PO Box 169, Meeniyan 3956

ABN: 71165744153


Meeniyan Art Gallery Workshop Tutor Agreement

The MAG Workshop is situated at the rear of the gallery and is used to hold workshops and demonstrations, or may be hired by artists or artisans who would like to use the space and use the press available in the workshop.

MAG Workshops:

  • MAG prefers to pay tutors 70% of the student fee, retaining 30%, however this may be negotiated and another payment formatmay be possible. Contact us by email and we will return your call.
  • Please supply us with:
  • a description of the activity
  • a list of materials and any costs to the student that may be incurred on the day. We will need this as soon as possible and at least 8 weeks prior to the workshop, to enable advertising.The earlier the better, so that maximum participation can be obtained.
  • Minimum and maximum number of participants.
  • Suggested fee for students.
  • Minimum and maximum number of participants. If minimum number is not reached 2 weeks before the event, the workshop may be cancelled. This may be earlier if the tutor has to travel a long distance.
  • MAG will arrange student booking paymentsand will advertise in MAG’s usual avenues. The tutor may also advertise the workshop however they desire, at their own expense.
  • Please complete an Artist’s Registration Form, available at the gallery orfrom the website. This will ensure we have your bank details and contact information.
  • Payment by EFT bank deposit to your nominated account will be paid in the week following completion of the workshop. If other arrangements required, please email MAG with your request.
  • Arrangements for opening and closing the premises will be arranged with you, if the times do not coincide with the gallery’s open and closing time.
  • A MAG representative will be present on opening to welcome participants and explain the layout and programme.
  • The workshop is to be left in the condition in which it is found and any lights and appliances turned off. Any maintenance issues to be reported to gallery staff.
  • The gallery has public liability insurance, but the tutor is expected to encourage participants to be aware of health and safety issues and act in a responsible manner.
  • Above all, we hope you have an enjoyable, creative and successful day at MAG.

Workshop Agreement

Name Workshop: ______

Tutor: ______

Workshop Date:______Time: ______

Signature:______Date: ______

Please complete, scan and email this form and the Artist’s Registration Form [available on Website or at the gallery] to


Complete, print and send copies with payment to:

Meeniyan Art Gallery PO Box 169, Meeniyan, 3956

Booking will be confirmed to your contact email or phone on receipt of booking form.

Alternatively the Studio may be hired independently to run your own workshop or activity.

Note there will be no MAG involvement in, or advertising of your activity.

Independent Hire:

  • To book the workshop for private use, please request booking by email: and we will contact you to confirm date of booking.
  • MAG charges $50 to hire the workshop, of which $25.00 is required on booking and the remainder, two weeks prior to the booked date.
  • Please use the MAG deposit details below and email us confirmation. We will confirm booking by email.

Direct Deposit / BSB 633 000 / Acc 123681280
Please identify EFT payment by the first three letters of your surname and the day/month of your booking. eg: XXX2910
Cheque / Meeniyan Art Gallery: Bp Box 169

June 2017