1969-1974 / 1. After the secret bombings of Laos and
Cambodia, Nixon searched for the leak
that fed the story to the newspaper. He
wiretapped the Watergate Hotel which
house the Democratic National Party
headquarters. What did this act lead to?
The hunt for the leak caused Nixon to
place wire taps in Watergate Scandal.
This later led to his impeachment and
resignation. Students protested the
expansion of war and some were killed
at Kent State Ohio and Jackson State, MS.
2. For 18 months a struggle for truth was
brewing in America. The US Senate
voted to impeach Nixon. What were the
Obstruction of justice
Nixon resigned before Senate ruled
3. Nixon was the only US President to
resign. / 1. What was Nixon's plans for Vietnam? to
support South Vietnam a 2nd time if North
Vietnam failed to follow through on the peace
2. Nixon expanded the bombings into Laos and
Cambodia to destroy the Ho Chi Minh trail that the
North Vietnamese were using to infiltrate South
Vietnam. This was a secret plan and it was leaked
to the press. How did Nixon react? he started
investigating the leak and wiretapped the
democratic headquarters at Watergate hotel
3. Nixon and Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger,
encouraged peace talks with North and South
Vietnam. In 1973 both sides agreed to a ceasefire.
What did Nixon promise if the North Vietnamese
failed to follow the agreed peace plan?
to support South Vietnam a 2nd time if North
Vietnam failed to follow through on the peace
Agreement...Congress voted this down.
4. What was Triangular Diplomacy? contain communism in Vietnam and play USSR and China against each other. Nixon visits China.
5. Why did Nixon visit China in 1972? to befriend Chinese and support a working relationship between USA and China.
6. What was the Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement?
What nations were involved in this agreement? limit the arms race between USA/USSR
1974-1977 / 1. America mistrusted the government
after the Watergate Scandal. Ford was
the politician known as a "Consensus
Builder" and he fought to restore
American trust in the government.
Ford found that 1/2 of his time was still
addressing issues related to the
Watergate Scandal. In order to free his
time, Ford pardoned Nixon. What were
the issues that Ford needed to address?
Inflation and communism in the Soviet Union / 1. North Vietnam violated the peace talks and invaded
Saigon (South Vietnam). Nixon and Henry Kissinger
had made promises to South Vietnam that if this
happened the USA would intervene again. Gerald
Ford tries to carry out this promise to support
Vietnam. How does the War Powers Act impact
the decision to support South Vietnam a second
Congress has the power to declare war and they voted a 2nd entry into South Vietnam down. They denied Ford's attempt to follow through on Nixon's promise.
2. On April 19, 1975 South Vietnam fell and North
Vietnam took over. This was a tragic end to the
South Vietnam fight for freedom. What impact did
this have on the government in Vietnam?
Vietnam became a communist nation
1977-1981 / 1. Carter was an "unknown outsider" to
Washington DC. He brought back
confidence in the government after the
Watergate Scandal. Instead of riding in a
car on the inauguration ceremony, Carter
elected to walk the route to show
humility. How did his Christian beliefs
and "outsider label" impact his ability to
work with the power houses in Congress?
He did not know how to work with the political parties in Washington DC / 1. What was Carter's new foreign policy?
Human Rights
2. Carter worked with Israel and Egypt to draft the
Camp David Accords. The leaders from Israel and
Egypt met with Carter in Maryland. After 13 days,
the Camp David Accords was signed. Why was this
significant? The USA acted as a mediator for Egypt and Israel. This was a step to solving the crisis in the Middle East.
2. Carter expanded the presidential
cabinet. What departments did he add?
Department of Education
Department of Energy
3. The US economy was stagnant during the
Carter years. What was the "lasting
image" of this economic crisis?
Spike in gas prices $4.00 a gallon and long gas lines / 3. The biggest obstacle Carter faced was in 1979 when
Radical Islamic followers stormed the American
Embassy in Iran and took 52 Americans hostage.
