Georgie Porgie
Child’s Name:
Date of Birth: / Gender: / Proposed Days: / Additional Hours required (at extra cost)
7.15am 6.15pm 6.30pm
Circle as appropriate
Religion / Where did you hear about us:
Child’s first language: / Proposed start date: / Leave date:
For office use only
Email address: / Birth certificate number:
First contact telephone No:
Medical Information
Important medical conditions (e.g. allergies, asthma, etc)
Special dietary requirements:
Is this cultural, choice or due to intolerance or allergy:
Injections received:
Telephone No:
Name of person(s) holding parental responsibility:
Name of parent/carer(1): contact no:
Name of parent/carer (2): contact no:
Home address of person holding parental responsibility (if different to above):
Work address of parent/carer(1):
Telephone No: / Work address of parent/carer (2):
Telephone No:
People authorised to collect child and to contact in an emergency if parents not contactable:
Name: / Relationship to child: / Telephone Number:
Chosen password
I give my consent to my child receiving any medical treatment which is urgently necessary, except:
Signed (parent/carer): Date:
I give my consent to my child receiving Calpol (Nurofen & Piriton in extreme circumstances) and teething gel in the event of the nursery being unable to contact the parent/carer.
Signed (parent/carer): Date:
I allow my child to be photographed (photos may be displayed within nursery) and videoed for the training and educational purposes of the nursery staff and for personal Learning Journeys.
Signed (parent/carer): Date:
I allow my child to be in photographs displayed on the nursery website.
Signed (parent/carer): Date:
I allow my child to be in photographs intended for other children’s Learning Journeys.
Signed (parent/carer): Date:
I give consent for the nursery to administer sun cream to my child.
Signed (parent/carer): Date:
I understand that there may be occasions where information will need to be shared without my consent. This will only be when there is a matter of safeguarding a child.
Signed (parent/carer): Date:
I give permission for my child to be taken off the premises for short walks, park visits or library trips.
Signed (parent/carer): Date:
I understand that my child may be transported in the event of an emergency (e.g. ambulance).
Signed (Parent/carer): Date:
I understand that observations will be carried out on my child to monitor their development and inform future planning.
Signed (parent/carer): Date:
I have read and agree to abide by the nursery terms and conditions (see attached)
Signed: Date:
ABOUT YOUR CHILD (To be completed at nursery with key person)
Key Person: Date completed:
Dietary requirements/medical conditions circle as appropriate
YES – see front of enrolment form NO
General information about your child. Please answer these questions in as much detail as possible. This will help us get to know your child and help him/her to settle in quickly.
Child’s Name: D.O.B:
Are any milk feeds to be given to your child during the day? At what times? Type of milk?
If under 1 year, at what times does your child have breakfast, lunch, dinner? / Can your child feed themselves with a:
Spoon spoon and fork
knife and fork
Does your child drink from a:
Bottle beaker
open cup
Does your child have any daytime sleeps? At what times? Do they have a comforter? How dos your child go to sleep? How long do they usually sleep for?
Nappy changing/toilet routine
What are your child’s current interests?
Does your child have any fears or dislikes (e.g. loud noises)? / Does your child like to be comforted if upset? How?
What would you say your child’s current skills are? (e.g. counting, recognising shapes/colours, writing their name, sharing and turn taking, putting on their coat, crawling, clapping, babbling)
What things does your child find difficult at present?
Is there anything special that you feel we should know about your child?

Ethnicity form

Please tick the box which best describes your child’s ethnic background

o  White – British

o  Irish

o  Traveller of Irish Heritage

o  Gypsy/Roma

o  Mixed – white and Black Caribbean

o  White and Black African

o  White and Asian

o  Any other mixed background

o  Asian or Asian British

o  Indian

o  Pakistani

o  Bangladeshi

o  Any other Asian background

o  Black or Black British

o  Caribbean

o  African

o  Any other Black background

o  Chinese

o  Any other ethnic background

o  I do not wish to record my child’s ethnicity

Child’s name………………………………….



  The nursery is open from 7.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. We are open Monday to Friday, except for recognised Bank holidays. Fees are due for Bank Holidays but not for any other days we may close over Christmas.

  Attendance fees are detailed on the enclosed price list. Places booked in advance will require a £100 deposit (which is not refundable), and will be deducted from the first month’s fees. Fees are due in advance on the first of the month and a 10% penalty charge for late payment will be charged for fees not received by the 6th of the month.

  No reduction in fees can be offered in the event a child is absent through illness, holiday or any other reason.

  A fee of £10 will be charged if a child is regularly collected later than agreed. One month’s notice is required if you wish to withdraw your child from the nursery or change your child’s days/hours.

  It is the responsibility of the parents/carers to inform the nursery of any changes in circumstances, contact details, etc

  Medicines can only be administered on completion of the nursery medicine form. If a child has asthma inhaler it must be carried at all times. We are unable to accept any child suffering from an infectious disease until the recognised isolation period has passed. In addition children suffering from sickness and diarrhoea must have a clear 48 hours before returning to the nursery. The Proprietor or Manager/Deputy Manager reserves the right to refuse a sick child entrance to the nursery. However, should a child become sick within our care, every effort will be made to contact the parents. In the case of an emergency the Proprietor or Manager/Deputy Manager reserves the right to take the child to hospital whilst contact is made with the parents.

  When collecting their child, it is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure they have their child’s medication before leaving the premises.

