1.12 Seattle Heart Failure Score MedaMACS Users Guide – Page 1 of 94

Medical Arm of Mechanically
Assisted Circulatory Support
Users Guide(V1.1)

1.0 Users Guide (V1.1) - Table of Contents

1.0 Users Guide (V1.1) - Table of Contents

1.1 Screening Log

1.2 Demographics Form

1.3 Clinical Enrollment Form

Initial Data

Comorbid Concerns

Physical Exam

General Hemodynamics

Laboratory Values

Exercise Testing


Right Heart Catheterization Elements


Quality of Life


1.5 1 Month / 1 Year / 2 Year Follow-up Form

1.6 6 Month / 18 Month Phone Interview Form

1.7 Rehospitalization

1.8 Patient Registry Status Form

1.9 Death Form

1.10 Adverse Events

AE Infection

AE Neurological Dysfunction

AE Major Bleeding

Other Adverse Events

Cardiac Arrhythmias

Myocardial Infarction

Psychiatric Episode

Venous Thromboembolism

Arterial Non-CNS Thromboembolic Event

Other Adverse Event

1.11 Quality of Life

EuroQol (EQ-5D)

Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ)

VAD Survey

1.12 Seattle Heart Failure Score

1.1 Screening Log

Informed Consent: Did the patient sign the informed consent?


If No, data entry is concluded and the following message is displayed:

Without informed consent, no patient information can be entered.

IfYes, continue data entry…

Basic Patient Information

Firstname: Enter the patient's first name.

Middle name: Enter the patient's middle name.

Lastname: Enter the patient's last name.

Date of Birth: Enter the patient's date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Inclusion: Patient must meet all inclusion criteria: You must answer all questions

□ Has the patient had a diagnosis of heart failure or typical symptoms for more than 12 months?


□Did the patient have at least 1 hospitalization for heart failure in the previous 12 months? Yes/No

□Does the patient have moderate or severe functional limitation, NYHA Class III or IV symptoms, for at least 45 of the last 60 days.


□Has the patient been on oral medical therapy for heart failure for at least 3 months or has documented intolerance? Medications include: beta blockers, ACE-inhibitors/ARBs and aldosterone antagonists.


□ Are the results of the patient’s most recent LVEF less than or equal to 35%?


□ Is the patient between 18 and 80 years old?


□Does the patient have at least one of the following high risk feature failure? Please check all that apply:

□ An additional unplanned hospitalization for heart failure in the last 12 months, for a total of ≥2 hospitalizations, or

□ Peak oxygen update (VO2) ≤16ml/kg/min for men, or ≤14ml/kg/min for women, or <55% of age- and sex-predicted using the Wasserman equation, or

□ 6 minute walk distance <300 meters without non-cardiac limitation, or

□ Serum BNP >1000 ng/ml

□Seattle Heart Failure Model Score > 1.5 (If 1 Year Survival is 82% or less (mortality 18% or more), then the patient meets the SHF Criteria for study entry):

Exclusion: Any exclusion will disqualify the patient for entry into MedaMACS:

If patient meets ANY exclusion criteria then check any of the appropriate exclusion reason below (check all that apply):

□Is the patient older than 80 or younger than 18 years old? Yes/No

□Is the patient currently on home IV inotropic therapy?


□Does the patient currently have an active listing for heart transplantation?


□ Is cardiac surgery anticipated for the patient during this admission?


□ Does the patient have a wide QRS (>120msec) and planned biventricular pacemaker (CRT) implant, or biventricular pacemaker (CRT) within the past 90 days?


□Is the patient’s primary functional limitation from a non-cardiac diagnosis?


□ Is a non-cardiac diagnosis expected to limit the patient’s 2-year life expectancy?


□ Is the patient on chronic hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis?


□Does the patient have a history of cardiac amyloidosis?


□Does the patient have obvious anatomical or other major contraindication to any cardiac surgery in the future? (e.g. previous pneumonectomy, advanced connective tissue disease)


□ Patient is incarcerated (prisoner)


SUBMIT – click the submit button

If the patient meets all of the inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteria then this patient is enrolled in MedaMACS and you will be directed to the patient Demographic form.

1.2 Demographics Form

First Name:Automatically populated from screening form.

