Mahomet-Seymour PTO Meeting
November 9, 2017 6:00 pm
Middletown Prairie Conference Room

Board Members Present: Michelle Grindley, Ken Keefe, Jennifer Smith, Jodi Freiman, Nathan Seymour, Anna Webb, Jeff Starwalt, Wendy Starwalt

General Assembly Members Present: Amber Berkes, Victoria Eades, Cindy Krumwiede, Sandy Prather, Wendy Stafler, Heather Jackson

Meeting called to ordered at 6:01pm by President Michelle Grindley

Minutes from 10/12 meeting distributed, corrected to included sponsorship money from Dawg Walk. Corrected that Anna renewed supply box contract. Motion to approve minutes as corrected made by Michelle Grindley. Seconded by Jodi Freeman. Motion carried.

Introductions of all present were made.

Officer Reports

President: Michelle met with administration and discussed the Mahomet Daily article on Dawg Walk. Plans are to meet early for next year and discuss plans as well as move on from this year.

Treasurer: Not present

Communications/Technology: None

School Executives: Lincoln Trail Room Parent Assignments have been made. A large box top order was sent in recently. Sangamon Box top contest begins next week. Parents will receive notice this week. There is a new box top rep for MTP. Literacy night at MTP needs volunteers. The event is from 6-7pm on 12/12.

Principals Reports

Jeff Starwalt- Veterans Day celebration is this week. They held an auction for staff on Monday with nearly $1000 raised. Raffles held all week for kids where they buy tickets for 25 cents. All funds raised go to the Mahomet American Legion. Nearly $3,000 total will be donated. Assembly will be held on Friday with a special tribute to Lee Jessup who started the tradition. This is the 26th year for the celebration.

Wendy Starwalt- The 1st annual storybook parade went well at both schools. No Veterans Day event at MTP, but all classrooms have been discussing it and decorating hallways. Sangamon assembly is tomorrow to honor Veterans. Discussed the Tier 1 teachers group, which is made up of teachers from each school to make decisions regarding PTO allocations fund.

Teacher reps: (Included with Principle reports)

Committee Reports

  1. Staff appreciation- Will repeat what was done last year with little appreciations spread throughout the year. Food at conferences was well received.
  2. STEM- Rachel is chairing. 5th grade is already up and going, others will be starting soon.
  3. Box Tops- included in school executive reports
  4. Book Fairs- All went well with the adjustment of the shared librarian and will make next year run smoothly. $4,052.66 was raised.

Old Business

  1. Review Budget and approve – The budget is very similar to last year. Lincoln Trail had money for PBIS (Positive Behavior Incentive) last year and has requested $4,200 again this year. PTO will match Lincoln Trail’s PBIS money to MTP for playground. In addition, the $5000 CD will go to MTP playground so that all schools are receiving equal amounts.
  2. Jennifer will send the bylaws out to everyone between now and the next meeting so we can vote at next meeting to approve and send in.

New Business

  1. Allocations – $60,000 will be allocated back to schools. 2/3 will go to schools now. Breakdown is: Lincoln Trail $20,678.70 Middletown Prairie $6,238.27 Sangamon $13,083.03 The remaining 1/3 will go to the schools in the spring. Principals will report back on what they spent money on at the end of the year for PTO to report to parents.
  2. Outside groups that approach us for fundraisers- review response. We have held a “only one fundraiser per year” policy in the past. Several requests have come in from outside orgs that want to partner to raise money. Starting this year Jump Rope for Heart will not have a fundraising component anymore. Discussion included pros and cons. Some small fundraisers go on in various buildings in a small capacity. Concluded that we are in agreement that we will continue to not host outside fundraisers.
  3. Filling open positions- Lincoln Trail school rep is still open. Education VP possibly filled by Victoria. All executive positions will require a transition for next year. Will continue planning in the coming weeks.


Next Board meeting: December 7, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. – MPE

A question was asked regarding a gift certificate from a top dawg winner from dawg walk. Michelle had emailed her earlier today and concern should be resolved.

Motion to adjourn made by Michelle Grindley at 6:36 pm. Seconded by Anna Webb. Meeting adjourned.

Special board session called to order at 6:48 by President Michelle Grindley. Ken Keefe joined the meeting. Discussion of budget. $4,200 for the MTP playground will be held from the second 1/3 allocation at end of the year. The remaining budget will be allocated minus that money.

Ken discussed other changes to the budget, no significant changes.

Motion to approve the budget as presented with changes discussed made by Ken Keefe. Seconded by Jennifer Smith. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn made by Anna Webb at 6:56pm. Seconded by Jodi Freiman. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer Smith, Recording Secretary