  Each child will require at least one full change of clothes and a sun hat/cream in summer and hat, scarf and wellies in winter. All clothes must be clearly labelled

  Jewellery of any kind must not be worn to Nursery. Small stud earrings are acceptable.

  We discourage children from bringing personal items into the nursery, as these can become lost or broken, but comforters are welcome.

  The nursery does not accept responsibility for the loss or damage of personal items.

  Complaints procedure – complaints may be referred to the Proprietor/Manager. They will be recorded, dated and dealt with keeping the parents informed of the outcome.

The regulatory body is:

Early Years


National Business Unit

Piccadilly Gate

Store Street

Manchester, M1 2WD

Telephone: 0300 123 1231

  A copy of all nursery policies and procedures are available on request

  Georgie Porgies operates a no-smoking policy indoors and outdoors

Fair Processing Notice


Early Years Settings, Schools, Local Authorities (LAs), the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) (the government department which deals with education and children’s services), the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted), and the National Assessment Agency (NAA) all process information on children and pupils in order to help administer education and children’s services and in doing so have to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. This means, among other things, that the data held about children must only be used for specific purposes allowed by law. We are therefore writing to tell you about the types of data held, why that data is held, and to whom it may be passed on.

The Early Years Setting holds information on children in order to support their development, to monitor their progress, to provide appropriate pastoral care, and to assess how well the Setting as a whole is doing. This information includes contact details, attendance information, characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information. From time to time Early Years Settings are required to pass on some of this data to LAs, the DCSF and to agencies that are prescribed by law, such as QCA and Ofsted. In particular, at age five an assessment is made of all children (the Foundation Stage Profile) and this information is passed to the Local Authority and receiving maintained school.

The Local Authority (LA) uses information about children for whom it provides services to carry out specific functions for which it is responsible. For example, the Local Authority will make an assessment of any special educational needs the child may have. It also uses the information to derive statistics to inform various decisions. The statistics are used in such a way that individual children cannot be identified from them.

The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) uses information about children to administer national assessments such as the Foundation Stage Profile. Any results passed on to the DCSF are used to compile statistics on trends and patterns in levels of development. The QCA can use the information to evaluate the effectiveness of the national curriculum and the associated assessment arrangements, and to ensure that these are continually improved.

Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills and Ofsted do not routinely process any information about individual children. However, whilst Ofsted holds no records of individual children’s progress, it does use information about the achievement of groups of children to help inform its judgements about the quality of education in Early Years Settings.

The National Assessment Agency (NAA) uses information for those, relatively few, Settings undertaking the Foundation Stage Profile. The resulting data is passed on to the NAA which also uses information in working with schools, the QCA, and Awarding Bodies, for ensuring an efficient and effective assessment system covering all age ranges is delivered nationally.

The Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) use information about children and pupils for research and statistical purposes, to allocate funds, to inform, influence and improve education policy and to monitor the performance of the education and children’s services as a whole. The DCSF will feed back to LAs information about children for a variety of purposes that will include data checking exercises, and use in self-evaluation analyses.

Information about children may be held to provide comprehensive information back to LAs to support their day to day business. The DCSF may also use contact details from these sources to obtain samples for statistical surveys: these surveys may be carried out by research agencies working under contract to the Department and participation in such surveys is usually voluntary. The Department may also match data from these sources to data obtained from statistical surveys.

The DCSF may also disclose individual child and pupil information to independent researchers into the educational achievements of pupils who have a legitimate need for it for their research, but each case will be determined on its merits and subject to the approval of the Department’s Chief Statistician.

The Children Act 2004 permits the disclosure of information from registered childcare providers for inclusion on Contact Point. The purposes of ContactPoint are to:-

· help practitioners working with children quickly identify a child with whom they have contact;· determine whether that child is getting the universal services (education, primary health care) to which he or she is entitled; · enable earlier identification of needs and earlier, more effective action to address these needs by providing a tool to help practitioners identify which other practitioners are involved with a particular child; and

· encourage better communication and closer working between practitioners.

ContactPoint will hold for each child or young person in England (up to their 18th birthday):

· basic identifying information: name, address, gender, date of birth and an identifying number;

· name and contact details for a child’s parent or carer;

· contact details for services involved with a child: as a minimum educational setting (e.g. school) and primary medical practitioner (e.g. GP Practice) but also other services where appropriate; and

· the facility to indicate if a practitioner is a lead professional for a child and/or if an assessment under the Common Assessment Framework has been completed.

ContactPoint will NOT contain any case information (such as case notes, assessments, attendance, exam results, medical records or subjective observations).

Access will be strictly limited to those who need it to do their job. All authorised users must have undergone relevant mandatory training, have security clearance and have a user name, a password, a PIN and a security token to access ContactPoint. To ensure high standards of accuracy, information on ContactPoint will be drawn from a number of existing systems, including the termly School Census from which pupils’ home address will be collected.

For further information go to <

Children, as data subjects, have certain rights under the Data Protection Act 1998, including a general right of access to personal data held on them, with parents exercising this right on their behalf if they are too young to do so themselves. If you wish to access the personal data held about your child, then please contact the relevant organisation in writing:

-  the Early Years Setting - please contact your provider;

-  the Local Authority at: Data Services, Schools Children & Families, Essex County Council, PO Box 47, Chelmsford, CM2 6WN;

-  the QCA’s Data Protection Officer at QCA, 83 Piccadilly, LONDON, W1J 8QA;