Middle Name:Automatically populated from screening form.

Last Name:Automatically populated from screening form.

Date of Birth:Automatically populated from screening form.

Social Security Number: Enter the last 5 digits of the patient's social security if patient has been issued an SSN. If the social security number is not available or undisclosed, check not available or undisclosed.

Gender:Select the patient's gender.


Hispanic Ethnicity: Is the patient Hispanic or Latino?


Race:Enter all race choices that apply from the list below:

American Indian or Alaska Native


African-American or Black




Other/none of the above

Marital status: Enter patient’s current marital status from the list below:



Domestic Partners




Highest education level: Enter patient’s current highest education level from the list below:

Grade School (0-8)

High School (9-12)

Attended College/Technical School

Associate/Bachelor Degree

Post-College Graduate Degree

N/A (< 5 yrs old)



Working for Income:Select ‘Yes’ if the patient is currently working for income or attending school. If not, select ‘No.’ If unknown, select ‘Unknown.’
Yes No

If Yes, Select one of the following:

Working Full Time

Working Part Time due to Demands of Treatment

Working Part Time due to Disability

Working Part Time due to Insurance Conflict

Working Part Time due to Inability to Find Full Time Work

Working Part Time due to Patient Choice

Working Part Time Reason Unknown

Working, Part Time vs. Full Time Unknown

If No, Select reason patient is not working from one of the following:


Demands of Treatment

Insurance Conflict

Inability to Find Work

Patient Choice - Homemaker

Patient Choice - Student Full Time/Part Time

Patient Choice - Retired

Patient Choice - Other

Not Applicable - Hospitalized


1.3 Clinical Enrollment Form

Initial Data

Date of Visit:Enter the date of visit in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Height: Enter the height of the patient in inches or centimeters. The height must fall between 10 and 80 inches or 25 and 203 centimeters. If the height of the patient is unknown check the corresponding box.

Height Units: Select the units in which the height was entered


Weight: Enter the weight of the patient in the appropriate space, in pounds or kilograms. The weight must fall between 5 and 450 pounds or 2 and 205 kilograms. If the weight of the patient is unknown check the corresponding box.

Weight Units: Select the units in which the height was entered


Blood Type: Select the patient's blood type.


Current Status: Select the patient’s location at time of consent



Length of time followed at your institution:Enter the length of time the patient has been followed at your institution.

<3 month

3-12 months

1-2 years

>2 years

Referral Source:Please report the type of health professional who initiated referral to your practice:

Local Internist

Local Cardiologist

Cardiac Surgeon




Prior Heart Transplant Evaluation:


If Yes, Transplant Evaluation Outcome:




Prior DT (Destination Therapy) VAD Evaluation:


If Yes, DT VAD Evaluation Outcome:




Comorbid Concerns

Please select any condition below that is a comorbidity and/or concern for patient treatment or contraindication for transplant.

Checking any of these contraindications/comorbidities/concerns does not necessarily mean that a condition is a contraindication or concern for the patient. No specific thresholds are provided for these concerns or contraindications. They should represent the results of formal discussion with the medical and surgical transplant team. If there are no contraindications or concerns specified then select No in the 'Is condition present' column.

If so, limitation for

Comorbid Concerns Is Condition Present? Transplantlisting/VAD?

Psychosocial issues:

Limited cognition/understandingYes/NoYes/No

Limited social supportYes/NoYes/No

Repeated non-complianceYes/NoYes/No

History of illicit drug useYes/NoYes/No

History of alcohol abuseYes/NoYes/No

Narcotic dependenceYes/NoYes/No

History of smokingYes/NoYes/No

Currently smokingYes/NoYes/No

Severe depressionYes/NoYes/No

Other major psychiatric disorderYes/NoYes/No

Other co-morbidity: (Specify)Yes/NoYes/No If Other co-morbidity:Please specify in text box.

Number of cardiac hospitalizations in the last 12 months:

Choose one of the following:

4 or more

Date of first heart failure diagnosis: The length of time that the patient had symptoms or a diagnosis of heart failure. (Month/Year): MM/YYYY

Cardiac diagnosis/primary:Check oneprimary reason for cardiac dysfunction (See drop down list).


