Between the Wars – Guided Lecture Notes
League of Nations
- What did it do?
- Establishment of the system
- Mandates =
- Examples of MandateTerritories =
- Why did it fail?
- USA did not want to become a member, it wants to itself from Europe and the rest of the world ( )
- L of N did not have the power to its decisions
United States
- Wanted from the rest of theworld
- Dominant world after WWI
- Led to economic “boom” (= )
- People borrowed money on credit for and
Great Britain
- Horrors of WWI deeply impacted British and
- Britain lost factory jobs to USA and
- Labour Party (““ party) won general elections in the
- Devastated by
- Economic hardship
- High and gov’t nearly
- Horrors of War
- 50% of men ages 18-32 killed in
- Resented Treaty of Versailles
- Did not give enough to Italy
- High unemployment and
- Political chaos led to the election of Benito and his government in 1924
- Fascism =
- Anger and resentment over the Treaty of
- Republic – democratic gov’t elected in 1919
- Reparations caused economic in Germany
- Loans from the US led to a period of relative in the 1920’s
- But…Political Unrest still occurs….
- Rise of
- Lenin’s (NEP) =
- Changes name – now U.S.S.R. = Union of Republics
- Lenin dies in 1924 – Josef comes to power
- Stalin implements his first Year Plan
- Rapid
- Collectivization of Soviet farms. Collectivization =
- After WWI – Japan felt the West did not treat it as an
- Industrialization in the 1920’s leads to a need for
- Japan wanted to gain more control of parts of (mainly Manchuria)
- Japan becomes increasingly and
Turning Point – The Stock Market Crash
- Causes of the Stock Market Crash
- in USA – prices go down sharply
- Excessive dependence on to buy goods and stocks – people cannot pay off their debts.
- High protective (or taxes on imports) stifle world trade
- October 1929
- Banks call in loans
- People unable to pay off their bills
- Stock prices
- Businesses start to fail, laying off workers
- Result = The Great Depression
The Great Depression
- The Great Depression is GLOBAL = effects
- Production of goods around the world
- Prices, Salaries, and Wages fell =
- Many workers lost their jobs
- in the USA alone
United States
- 1932 – Franklin D. elected President
- - Federal gov’t would spend money, put workers back to work
- Fed gov’t regulated , stock
- Fed gov’t established and unemployment
- Fascists and Communists constantly battled for influence among
- 1934 - -led gov’t comes to power
- Passed many laws that benefited and
- 1929 – Hitler appeals to German workers – He can bring back economic and German national pride (“ “)
- 1930’s – NAZI’s win big in elections (NAZI = acronym for National Party)
- 1933 – Hitler is appointed ““ or leader of the German gov’t
- Results of the FIVE YEAR PLAN
- Rapid ______
- Workers work for or pay
- is scarce
- Famine widespread
- 1930’s – ““ – Stalin tries to “ “ (execute or imprison) his “ “ (or people he believed to be his enemies).
- Japan dependent on the US - Great Depression in USA carried to Japan
- Millions unemployed and
- Military leaders promised stable and national pride ( )
- Eyed imperial expansion in