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Web Quest Worksheet
Medieval Castles
Directions: Use the Web Quest found under Social Studies Class Projects titled “Medieval Castles Web Quest” to answer the questions (steps) below. Follow the steps in order (1, 2, 3, etc). Example: Step 1 on the web quest is used to answer Step 1 on the worksheet.
Step 1: After exploringKid’s Castle…
- List one usefor Gatehouse:
- List one reason why the Great Hall was so important:
- Explain what types of medieval people live in the Great Tower:
Step 2:Castle Defenses
After exploring ways castles were built to defend themselves…
- List and explain the purpose of 3 defense features (example- moats, ramparts, flanking towers, etc.) added by the castle builders for protection:
Defense 1:
Defense 2:
Defense 3:
Step 3: Meet James the Jingling Jester
After exploring the different parts of the castle…
- Explain what the lower windows were used for (This information can be found on the “Outside the Castle” page).
- After visiting the Armory room in the castle (found on the map page), explain the purpose of this room.
- After locating the Barracks from the map page, explain the purpose of this area in the castle.
Step 4: Castle Terminology
After scrolling through the list of castle terminology locate the following terms for further information and pictures. Click on the terms listed below and define.
1. Bailey:
3. Wall Walk
4. Drum Tower
Step 5: Famous Castles
Scroll through the lists and descriptions of famous medieval castles. Click on the links for two castles that interest you. After reading a bit more about your two chosen castles, list the name and one fun fact for each.
Castle #1:
Castle #2:
Step 6: Castle Photo Archive- Welsh Castles
After looking through the many photos of Welsh Castles, choose one that interests you and list the name, location, and one other fact:
Step 7: Inside a Castle
After reading about the inside of a castle, explain some specific characteristics:
- What was the purpose of tapestries?
- What kind of plumbing system did the castle have?
- What type of furniture was in the Great Hall?
Step 8: Destroying the Castle
Explain what the trebuchet is and why it was so important?
Extra activity after you completely finish:
Medieval Castle Life Trivia