SAC Minutes – October 19, 2016
Meeting called to order at 3:00 P.M. by Chair, Michael Levinson
Members Present:Adriana Betancourth, Betty Davis, Francisco Diaz, Marcy Fallazedeh, Brenda Fischer, Liz Hernandez, Stephanie Keen, Michael Levinson, Alexandra Maslan, Fernanda Müller, Geysa Ortiz,Sydney Pappas, Alexandra Price, Isabella Schaerf, Adina Tuchman, Tammy Wehrell.
I. SeptemberMinutes
Motion to accept September’s minutes with modification to the typo in Item VIII, third paragraph: the word “provide” should be “provided,”made by Brenda Fischer; seconded byMrs. Fallazedeh. All were in favor; motion passed.
II. Budget Report – Michael Levinson
Current Balance - $16,705.03
Available - $15,705.03
III. Principal’s Report
Assistant Principal, Parinaz Bristol, gave us the Principal’s report today.
We are happy to note that we were able to hire two new Campus Monitors
We have an opening for a new BRACE Advisor
We are waiting for approval to run ads now that FTE Week is done.
FTE Week is over and we were at 3,167 students on October 3rd.
Mr. Arrojo will be going through SAC Accreditation on Monday
There is a District Volleyball game tonight at 7 pm; Western vs. Cypress Bay
Western High School’s Homecoming game is tomorrow, and the dance is Friday. (These events had been rescheduled due to Hurricane Matthew school closings.)
IV. Acceptance of 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan (SIP)
The committee discussed the importance of the next to last page (5 of 6), as it focuses on the lowest (25%) quartile in Reading and Math Gains, “as evidenced in the SES Band Data” and some ideas for improvement were:
- Add the previously successful Write Score Program again at a cost of approximately $3,000.00
- Use our IFC for Literacy
- Use our after-school and Saturday math classes for this school year
- Focus on our ELL population with the use of the ELL Resource Room, and an LEC Enrichment Camp
There was some verbiage on the SIP Plan that would be changed from last year, specifically on page 5 of 6 in the answer to the question in bold: “Describe in detail how the BEST Practice(s) will be scaled-up.” In the 2nd sentence of that answer, the word “two” will be omitted, and the sentence will read instead: “We also offer the Broward County Public School innovative STEM program.” And the 5th sentence of that paragraph will read: “We are focusing on our ELL population with the creation of an ELL Resource Room.”
Mrs. Müller made the Motion to accept this SIP Plan; Motion seconded by Brenda Fischer. All were in favor and Motion passed.
V. Professional Study Days (PSD) Waiver Application
Before a vote is put out to the Faculty this year, we will have an explanatory discussion. For instance, it will be explained that if the faculty votes for PSDs, teachers would no longer have to meet in the mornings. People interested in this topic will stay after today’s meeting to discuss.
VI. Funding Requests
There are no funding requests at this time
VII. New Business
The committee welcomed two new student members: Sydney Pappas representing 9th grade, and Francisco Diaz representing 10th grade.
There was discussion about whether Western could have a Marketing Program/Class added to the curriculum. Mrs. Bristol informed the committee that we would look into it and that we need a willing and qualified teacher, and that we could then get funding. Mrs. Bristol described partnering with FIU for Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship.
VIII. Adjournment
Brenda Fischer motioned to adjourn at 3:35 P.M., Mrs. Müller seconded the Motion. All were in favor and Motion passed.
IX. School Advisory Forum (SAF) – Co-Chairs: Mrs. Betty Davis and Mrs. Melina Markos
The first Central Area Advisory meeting will be held tomorrow in Ft. Lauderdale
We are not getting information from Central Area Advisory in a timely manner, and so sometimes we don’t get to add our voice to the “conversation.” Mrs. Markos noted that SACs and SAFs need to be informed in a timelier manner, and used the example of the timeline to procure a school nurse. One of the remedies she suggested to help this issue was to move our SAC meeting so that it is always held after the SAF meeting.
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