User guidanceThis document is part of the GC21Edition 2 standard form.Please view theIndex of construction documentsto locate all documents referenced throughout this text.
Guide notes
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Insertion points
Each ‘»’ shows where input is required. Click onto each ‘»’ and overtype.
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• On the Editing menu click Replace, then (if required)
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Tender Schedules
Table of Contents
To update the Table of Contents press the:
Ctrl + A keys; then
F9 key; and
in the Update Table of Contents box select Update Entire Table.
1Tender Form
2Schedule of Rates
3Schedule of Prices - Lump Sum
4Schedule of Provisional Sums
5Schedule of Information for General Conditions of Contract Schedule 3 (Payment Claim Worksheet)
6Schedule of Mandatory Alternative Tenders
7Schedule of Contract Information
8Schedule for Adjustment of Customs Tariffs
9Schedule of Internal Designers
10Schedule of External Designers
11Schedule of Technical Data
12Schedule of Program Information
13Schedule of Tender Concept Design
14Schedule of Quality Management Information
15Schedule of Work Health and Safety Management Information
16Schedule of Environmental Management Information
17Schedule of Aboriginal Participation Information
18Schedule of Proposed Subcontractors and Consultants
19Schedule of Financial Assessment Information
20Schedule of Workplace Relations Information
21Schedule of Compliance with NSW Government’s Implementation Guidelines to the NSW Government Code of Practice for Procurement
22Declaration of Compliance with Building Code 2013
23Schedule of Skills Development and Training
Fill in all details where “»” is shown.
1Tender Form
Insert the contract name and contract number in the footer.
Include the following note only if a two-envelope system is being used for the tendering process. Otherwise delete.
Tender Closing Office
Insert the name, address and facsimile number of the tender closing office.
Name: / »Address: / »
Facsimile number: / »
Tenderer’s details
Name:(in block letters) / ………………………………………………………….…………
ABN ...………………….…………………………….….……….
Address: / ……………………………………………………….……………
Telephone number: / ………………………… