Medium Term Plan–Music

Phase – Years 1 and 2

Year 1 / Year 2
Autumn 1 / Instruments and Sounds
1. Identify Instruments by sight and sound
2. Learn a brief history of different instruments
3.Listen to different instruments being played in famous musical pieces / Genres of Music
1. Learn about the instruments in an orchestra
2. Learn about Mozart and some of his music work
3. Learn about Opera, Ballet and Jazz genres
Autumn 2 / Singing and Dynamics
1. Learn difference between fast and slow
2. Learn difference between loud and quiet
3. Sing as part of an ensemble / Singing and Dynamics
1.Differentiate between fast and slow
2. Develop an understanding of dynamics in music
3. Sing with direction
Spring 1 / Carnival of Animals & Sound Characteristics
1.Become familiar with Carnival of Animals
2. Learn different characteristics of sounds and instruments
3. Learn how instruments and sounds can be used to tell stories / Beats and Pulse
1. Understand what a beat is
2. Learn to hear a pulse in music
3. Play rhythms to a pulse
Spring 2 / Emotion in Music, Tempo and Rhythm
1. Associate emotion with music
2. Listen to music and be able to self-analyses how it makes you feel
3. Develop an understanding of tempo and rhythm / Singing and Listening
1. Listen and repeat musical phrases
2. Listen and sing to a rhythm
3. Sing in an ensemble
Summer 1 / Beats & Rhythm
1. Use rhythm instruments to create a beat
2. Sing at various tempos
3. Hear a basic pulse in music / Reading & Playing Notation
1. Learn the notes on a recorder
2. Learn to read basic notation
3. Play melodies on the recorder
Summer 2 / Singing & Moving
1. Sing with movement and actions
2. Sing to music tracks
3. Sing and move to music with a sense of rhythm

Medium Term Plan – Music

Phase – Years 3 and 4

Year 3 / Year 4
Autumn 1 / Music Genres & Composers
1. Learn about Classical and Folk genres
2. Learn about Beethoven and some of his music work
3. Learn about Bach and some of his music work
4. Learn about music from other cultures / Musical Instruments & Composers
1. Learn about Brass instruments and the history of the guitar
2. Learn about Tchaikovsky and some of his music work
3. Learn about Elgar & Holst and some of their music work
Autumn 2 / Singing & Scales
1. Learn what a major scale is
2. Learn the different parts of the body used when singing
3. Learn how to warm up before singing / Singing
1. Learn to sing in two parts in a choir style
2. Develop the ability to listen to other sections of the choir whilst singing your own part
3. Learn to follow direction when singing in a choir style
Spring 1 / Percussion & String Instruments
1. Learn what Percussion & String instruments are
2. Be able to identify Percussion & String instruments by sight and by sound
3. Listen to music comprising Percussion & String instruments / Music Notation
1. Learn and understand musical notes and values
2. Learn about clefs, bars and staves
3. Learn what a time signature is
Spring 2 / Melody & Harmony
1. Learn what a melody is
2. Learn what a harmony is
3. Learn how we write melodies in music notation / Playing the Guitar
1. Learn where the notes are on a guitar
2. Learn to play melodies on a guitar
3. Learn to play chords on a guitar
Summer 1 / Playing the Keyboard
1. Learn where the notes are on a keyboard
2. Learn to play melodies on keyboard
3. Learn to play chords on keyboard / End of Year Performance
1. Develop rhythm and percussion playing as part of a performance
2. Develop singing as part of a performance
3. Develop guitar playing as part of a performance
Summer 2

Medium Term Plan – Music

Phase – Years 5 and 6

Year 5 / Year 6
Autumn 1 / Music Development & Composers
1. Learn about the origins and development of Western music
2. Learn about classical composers such as Mozart, Handel & Hayden
3. Learn about contemporary composers such as Scott Joplin and The Beatles / Musical Instruments, Composers & Genres
1. Learn about the Orchestra
2. Learn about Beethoven and some of his musical work
3. Learn about Spiritual/Gospel music and English Folk Music
Autumn 2 / Singing
1. Learn about Elvis Presley
2. Learn what canons and rounds are
3. Learn about vocal ranges / Singing & Song Structure
1. Learn about the different sections of songs and song structure
2. Learn about themes and variations
3. Develop confidence to allow solo singing
Spring 1 / Music Notation
1. Consolidate previous learning about music notation
2. Practice playing simple rhythms in unison from musical notation
3. Learn about rests and dynamic markings / Music Notation
1. Consolidate previous learning about music notation
2. Learn to play simple rhythms as an ensemble from musical notation
3. Learn about repeat signs and markings
Spring 2 / Playing the Keyboard
1. Learn to play melodies on the keyboard
2. Learn to play chords on the keyboard
3. Learn to play songs on the keyboard / Playing the Guitar
1. Learn to play melodies on the guitar
2. Learn to play chords on the guitar
3. Learn to play songs on the guitar
Summer 1 / End of Year Performance
1. Develop rhythm and percussion playing as part of a performance
2. Develop singing as part of a performance
3. Develop keyboard playing as part of a performance / End of Year Performance
1. Develop rhythm and percussion playing as part of a performance
2. Develop singing as part of a performance
3. Develop guitar playing as part of a performance
Summer 2