March 2014 WWPA notes

Attendance: Tammy Deering, Holly Henderson, Claire Stanuae, Nick Karls, Chris Olson and Jackie Jurvelin

Meeting called to order by VP Tammy Deering at 6:33p.m.

Secretary’s report: Read through by Jackie. Motion to approve minutes made by Carol, 2nd by Claire.

Treasurer’s report: Carol read through Feb. income and expenses. Motion made by Jackie to approve, 2nd by Claire.

Ongoing Business:

Incentive Program update: $700 coming to schools from box tops.

Lil’ Shoppers: Claire has a contract with the Chip Shoppe. The dates have been set for Dec. 16th at West and Dec. 18th at GLW. Each child at both GLW and West will receive a $5.00 voucher to shop. This voucher will tie in as a reward for students for using their PBIS/ cool tools.

Reading Night/Literacy Night is all set for March 20th. We will have a table with gently used books for sale for a buck a book.

Family Fun Night is set for Thur. April 20th at JYMS gym. This will be a Hawaiian theme. Families will be encouraged to wear summer clothes. We will set up ½ of the gym with music, hula hoops, limbo contest, and face painting. The other ½ of the gym will be for kids to shoot baskets. In the cafeteria we will be serving ice cream and possibly having a movie on for people to enjoy. Tammy will contact Mary Loveless with our order for ice cream, bowls, spoons, toppings etc. Jackie will work on a flyer for Friday folder. Carol will order decorations. Judd Maxwell has 2 high school students to help with face painting.

New Business:

We need to think about officers for next year.

Carol read through the new By-Laws. We made a few changes. Claire made a motion to approve new By-Laws, 2nd by Jackie.

Should we add teacher requests to top of meeting agenda so they can leave after that?

Outreach: Chris mentioned that the BELC teachers are being audited this year for their parent outreach hours. They need a total of at least 87.5 hours for the year. This would include things like Math night, Literacy night, newsletters, parent visits to classroom, etc. This is state mandated and this is how 4K gets funded.

Principal requests: Mr. Karls mentioned that the 4th graders are working on a service learning project that involves the Ice Age trail and cleaning up the environment. They are trying to connect with a group at the High School and may possibly need money for bussing out to the Ice Age trail.

Dr. Olson has requested $240 to rent the Al Ringling Theater for June 3rd West Spring Sing. They will be having a book fair/picnic/ spring sing that day. Carol made a motion to approve, 2nd by Claire. He also requested $83 for a bounce house for the last day of school. This will be used in gym class in the morning and then for Field Day in the afternoon. Carol made a motion to approve, 2nd by Claire.

Opera for the Young coming in April.

Meeting adjourned by Tammy at 7:38 p.m.

Next meeting at West on April 8th at 6:30pm.