Carter pledged to free the hostages and bring all 52
home. Carter decided not to attack/bomb Iran and
to use negotiation to try to free the hostages. The
American people viewed his as being "weak." The
hostage affair caused his approval rating to go
down and impacted his re-election attempt. Did
Carter free the hostages? When were the hostages
released?He negotiated the release but Iran help them until Ronald Reagan was being sworn into office.
1981-1989 / 1. What was the title given to Reagan?
The Great Communicator
2. Reagan soothed the American people
after the Challenger exploded on live TV.
Why was this mission unique? there was diversity on this mission, different races and different professions
3. Ronald Reagan started a new economic
policy called Reaganomics. He
implemented cutting taxes to promote
trickledown effect on consumers and
businesses? How would this help the
economy? Consumers would have more money to spend which would help businesses. Businesses would sale more and more money would be in the economy. / 1. Reagan is marked with the Iran Contra Affair.
What was he accused of? How did he respond?
Selling arms to Iran in exchange for hostage release
He apologized if that was the perception but did not openly admit it
2. Reagan was firm on the fight to contain
communism. Reagan meets with the Soviet leader
(GORBACHEV) in 4 SUMMIT meetings. What was
the impact of these meetings? moves USSR toward a collapse.....collapsed in 1990 Berlin Wall 1989
RONALD REAGAN 1981-1989 / 3. What were the 3 areas of Reagan's focus
as president? defense spending/building up of the military, cutting taxes for the American people and downsizing the American government/anti big-govt
4. What were the 3 social issues that
consumed the Reagan years? AIDS, women's rights and homeless people
5. Reagan's STAR WARS plan and
REAGANOMICS created deficit spending.
There was a huge deficit in 1990's. What
is deficit spending? How does this also
connect with FDR? spending money
you do not have...going into debt
FDR New Deal programs caused the USA
to go into debt/Reagan's STAR WARS
causes debt
5. Reagan was shot during an assassination
attempt. This attempt led to the Brady
Bill. How did the Brady Bill promote
gun control? the customer has to complete an application, 3 day waiting period & background check / 3. Reagan intimidated the USSR with the SDI
System or STAR WARS. Gorbachev knew that the
USSR could not keep up with the USA in a space
race. What did Reagan advocate that SDI/STAR
WARS do? What was its impact?
Shoot down Soviet missiles in space before they
reached the USA. USSR believed this was possible
and did not feel they could keep up with the USA
in a space race. This later is a cause of the fall of the
Soviet Union in 1990.
4. Reagan's famous quote was "Mr. Gorbachev, TEAR
DOWN that wall." In 1989, the BERLIN wall was torn
down. What significant happened in 1990?
The Soviet Union collapsed
1989-1993 / 1. During the election, what was Bush's
No new taxes "read my lips"
2. George H. W. Bush was criticized for
going back on his promise. How
did Reagan's domestic policy force
Bush to compromise? Bush needed tax
dollars to balance the budget due to
deficit spending
3. George H. W. Bush was forced to raise
taxes and this was 1 factor that cost him
the next election. What were 2 effects
that resulted from raising taxes? he tried to balance the federal budget due to deficit spending and there was a new political party in White House...shift from republicans to democrats / 1. George H. W. Bush had 2 foreign policy aims:
A. end Cold War/Communism
B. Gulf War/Saddam Hussein
2. August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. Saddam Hussein
was the leader of Iraq and wanted Kuwait's oil
reserves. Iraq's aggression pulled the USA into the
Gulf War. Bush sent air strikes. 5 months after
air strikes started ground troops went into
Kuwait and liberated the country. Iraqi soldiers
surrendered to American forces. US forces did not
topple Iraqi leader (Saddam Hussein)from power.
What was the main reason for the Gulf War of 1990?

