Dr. Csilla Sárdi
PPKE BTK, 2016
English Teaching Methodology 2
This course continues the work started in the English Teaching Methodology 1 course, concentrating, on the one hand, on the design of lessons, the selection of teaching materials and the various considerations in assessment techniquesby an understanding of the various pedagogical (linguistic, social, content, etc.) objectives and principles behind them. Thus, we will design and compare lessons and classroom tests, collect and analyse activities, discuss coursebooks, dictionaries, resource books and collect information about language examinations. On the other hand, planning the teaching of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation will also be given an emphasis. Students will hopefully get a headstart to become ever-developing, autonomous teachers.
Date / Topics / Presentation &Group Discussion / Oral evaluation / Home assignmentFeb. 10th / Introduction
Feb. 17th / Teaching grammar / Thornbury – STK (129-138)
Feb. 24th / Teaching grammar / Presenting grammar
March 2nd / Teaching vocabulary / Nation - STK (144-151)
March 9th / Teaching vocabulary / Presenting vocabulary
March 16th / Teaching pronunciation / Harmer (192-194)
Haycraft (195-197) / Diary 1 due
Easter Break
Apr. 6th / Designing lessons / Thornbury – STK (219-223)
Apr. 13th / Designing lessons / Lesson plans due
Apr. 20th / Teaching materials / Harmer– STK
(224-226) / Diary 2due
Apr. 27th / Teaching materials / Course book evaluation
May 4th / Assessment / Heaton – STK
(205-208) / Diary 3 due
May 11th / Assessment
Diary outline:
• Your name • Your ideas about the article (What come to your
• Main idea of the paper (in one sentence) mind about it? What can you, as a teacher, use
• Main points of the article about it?
• Problematic points; unclear points • Citation data: use APA referencing
Word limit: 1000 – 1500 words (Aspects of Language); 500 – 700 words (Planning, Materials and Assessment)
Please, keep your diaries and activities for your portfolio.
1Aspects of Language
1.1 Grammar
Thornbury, Scott (1999a). Why teach grammar? In Somogyi-Tóth Katalin (ed.): Readings in methodology: A collection of articles on the teaching of English as a foreign language. Piliscsaba: PPKE, pp. 129-138.
1.2 Vocabulary
Nation, I. S. P (2001). Teaching and explaining vocabulary. In Somogyi-Tóth Katalin (ed.): Readings in methodology: A collection of articles on the teaching of English as a foreign language. Piliscsaba: PPKE, pp. 144-151.
1.3 Pronunciation
Harmer, Jeremy (2001). Pronunciation issues. In Somogyi-Tóth Katalin (ed.): Readings in methodology: A collection of articles on the teaching of English as a foreign language. Piliscsaba: PPKE, pp. 192-194.
Haycraft, Brita (1999). Right from the start. In Somogyi-Tóth Katalin (ed.): Readings in methodology: A collection of articles on the teaching of English as a foreign language. Piliscsaba: PPKE, pp. 195-197.
2Planning, Materials and Assessment
Thornbury, Scott (1999b).Lesson art and design In Somogyi-Tóth Katalin (ed.): Readings in methodology: A collection of articles on the teaching of English as a foreign language. Piliscsaba: PPKE, pp. 219-223.
Harmer, Jeremy (1998). How to use textbooks. In Somogyi-Tóth Katalin (ed.): Readings in methodology: A collection of articles on the teaching of English as a foreign language. Piliscsaba: PPKE, pp. 224-226.
2.3 Assessment
Heaton, J. B (1990). Continuous assessment. In Somogyi-Tóth Katalin (ed.): Readings in methodology: A collection of articles on the teaching of English as a foreign language. Piliscsaba: PPKE, pp. 205-208.
Students are expected to
- participate actively in discussions,
- read the assigned articles and hand in three diaries: (1) either 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3; (2 & 3) any two of the following: 2.1; 2.2; 2.3 (see References above for bibliographical data)
- lead agroup discussion focusing on one of the assigned articles
- plan a lesson and hand in their plan
- prepare an oral presentation focusing on either a grammar or a vocabulary presentation activity you design, or an evaluation of a course book
Students will be assessed on the basis of class attendance and activity, home assignments and presentations.
Textbook for the course:
Somogyi-Tóth Katalin (ed.) (2006), Readings in methodology: A collection of articles on the teaching of English as a foreign language. Piliscsaba: PPKE.
Suggested reading:
Harmer, Jeremy (2007), The Practice of English Language Teaching.London: Longman.
Ur, Penny (1996), A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Scrivener, Jim (2005), Learning teaching: A guidebook for English language teachers.Oxford: Macmillan.