Congenital Heart Disease

IfCongenital Heart Disease, Please choose all that apply:

Complete AV Septal Defect

Congenitally Corrected Transposition

Ebstein’s Anomaly

Hypoplastic Left Heart

Left Heart Valvar/Structural Hypoplasia

Pulmonary Atresia with IVS

Single Ventricle

TF/TOF Variant

Transposition of the Great Arteries

Truncus Arteriosus


VSD/ASD Other, specify

IfOther co-morbidity: Please specify in text box.

Kawasaki Disease


Other, specify

IfOther Specify:Please specify in text box.

Coronary Artery Disease

Dilated Myopathy: Adriamycin

Dilated Myopathy: Alcoholic

Dilated Myopathy: Familial

Dilated Myopathy: Idiopathic

Dilated Myopathy: Ischemic

Dilated Myopathy: Myocarditis

Dilated Myopathy: Other Specify

If Other Specify:Please specify in text box.

Dilated Myopathy: Post Partum

Dilated Myopathy: Viral

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy


Other, specify

If Other Specify:Please specify in text box.

Previous cardiac operation:

Check all cardiac operations that the patient hashad:



Aneurysmectomy (DOR)

Aortic Valve replacement / repair

Mitral valve replacement / repair

Triscuspid replacement /repair

Congenital cardiac surgery

Other, specify

IfOther, Specify: Please specify in text box.

(Include only operations actually performed on heart or great vessels)

Number of previous cardiac operations:
Enter total number previous cardiac operations.

Clinical Events and Interventions at Baseline: Select all events that apply.



Home oxygen

Recent intubation (within 6 months)

Recent intraaorticcounterpulsation (within 6 months)

Previous renal replacement

Any Dialysis

Any Ultrafiltration

Physical Exam

INTERMACS Patient ProfileSelect one. These profiles will provide a general clinical description of the patients Patients who meet MedaMACS entry criteria must fall in INTERMACS Patient Profiles 4-7.

INTERMACS 1:Critical cardiogenic shockdescribes a patient who

is “crashing and burning”,in which a patient has life-threatening

hypotension and rapidly escalating inotropic pressor support, with critical

organhypoperfusion often confirmed by worsening acidosis and lactate

levels. This patient can have ModifierA (see ‘Modifiers’ below).

INTERMACS 2:Progressive decline describes a patient who has been

demonstrated “dependent” on inotropic support but nonetheless shows

signs of continuing deterioration in nutrition, renal function, fluid retention,

or other major status indicator. Patient profile 2 can also describe a

patient with refractory volume overload, perhaps with evidence of impaired

perfusion, in whom inotropic infusions cannot be maintained due to

tachyarrhythmias, clinical ischemia, or other intolerance. This patient can

haveModifier A.

INTERMACS 3:Stable but inotrope dependent describes a patient who

is clinically stable on mild-moderate doses of intravenous inotropes (or

has a temporary circulatory support device) after repeated documentation

of failure to wean without symptomatic hypotension, worsening symptoms,

or progressive organ dysfunction (usually renal). It is critical to monitor

nutrition, renal function, fluid balance, and overall status carefully in order

to distinguish between a patient who is truly stable at Patient Profile 3

and a patient who has unappreciated decline rendering them Patient

Profile 2. This patient may be either at home or in the hospital. Patient

Profile 3 can have Modifier A, If patient is at home most of the time on

outpatient inotropic infusion, this patient can have a Modifier FF if he or

she frequently returns to the hospital.

INTERMACS 4:Resting symptoms describes a patient who is at home

on oral therapy but frequently has symptoms of congestion at rest or with

ADL. He or she may have orthopnea, shortness of breath during ADL

such as dressing or bathing, gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal

discomfort, nausea, poor appetite), disabling ascites or severe lower

extremity edema. This patient should be carefully considered for more

intensive management and surveillance programs, by which some

may be recognized to have poor compliance that would compromise

outcomes with any therapy. This patient can have Modifiers A and/or FF.

INTERMACS 5: Exertion Intolerant describes a patient who is

comfortable at rest but unable to engage in any activity, living

predominantly within the house or housebound. This patient has

no congestive symptoms, but may have chronically elevated volume

status, frequently with renal dysfunction, and may be characterized

as exercise intolerant. This patient can have Modifiers A and/or FF.

