CPPP Board Meeting

February 6, 2013

7:00pm- 9:00 pm

Meeting called by Stacy Laughlin

Board Members:

Stacy Laughlin, President; Sharon Korat, Vice President; Nicole Cuevas,Treasurer; Kristine Hoogensen, Membership; Bill Beecher, Maintenance;Sandi Rosingana, Education Coordinator; HuongRemotigue, 2’s Coordinator; Shelly Woollvin, 3’s Coordinator


Sarah Tran, 2’s Teacher; Monica Grodin, 3’s Teacher/Director

Not Present: Michelle Husain, Secretary; Nicole Salacain, Fundraising; Amy Rodrigues, Pre-K Coordinator; Thuan Pham, Pre-K Teacher


7:00-7:30President’s ReportStacy

A. Meeting was called to order at 7:04pm.

B.January 9th meeting minutes presented; motion made to approve (Sharon), seconded (Nicole C). Motion passed unanimously.

C.Mid-Year Survey Progress update. Stacy will be sending out a reminder to complete surveys.

D.Suggested Purchase: New Oven (with Kristine Hoogensen) – going to do some more “test” cooking before deciding whether it’s worth replacing.

E.Lockbox Key still missing; should we re-key the school? Bill is going to research going to a keyless entry and will report back to the board with costs.

F. Request for homeschooled child to enroll in Pre-K class 2 days/per week, with mother (who has teaching credential) working both days. Teacher Julie, Monica, and Stacy supportive of idea for Fall 2013 class.

G.Compensation for last-minute cancellation of Pre-K class: offer to compensate for the canceled class in the Pre-K on 2/6. Teacher Thuan was sick and no substitute could be found. This will also be offered to the 3’s class for the missed day in January due to most children being out sick.

7:30-7:40Director’s ReportMonica

Nothing to report.

7:40-7:50Treasurer’s ReportNicole C.

  1. December 2012 budget presented. Motion was made to approve the December 2012 budget (Sandi), seconded (Bill). Motion passed unanimously.

7:50-8:10Vice-President’s ReportSharon

  1. Update on Target Grant for lending library. Librarian going to request 5-6 recommendations for books from the membership. Wants to place the first book order by March.
  2. Plans for February Parent Ed Meeting: Class meetings. Also, elections are coming up for next year’s board members.
  3. Loss protection – We either require school's insurance to protect against loss OR the treasurer to be bonded. Information will be put into everyone’s folders and a new vote will be taken at the Parent Ed Meeting.
  4. Emergency Supplies are being ordered.
  5. Shed Update: Toughshed pushed to call the city. Our current shed is not allowed. The shed has never been permitted or given an exemption. City of Campbell won’t initiate a complaint, but they also won’t give a permit because it’s on the front half of the property. All sheds have to be on the back half of the property. Going to look into get a plastic locking hutch-type unit to keep the emergency food supply in outside. Will use the money approved for the tough shed to obtain the revised emergency supply storage.

8:10-8:25Teachers’ ReportMonica, Sarah, Thuan

A.Monica:3’s class has mastered circle time. A lot of illness, this month; themes were community helpers and hibernation. In February they will be healthy bodies, Chinese New Year, dinosaurs, and Valentine’s Day.

  1. Sarah: We are finished with snowflakes and winter activities and have moved on to spring blossoms. In January, we had a lot of visitors for Open House and it went smoothly. We had two cooking projects this month; grape juice mixing and pizza making. In February, themes are Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day, Purim, Lanterns Day, Birthdays and mini muffins. Tomorrow we will be celebrating Chinese New Year and “Celebrate Red” Day. Had a playground incident in which a child was pushed off the slide from the ladder. The child had no injuries but there was parent concern regarding how it was handled. It was addressed and all should be resolved.
  2. Sharon for Thuan: The Pre-K class went to the Intel Museum. Teacher Kit will be the substitute tomorrow.

8:25-8:45Chair Reports

Education CoordinatorSandi

  1. Most people are doing pretty well with their jobs. A few people aren’t turning in their paperwork. We should start fining people that aren’t doing their jobs. Playhouses are nasty. Sandi will create a check-off board for school jobs to keep track.


  1. January Open House yielded good results; classes are almost filled. There will be another two-hour open house on April 20th.
  2. Discussed taking credit card payments for enrollment fees and paypal on the website for tuition.

FundraisingStacy for Nicole S.

  1. Update on Silent Auction: Procurement list is almost done. Having parents who need fundraising hours stuff envelopes.

Secretary/SCVC representativeStacy for Michelle

  1. Michelle hopes to resume attending meetings next month.
  2. SCVC Speaker Night is Feb. 28th, 7-9pm at Cambrian Branch Library. Features speaker Rona Renner; topic is “Was That Me Yelling?” Table with co-op preschool literature (from Las Madras Fair) will be set up in back of the room.
  3. Michelle plans to resign SCVC position next year. With upcoming convention SCVC will be a critical role and we should start recruiting for next year's SCVC representative. Someone who could give a two-year commitment would be ideal.


  1. Outdoor Lighting Update: Lights look great.
  2. January work party went pretty well.

Class coordinatorsHuong, Shelly, Amy

  1. 2’s class (Huong) reported that Friday class playdates are going well so far. We have a trip planned to Campbell Library at the end of February.
  2. 3’s class (Shelly) reported that there is an ambulance coming to school soon, and we have the Los Gatos Bird Watchers coming in March. We will also be visiting Emma Prusch Farms.
  3. Pre-K class (Amy). No update.

8:45-9:00Closed Door Session: Board Members Only

Notes are in the executive meeting minutes.