Romsey RFC Committee meeting

13jun 2016


Eric Bailey: EJB
President / Kevin White: KW
Treasurer / John Lee: JDL
Dan Pen Newman: DPN
Club Captain / Vacant:
Social Secretary / Simon Stent: SS
Bar Manager
Jamie Glanville: JAG
Junior Co-ordinator / Phil Cunningham: PRC Social media / John Connolly: JC
Nick Smith: NS ClubHouse / Jocelyn Head: JAH
Membership Sect. / Richard Wood: RW
Nick Creal: NJC
Fixture Secretary / Spencer Scott: SCS Junior Co-ordinator / Edge Van Zyl EVZ First Team Coach



•Minutes of last meeting

•Matters Arising

•Chair’s report

•Treasurer’s report

•Secretary’s report

•Field report

•House report

•Junior report

•Membership report


•Date and time of next meeting





Previous minutes:

Minutes accepted

Open issues:

Ref / Owner / Details / Date / Status
51 / NS / Create picture board / 31.08.13 / JG to complete
53 / JC / 100 club rebrand / 12.10.15 / Dom & PRC to complete before
59 / JL / Mac Campbell memorial match / 14:12:15 / To be arranged, match day reserve via HRFU
60 / KW / NatWest Rugby Force / 14:12:15 / 2nd June
61 / EJB / Rules on dogs in the clubhouse Signage / 11:01:16 / To be completed before next season
63 / JL / Emergency field access via side gate, key is not Available on Saturday. Laura to be contacted / 08.02.16 / JL to speak to Laura
65 / NS / Safe play area, quote to be arranged. / 18.04.16 / Ongoing
68 / NS / Club Terrace repair to be investigated / 18.04.16 / Ongoing
70 / JC / Replacement of cooker / 09.05.2016 / To be completed pre-season
71 / KW / Investigate separating Ganger Farm funds / 09.05.2016 / started
72 / NS / Engage A Plan fencing / 09.05.2016 / Underway
73 / ALL / Nominate potential VP’s / 09.05.2016 / Started
74 / EJB / Club house carpet to be cleaned / 09.05.2016 / Started
75 / JC / Mail chimp clean up / 09.05.2016 / Started
76 / NS / Step to balcony to be taken back and made safer / 09.05.2016 / Completed
77 / PRC / GMS data input. Live date required / ongoing
78 / EJB / Pop up Gazebo to replace broken. Quote to be sought / 13.06.2016 / started
79 / JL / RRUFC Alcohol Policy / 13.06.2016 / Started
80 / JC / Yard Tidy / 13.06.2016 / Started

Matters Arising

  1. Actions required post Mac Campbell’s inquest.

Following on from the coroner’s recommendations the committee discussed the Hants RFU Alcohol policy.

Each policy point was discussed; the policy on the whole is in line with club practices.

A formal Club alcohol policy will be presented to the committee at the next meeting at which it will be fully implemented if agreed on.

The committee agreed that all members of the committee would be responsible for the implementation and workings of the new policy.

  1. Update on sponsorship:

New team strip have been ordered as part of the Sparks sponsorship agreement this leaves 3k for additional requirements.

Emmerson International ticket allocation: 10 autumn international tickets and 10 for the RBS 6 nations have been agreed as very beneficial to the club. This will be a three year relationship with Emmerson’s.

Emmerson’s to be invoiced by October

  1. International tickets, fixtures and pre-season games/ tournaments.



Final figures are good with a £23k surplus. Sparks sponsorship has been received, team strip have been ordered and design is being worked on.

Playing Reports:

First Team:

No Report submitted

Second Team:

No report submitted

Juniors report:

Under 13’s are likely to fold without further recruitment;plans to run joint training sessions with Tott’s have been arranged by the age group coach’s for the beginning of the seasons.

The committee have asked Jamie G. to try and delay the date of proposed session in the hope new recruits are forthcoming. The committee feel that joining Totts so early in the season will result in the complete loss of the age group to Totts.

The junior section will be once more representing RUFC at the Romsey Festival of Sport. Volunteers are requested to help out.

The first summer touch rugby session was successful with more players attending.

Club house: NS;

The bar refurbishment is on schedule with lighting to be completed by 8th August. The proposed feature mirror to sit behind the bar has been spec’d and will contain club crest.

New gate to playing field along with boot scrapers on track

Old shelving around balcony to be replaced as part of the ongoing refurbishment.

Play area discussions ongoing

Nick has approached groundsman on the state of certain areas of the pitch. If maintenance on these areas are performed then the club will need ensure that these areas are coned off and respected. Nick will update the committee on outcome.

Advertising Wednesday’s touch rugby session’s on the Rapids entrance to be looked into.

Advertising banner with in the Rapids is sited poorly at present. This may be the case for the time being.



Jocelyn queried the need for membership cards this season. The committee have agreed this will be a requirement to include D.O.B’s.

Membership payments using the card machine is not being registered as subscriptions. Simon will contact Marcus to discuss.

Clarification on membership annual payment period was discussed; Jocelyn confirmed that the date of the AGM was used.


No report


No Report

Social Media:

No Report

International Tickets:



EJB; AE Insurance are sponsoring the club for a period of three years, unconnected to this sponsorship AE insurance will donate a 25% introduction fee to any successful business opportunities that the club can pass on. This could be a very beneficial relationship the committee agreed that we should pursue.

SCS; Request that the fixtures book format could be revised/ changed to an A5 format to allow more information and advertising to be contained within it. The consensus is that a possible hybrid format could be achieved but the present credit card sized is the preferred option. Agreed to look into possible changed.


Next meeting: 11th July