjourn / 3:26 p.m.

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AASC Minutes

October 9, 2015