Human Body Systems Presentations
Purpose:How the human body systems:
1.Work to maintain homeostasis(understand feedback control mechanisms involved in each body system)
2.Work from the molecular level to tissue> organs and organism level
3.Evolved from more primitive systems
4.Include structures that relate to functions
Part One:
A. Create a PowerPoint presentation in which these questions are addressed about your body system: (Look in the box below for further information)
1. Describe the evolutionary development of this system from simple to complex organisms.
2. Why is this body system necessary?
3. Describe and elaborate the structures and functions of the system focusing on humans.
4. Provide labeled diagrams in the PP of the major structures of the system.
5. Explain the interdependence of this system with other body systems.
6. Describe at least 1 disease/disorder of the system.
Your Powerpoint should follow these rules:
-Include a video (downloaded before presenting)
-Follow the 5 X 5 rule
-Be visually stimulating, 28 point font minimum, and easy to read
-Be interactive with the audience.
-All group members should be heard!
Part Two:
B. Create a model of the system assigned to you. This model should be life-like in representation. Please do not use food products in making your model.
Part Three:
C. Find a picture of your system with all parts labeled. Print the picture. Then, copy the picture and distribute to each student before your presentation. Make reference to the picture during your presentation.
Part Four:
D. Create an interactive notes page for students of the class. The notes page could be in an outline form or question form….however you want!You will need to make copies of your outline to distribute to the classbefore class. Make sure that you provide enough detail so that your classmates will have a study aid for the AP test.
System/ /Topic # / Campbell 8th ed. Ch / Specific details / Names / Date of presentation1. Animal Nutrition Digestion / Ch 41 / -Skip 41.1 and 41.2
-ID Main stages of food processing
-Variation in alimentary canals
-Describe the movement of food through a human, starting with the oral cavity down to the rectum. Make sure to talk about all enzymes and their functions in the process.
-Focus on surface area and microvilli of small intestine
2. Circulatory and Gas Exchange / Ch 42 / -Open vs closed circulatory systems
-Heart parts: Differences amongst fish, amphibians, and reptiles/humans.
-All blood vessels: arteries, veins, capillaries, arterioles, venules
-Pulmonary vs systemic circulation
-Mammalian circulation
-The Cardiac cycle: systole, diastole, SA node, pulse, AV node, EKG
-Structure of blood vessels
-Lymphatic system and lymph nodes
-Components of blood
-Blood clotting
-Gills in aquatic animals and countercurrent exchange.
-Mammalian lungs and structure.
-Skip 42.6, 42.7
3. Osmoregulation and Excretion / Ch 44 / -Osmolarity: osmoconformers vs. osmoregulation (Skip rest of 44.1)
-Ammonia: Excretion of Nitrogen Waste (Urea, Ammonia, Uric Acid); Evolution of Uric Acid
-Figure 44.9-Key function of excretory systems
-Sec 44.4: The kidney, renal artery and renal vein, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra
-Nephron and structure
-Filtration of blood through kidney, Figure 44.14 (proximal tubule, Loop of Henle, Distal tubule, collectinf ducts
-How the kidney saves water (don’t spend too much time on this)
-(Skip rest of 44.5 and 44.6)
4. Immune / Ch 43 / Innate immunity: External defenses (skin, lysozyme) and internal defenses (phagocytosis and 4 types of white blood cells)
-Inflammatory response: histamine and mast cells
-Acquired immunity (Antigens and epitopes, lymphocytes (B and T))
-B Cell receptor
-T cell receptors (MHC complex)
-Class I and Class II MHC receptors
-Lymphocyte creation (B and T)
-Clonal selection of B cells
-Primary vs secondary immune response
-Humoral vs Cell Mediated Response
-5 classes of immunoglobins
-Antibody mediated mechanisms of antigen disposal
-Active immunity (immunizations) vs passive immunity
-Skip 43.4
5. Animal Development / Ch 47 / -Fertilization and the acrosomal reaction
-Cortical reaction and fertilization envelope
-Activation of the egg with calcium
-Cleavage: morula, blastocoel, blastula (Figure 47.7)
-Animal and vegetal poles
-Gastrulation: gastrula, germ layers (ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm and what they develop into Figure 47.16)
-Archenteron and blastopore
-Organogenesis: notochord, neural tube (Skip rest of 47.1)
-Skip 47.2
-Skip 47.3
-Go to Ch 32 pg 631: Body cavities: coelom, coelomates, pseudocoelomates, , acoelomates
-Protostomes (spiral cleavage, determinate), vs deuterosomes (radial cleavage, indeterminate)
6. Nervous / Ch 48 and 49 / -CNS vs PNS
-Sensory, motor and interneurons,
-Neuron structure (all parts)
-Glia cells (specifically oligodendrocytes and schwann cells)
-Membrane potential and charge
-Resting potential (don’t get too caught up on this…just what is it)
-Gated ion channels
-Production of action potential: threshold, action potential, depolarization,
-Synaptic vesicles, cleft (Figure 48.17)
-Neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine, seratonin, dopamine
-Skip rest of 48.4
-Gray vs white matter
-Somatic vs autonomic nervous system
-Figure 48.21
-The brain and its parts
-Skip 48.6 and 48.7
a) overview of nervous tissue in various animals
b) neuron function (detailed action potential); neurotransmitter action, types of neurotransmitters
c) evolution of vertebrate nervous system including CNS and PNS
d) neuromuscular junctions (relationship between nervous system and muscular system
Grading Rubric for Body Systems Presentation Project: (100 points)
Interactive Worksheet: 20pointsPresented in an easy-to-follow format / 5 pts
Focuses on structure AND function of components in assigned system(s) / 5pts
Serves as a complete overview of the assigned system(s) / 5 pts
Accuracy of information / 5 pts
Fits time requirement- / 5 pts
Presented in an easy-to-follow format, interesting use of media and effective / 5 pts
Accuracy of information presented / 5 pts
Can hear everyone and is interactive / 5 pts
Provides visuals/video to reinforce discussion / 5 pts
Diagram/Picture: 10 points
Diagram Presented to Classmates before presentation / 5 pts
Labeled Diagram / 5 pts
Model: 15points
Model looks like the system / 5 pts
Model is labeled and is accurate / 5pts
Model is durable and of good quality / 5 pts
Human Anatomy Helpful Websites:
Virtual body:
Visible Human Project:
Human Body Online:
Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.
The Electronic Zoo.
The On-Line Biology Book. Click on BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY: ANIMALS I, II or III
UCMP Taxon Lift. Click on On-Line Exhibits: Web Lift to: Animals, Plants, etc. then METAZOA (Animals), then choose your phyla. Created by the Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley.
Human Body Links:
Bio Ed Online:
Educational encyclopedia:
Visible Body:
BBC Human Body:
National Geographic Human Body: