St Cadoc’s Primary School

Parent Council

21 February 2017


Present : Carlo Pacitti, Aundrie Wilmott, Rizwana Ali, Maria McBride, Claire Watson, Michela Pagliocca, Caroline Lynch,Deborah Manini, Maria Birkmyre …… see attached attendee list as supplement, at end of minutes/Equality report.

Visitors : Dorothy Graham (Church Representative), Cncllr Charlie Gilbert, Moira Holmes (Parish Representative), Cncllr Paul O’Kane

Apologies : Anne Marie Turner, Clare McManus, Fiona McFarlane, Pauline Kelly, Jon Paul Cunninghan, Monsignor Monaghan


Welcome was offered to all in attendance at the meeting and Mrs McBride opening the meeting with a prayer.

Previous Minutes

Approved. Carlo Pacitti, Aundrie Wilmott


Carlo advised that at the end of the meeting Aundrie and Diane would take names of those interested in being involved in the Parent Council at St Clare’s PS and also that Mrs Absolom asked him to mention that there would be notification soon about a meeting on Tuesday, 9th May led by SPTC to assist in building a new Parent Forum for St Clare’s PS.

Head Teacher’s Report

Mrs McBride will put her Head Teacher report on the website so that it is available for all to see.

  • School Improvements : whole school to have new lights and this should take place at end March / beginning April. Scotplay have been tasked with work in playground and this willhopefully take place in April.
  • Update on Pupil Equity funds. This is additional funds for school and is targeted at closing the poverty related attainment gap. St Cadoc’s has been allocated £27600. St Clare’s will be taken into consideration too for these funds. There is also an upcoming meeting with other Head Teachersin the cluster to discuss whether these funds could be joined together. This is just an initial meeting to see how these funds could be put to best use and Mrs McBride will keep everyone up to date on this. Any ideas or suggestions will be welcomed. The funds can be used for anything to raise attainment in Reading Writing Maths, possible forest nurture. The funding is based on free school meals.
  • Question was raised about passing pre-loved uniforms and the PSA are looking at this.
  • Learning Experience : theatre visiting tomorrow for Pinocchio.
  • Lots of preparation for World of Work week on 6 March. Thanks to all parents and local businesses for taking part. Great opportunity for skills in learning, life and work, Visitors will highlight areas such employability, timekeeping and being organised.
  • Science focus week soon and in January had Religion World focus. These events are all in addition to the curriculum. Example of the upcoming Science Week : science input P3-P5, parents visit for P1-3, St Ninian’s input for P6-7. Careerlong professional learning being delivered by science champions within the school. Dress like a Scientist Day. Optional Build a Robot Day.

Achievements :

  • Focus on Skills in Daily Learning
  • P4-P7 have completed a participation survey for the Authority and this helps identify and track pupils achievements and other clubs they attend, and also to ensure the children have the opportunity to become involved in otherareas either within the school council/community/school clubs.
  • John Muir Award as part of Forest school learning : P7 Residential, Lockerbie Manor.
  • School Improvement Plan: Staff meeting on 11th January focused on Raising Awareness of Professional Enquiry which every member of staff within the school is undertaking and was delivered by Mrs Rogers and Mrs McKenzie. Two examples of this is a ‘Maths Homework Class’ and ‘Read to Dogs’. Willow the dog comes to the school and the children get a chance to read to the dog and Willow goes to sleep, initially P2. This will be researched to see what affect this has on children.
  • In Service Day :

Held a whole school authoritymoderation and teachers went to other schools to moderate writingacross the authority. Teachers submitted a piece of writing anonymously and other teachers would assess it and then feedback to the group on whether it met targets, etc.

Forest : Mr Fogg and other teachers led workshops in the afternoon and as an example Mr McLaughlin’s workshop, where all staff participated, involved : tree hugging, bug hunting, making muddy faces and to tie a hammock and get into the hammock.

  • Staff meeting tomorrow : developing in faith. SCES document used to evaluate school, reflect on education and vision of the school and also to look to develop Catholic learning and report back to SCES. Cluster theme for the year is developing as a community of faith.
  • P6 are embarking on their Pope Frances Faith Award and this can be continued on into St Ninian’s through their Caritas Award. During Lent the theme will be forgiveness and they will work with pupils at the High School. This will allow the P6 to work with the older children but also help the St Ninian pupils in their Caritas award as they support the primary pupils.
  • Information sessions were held for Parents. Feedback was very positive and some great suggestions were received. Names were also received from parents who would be keen and willing to help. Events are held both during the day and evenings. Dates will be delivered through letters being sent home.
  • Forest School : East Renfrewshire are looking to further improve the pathway. The woodland will soon be renamed Cadoc Wood and will be worked into a new stone dyke wall on the Barrhead Road. The school will be involved in this, including judging entries from artists for statues along the pathway. The old outdoor classroom will soon receive a makeover and East Renfrewshire has put a substantial amount of funds to the side for this.
  • Travel Tracker : During March the school will use the online App which will track how they arrive at school and will reward positive ways to arrive at school : walk, scoot, cycle.

ERC Equalities Forum

Clare McManus represented the PC and attended the recent ERC Equalities Forum meeting. Clare is happy to be the go to person. The forum is held 3 times per year in September, January and May and is open to PC members in the cluster. Caroline Lynch has been appointed St Cadoc’s Equalities Co-ordinator.

Evening began with presentation by ERC and spoke about the purposes and aims of the Forum. The opportunity was available to speak with other members in the cluster. May 2017 will be a showcase of work being done within schools to celebrate diversity within East Renfrewshire. ERC is working to seek to address any issues within education, including child poverty.

St Cadoc’s recently held a coffee morning to discuss diversity within the school and about Diversity being who we are.

Brief report by Clare was handed out to those present and will be attached to the Minutes. See report attached at end of PC minutes.

Discussion was held around ideas/suggestions for diversity within school.

PSA Update

  • Website, email, twitter. Social media working very well and good interaction.
  • Newsletter to show activity for PSA, what they do, what they’re about, to raise awareness, what they spend money on, plans for the future etc.
  • Movie and pizza afternoon was held
  • Ladies night this coming Friday
  • Dress down and crazy hair day this coming Friday
  • Accounts have been reviewed and all in place. Some processes have been reviewed to allow for transparency.

Question around current funds within PSA and how that will be apportioned to St Clare’s PS and discussion followed.


A lot of activity and chat on social media at the moment regarding this subject.

Mrs McBride passed on David Adams contact details, however, he was unable to help but he passed on Andy Henderson details. Andy is the Community Enforcement officer for community safety. He advised that there is no legislation around St Cadoc’s and the only thing he can enforce is the disabled bays. If anyone is parking dangerously the Campus police can become involved. He advised that there will be a new traffic consultation order being put forward in the near future but this will take some time.

A discussion followed on parking and safety. That some parents are parking dangerously, stopping and dropping children off without parking their car, etc. Perhaps parking cones can be placed, ensure that everyone knows about the Drop Off zone, being vigilant, encouraging children to talk about this matter at home, children making posters, etc.

Transition to St Clare’s PS.

Lots of questions are now being answered and all looking well. Any current unanswered questions should begin to be answered by April

Tuesday 9thMay : SPTC will be holding a training meeting on Parent Councils

Diane and Aundrie provided an overview of current position :

End of May / beginning of June is expected to be a good time to start to integrate children who are moving to St Clare’s. To continue to encourage one community.

ERC sent another letter in January to parents to allow them to have another think about their decision. There has been an increase in the number of parents who have chosen to move to St Clare’s PS. Exact numbers not known as yet.

Date of Next Meeting

25 April 2017

Report To Parent Council Following ERC Equalities Forum on 19th January 2017


The ERC Equalities Forum is held 3 times per school session, in September, January and May. This Forum is open to the Parent Council members of all East Renfrewshire Schools. An invitation was circulated to all members of St Cadoc's PC. I attended to ensure representation by St Cadoc's PC, together with Deputy Head Caroline Lynch, who has recently been appointed as St Cadoc’s Equalities Co-Ordinator.

The evening began with a presentation from an ERC representative. She spoke about the purpose and aims of ERC's Equalities Forum. There was then the opportunity to speak with representatives from other schools. The May 2017 Equalities Forum meeting will be a showcase, with pupils presenting on work being done in their schools to celebrate the diversity within East Renfrewshire.

It was explained that ERC’s Equalities Forum was initially set up as a means of seeking to address issues faced within education arising from pupils' race or ethnic origin. It became clear that the issues which required to be addressed were not limited to certain groups and that there was a need to address a range of equality issues.

ERC is working with a number of external agencies, including the Catholic Church, to seek to address inequalities within education. The issues which were highlighted in the presentation at the January Forum meeting included:-

  • Child poverty - Schools should be mindful that there are some children in East Renfrewshire living in property or with hidden poverty. Issues may arise from lack of computer equipment or IT licences (e.g. Education City) at home; inability to contribute to schools' requests for charity donations, school trips, discos, etc.; the rising cost of school meals.
  • Gender stereotyping - ERC has a programme to Get It Right For Girls, raising awareness of gender stereotyping e.g. girls playing netball while boys play football; end of term gifts being different for boys and girls; choice of school subjects.


ERC wishes to cultivate a culture within its schools where individuals’ views are heard and respected. To do this there needs to be an awareness of the issues which are faced. Pupil and parent input is encouraged to raise awareness of individuals' issues in a forum within which they will be listened and respected. Parental engagement in the life of the school is encouraged.

Celebrating Diversity is part of the school curriculum. It is recognised that many parents would be happy to speak to pupils about life in other countries or cultures, in a similar way to that in which World at Work Week operates.

Carolside Primary school has sought to address lack of communication through a Parents Equality and Diversity Group. It was identified by them that barriers to communication and parental engagement included lack of confidence and a perception in some parents that they did not have the necessary skills to effectively contribute to school life. This Group has now been going for some time and is operating as a means of open discussion and communication to help engagement. Through that Group, it was highlighted to the school that there were some issues in areas such as dietary requirements, changing facilities (e.g. mixed changing in classrooms) and access to ERC's social and recreational clubs. That allowed the school to address those issues and to have better communication and parental engagement in the life of the school.

The Parents Equality and Diversity Group in Carolside Primary is intended to be an interim step to having a Parental Champion, who will work with the Equalities Co-ordinator in the School.

St. Cadoc’s

A coffee morning was recently held at St Cadoc's to discuss some of the work which is being done within the school to celebrate diversity. Caroline Lynch is taking the lead on this within the school.

I would be happy to facilitate or chair a Parents Equality and Diversity Group within St Cadoc’s as a means of ensuring open discussion and communication.

If any member of the parent council would like to participate in such a Group, please contact Claire Watson on 07990 517722.

Thank you.

Claire Watson