Saddam Hussein from Iraq invaded Kuwait (neighbor) to gain control of their oil...this would have created an oil monopoly and put the western world in jeopardy

3. George H. W. Bush was criticized for not taking
Saddam Hussein out of power. What was Bush's
war aim? To protect the energy resources (oil reserves) in Kuwait/Missile East in an effort to provide a "safe haven" for the western world
1998-2001 / 1. Bill Clinton was the first rock-n-roll
President. He played saxophone,
implemented MTV and courted the
press. The press ends up showcasing
3 Clinton scandals.
A. Paula Jones- accused Clinton of sexual harassment/had an affair with Clinton
B. Whitewater--real estate scandal / 1. While the Lewinsky scandal was on TV a Middle
Eastern country developed a plot to attack the USA.
When did this plot unfold? What was the outcome?
PLOT----> to attack the USA
9/11 was planned and carried out in 2001
BILL CLINTON / 1. Scandals:
C. Monica Lewinsky-had a fling with the president while in oval office. Clinton lied about affair and Congress started the impeachment proceedings
2. Clinton balanced the Congressional
budget. Why was this important?
Was 1st time since Andrew Jackson in early 1800s
3. Clinton was the first US president to
allow the first lady to highly impact
policy. What did Hillary Clinton push for
that Congress denied? universal healthcare for all American citizens
4. Clinton signed NAFTA. What was the
North American Free Trade Agreement?
North American Free Trade Agreement
The NAFTA is an abbreviation for a document known as the North American Free Trade Agreement. The NAFTA document ensures the eventual removal of taxes and import quotas on goods traded between the United States of America, Canada, and Mexico.
5. The democrats and republicans were in
a political war. They failed to agree and
There was a government shutdown.
Many White House staff members were
sent home. Monica Lewinsky and
Clinton had an affair during this time.
Lewinsky was subpoenaed as a witness
for Paula Jones case and the affair went
public. The House of Representatives / 1. Middle Eastern Conflict
B. causalities--->3000+
C. Effects---> draws American into war against Taliban/Osama Bin Laden and Afghanistan
D. Patriot Act---> The act, as a response to the terrorist attacks of September 11th, significantly reduced restrictions in law enforcement agencies' gathering of intelligence within the United States; expanded the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and broadened the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The act also expanded the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA PATRIOT Act’s expanded law enforcement powers can be applied.
BILL CLINTON / started the impeachment process.
Clinton was the 2nd US president to be
impeached. How did the Senate vote?
Not to impeach Clinton
(Son of George H. B. Bush) / 1. During the election of 2000 AL Gore
(democrat) ran against George W. Bush
(republican). The USA did not know who
won the presidency until Jan. 2001.
Al Gore won the popular vote by a
narrow margin. The election came down
to the 25 electoral votes in Florida. How
was the winner determined?
Recounts were held in Florida and the Supreme Court analyzed the results. The Supreme Court announced George Bush defeated Al Gore.
2. During the election and early presidency,
George Bush opposed big/centralized
government. Bush became known as the
most "centralized government"
president. What caused this shift?
He created the department of Homeland Security after 9/11. All 50 states have a state branch of Homeland Security. Wayne County has Homeland Security representatives.
3. The Patriot Act was passed in response
to 911. What did it authorize?
The act, as a response to the terrorist attacks of September 11th, significantly reduced restrictions in law enforcement agencies' gathering of intelligence within the United States; expanded the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and broadened the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The act also expanded the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA PATRIOT Act’s expanded law enforcement powers can be applied. / 1. George Bush identified 3 countries as the "Axis
of Evil." Which nations was he describing and why
were they labeled evil?
North Korea/Iran/Iraq
Developing nuclear weapons
2. On September 11, 2001 terrorist planes flew
into the Twin Towers in New York City the
Pentagon in Washington DC and a plane in
Pennsylvania. What group was blamed?
Who was their leader?Taliban
Osama Bin Laden
3. After 911 Bush declares war on Taliban and
invades Afghanistan. Why did we move into that
We believed that the Taliban network was working out of the area and we believed that they were developing nuclear weapons.
4. What was the outcome of the war? USA declares war