January 24, 2017FSCA Board Meeting |
Meeting date | time 1/24/2017 7:00 PM | Meeting location uberconference
Meeting called by
/ Van Drake /Type of meeting
/ General BOD Mtg /Facilitator
/ Van Drake /Note taker
/ Rollins Brown /Timekeeper
/ n/a/ Attendees:
Opened at 7:00
Present / Absent
Louise K Terry / X
Gregg Nelson / X
Van Drake / X
Gary Wise / X
Don White / X
Pat Welch / X
Don Currie / X
Jim Odle / X
Parsons Metzkow / X
Rollins Brown / X
Barry Kelly / X
Agenda topics
- Agenda topic: Target fees | Presenter : Gregg Nelson
Time: 4:28-10:20
Discussion :
Gregg Nelson: We are 300k targets short for 2016 compared to 2015 (based on target fees), partly because of World English. Not 100% sure why.
Ancient Oak Harvest Moon was also bigger in 2015.
Van: 2016 is up over 2014 by 80,000 targets.
Gregg posted the last several years target and fee data.
Van: trend looks good for 2017.
Parsons: Big Blasts are full all over the country.
Van: we have $39,716.98 at end of 2016, which is $1400 less than end of 2015.
Treasurer’s report is up on Basecamp.
Treasurer’s report was unanimously accepted by voice vote.
- Agenda topic : FSCA Ladie’s Program| Presenter : Louise Terry
Time: 10:20-
Discussion: Louise: Lynn Cascella has done a great job in putting the program together. Question for the board is whether they are Ok with the program so far and willing to say “proceed” to the group.
Louise: One impediment to the initial program is that a lot of people will be nervous about coming out and shooting, so a women’s clinic is advisable with lady instructors. Dee Orr is interested in helping teach.
Step 1 is to put together the ladies clinics. Seeing which clubs will help. Don Currie agreed to help with curriculum.
Step 2 is to somehow keep them involved by providing a structure for the participants to keep coming. The idea is a league with some more experienced shooters attending and helping. The idea is also there to do a buddy system for invites.
The idea is to do a handful of ladies clinics at a handful of clubs this year. Want to do primarily women instructors but will also have men on a case by case basis. We need to communicate with our member clubs to see who can help.
Lynn Wants to create a logo, FB page, etc. so it has its own identity and brand recognition, etc.
There will be a charge, as of yet undetermined, for the clinics.
There was discussion that FSCA would fund the starting costs, but participants would be funding the cost of shells and targets, etc.
Don Currie is willing to help train the trainers on this.
A lot of conversation was had about details about how the clinics would operate.
A discussion was had about remunerating the instructors for their hotel and travel expenses.
- Agenda topic : Late Club fees | Presenter : Van
Time: 32:22
Discussion : Gregg Nelson: We have a few clubs that won’t pay on time. What should we do? Should we get a better system for them to pay? Maybe electronic.
Currently we only receive paper checks.
If we do paypal, we’d have to pay about $500-1,000 in fees to paypal.
The constant complaint is that NSCA can be paid electronically, but FSCA is a manual check.
We then discussed the fees that would be required for different types of electronic payments.
Van will send out email to the clubs to measure interest in have and paying for electronic payments.
We will investigate various further options.
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