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October 6, 2006

Mr. David Wells

Riverbend Mobile Home Park

General Delivery

McBride, BC V0J 2E0

Dear Mr. Wells:

Subject: Public Health Inspection of the Riverbend MHP Water System – Low Hazard

On October 2, 2006, I conducted an inspection of the Riverbend MHP water system with Mr. and Mrs. McCuttcheon, in attendance. The following are the observations made, and information gathered, during the inspection. Although the McCuttcheons were very helpful there were some questions they could not answer and I hope that you will be able to supply the missing information.

The well house is locked, insulated, heated and situated approximately 20 – 30 feet from the Dore River. The housing is raised slightly above the surrounding ground, so there is little likelihood of flooding unless the river significantly breaches its banks. The 4-foot diameter wooden lid over the well is sealed to the metal culvert with duct tape. Previous information in the file indicates that the well is 25 feet deep. The housing contains a pressure tank (psi 48). Fire fighting would need to be supplied by pumper trucks.

As the MHP is at a higher elevation than the well, all the trailers are reportedly equipped with hose bibs. Monthly water samples have been collected since 2002 with 7 samples with low levels of total coliforms.

Enclosed is a Water System Application form; please complete the form to the best of your knowledge and return it to our office. Please also include a copy of your Emergency Response Plan and your Small Water System Operator’s certification, so that we may add it to your file. Also, would you be able to give us a hand drawing of the water distribution system, e.g. the line from the well to the trailers, where it branches, if it dead-ends in trailers or is looped and how the septic system lines are laid?

Thank you for your assistance.


Anthony Griffin B.Sc., B.Tech. C.P.H.I(C)

Registered Environmental Health Officer


pc: Bruce Gaunt, Drinking Water Leader