Medical Reserve Corps Mini Grants
SFY 2016
Grant Details
- 20 mini-grants are being offered for the spring of 2016.
- Each grant would be worth $3500.
- There is a limit of one application per unit.
- Funding would need to be spent by June 30, 2016.
- Applications will be due by April 8, 2016 and can be submitted electronically to .
- Units will be notified of award via email on April 15, 2016.
- Units who were not selected to receive the award will receive notice via email by April 18, 2016.
Allowable Uses of Funds
- Funding requests must be in accordance with the BP4 Grants Management Manual and be for emergency preparedness purposes tied to the PHEP and HPP capabilities.
- Funds may not be used for administrative or contract staff support, unless they will be assisting with a project outlined in the proposal. In those instances no more than 50% of the budget may be allocated to staff time.
- Must be a federally recognized MRC unit in good standing by March 1, 2016.
- If the unit is in receipt of BP4 funds, must have submitted a workplan and budget to DPH.
Application Process
- Units must complete a simpleone-page application providing contact information, a description of their current work, and how a mini-grant would further the unit’s work, along with a detailed workplan and budget by email to Regan Checchio, Regina Villa Associates. Confirmation emails will be sent upon receipt of each workplan and budget.
- Should you have questions regarding this process please send them to Regan Checchio by 3/31/16. All FAQs from this process will be posted to
by 4/4/16.
Evaluation Criteria
Project Goals0-10 points / Goals for the project are clearly described and thoroughly documented; proposal supports theunit’s goals and objectives.
Project Design
0-10 points / Strong and innovative project design with procedures and activities that are well defined, fully explained, and link to project goals.
Plans for Project Evaluation and Participant Assessment
0-10 points / Proposal includes a variety of methods to assess participants and evaluate the project.
0-10 points / Proposal includes a well-defined plan identifying appropriate collaborative partners, each of which add value to the program
Deliverable Status
0-10 points / Unit has submitted/participated in BP4 deliverables (workplan, budget, drills, quarterly reports) completely and on-time.
0-10 points / Budget is complete and contains all required information. Budget is cost effective and linked to activities and outcomes.
Total 60 points, Applications receiving less than 30 points will not be considered for this award.