INTERMACS 6: Exertion Limited also describes a patient who is

comfortable at rest without evidence of fluid overload, but who is able

to do some mild activity. Activities of daily living are comfortable and

minor activities outside the home such as visiting friends or going to a

restaurant can be performed, but fatigue results within a few minutes

or any meaningful physical exertion. This patient has occasional

episodes of worsening symptoms and is likely to have had a

hospitalization for heart failure within the past year. This patient can

haveModifiers A and/or FF.

INTERMACS 7:Advanced NYHA Class 3 describes a patient who is

clinically stable with a reasonable level of comfortable activity, despite

history of previous decompensation that is not recent. This patient is

usually able to walk more than a block. Any decompensation requiring

intravenous diuretics or hospitalization within the previous month

should make this person a Patient Profile 6 or lower. This patient may

have a Modifier A only.

MODIFIERS of the INTERMACS Patient Profiles:

A – Arrhythmia: This modifier can modify any profile. Recurrent ventricular tachyarrhythmias that have recently contributed substantially to the overall clinical course. This includes frequent shocks from ICD or requirement for external defibrillator, usually more than twice weekly.

FF – Frequent Flyer. This modifier is designed for Patient Profiles 4, 5, and 6. This modifier can modify Patient Profile 3 if usually at home (frequent admission would require escalation from

Patient Profile 7 to Patient Profile 6 or worse). Frequent Flyer is designated for a patient requiring frequent emergency visits or hospitalizations for intravenous diuretics, ultrafiltration, or brief inotropic therapy. Frequent would generally be at least two emergency visits/admissions in the past 3 months or 3 times in the past 6 months. Note: if admissions are triggered by tachyarrhythmias or ICD shocks then the Modifier to be applied to would be A, not FF.

NYHA Class: New York Heart Association Class for heart failure:

Class I:No limitation of physical activity; physical activity does not

cause fatigue, palpitation or shortness of breath.

Class II:Slight limitation of physical activity; comfortable at rest, but

ordinaryphysical activity results in fatigue, palpitations or shortness

of breath.

Class III:Marked limitation of physical activity; comfortable at rest,

butless than ordinary activity causes fatigue, palpitation or shortness

of breath.

Class IV:Unable to carry onminimalphysical activity without

discomfortsymptoms may be present at rest.


General Hemodynamics

Heart rate:Enter ____bpm (beats per minute). If Unknown or Not Done, please check corresponding box.

Systolic bp:Enter ____mmHg (millimeters of mercury) should be determined from auscultation or arterial line if necessary. If Unknown or Not Done, please check corresponding box.

Diastolic bp: Enter ____mmHg (millimeters of mercury) should be determined from auscultation or arterial line if necessary. If Unknown or Not Done, please check corresponding box.

Jugular Venous Pressure: CM:_____ If Unknown or Not Done, please check corresponding box.

S3 gallop:




Not Done

S4 gallop:




Not Done

Peripheral edema: Choose the most applicable.





Ascites:This is in the clinicians’ best judgment, as it is sometimes difficult to tell whether abdominal protuberance is fluid or adipose tissue.




Hepatomegaly:This is in the clinicians’ best judgment.




ECG Rhythm: (cardiac rhythm):Select one of the following. If Other, specify is selected, type in the specification in the block provided.


Atrial fibrillation

Atrial flutter

Paced (Choose one)

If Paced: Choose one

Atrial pacing

Ventricular pacing

Atrial and ventricular pacing

Not done


Other, specify

If Other, specify:Please specify in text box.

QRS duration:Please enter in milliseconds (ms). If Unknown or Not Done, please check corresponding box.

Laboratory Values

Blood laboratories should be within 30 days of enrollment. Please record data closest to enrollment.

For all labs, if Unknown or Not Done, please check corresponding box.




Blood urea nitrogen


SGPT/ALT (alanine aminotransferase/ALT)

SGOT/AST (aspartate aminotransferase/AST)

Total Bilirubin

Direct Bilirubin

Institutions generally perform only one of the two following assays.The other one should be indicated as “Not Done.”

B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)

If > 7500 pg/mL,please check corresponding box.

NT- pro BNP





If < 50 mg/dl,please check corresponding box.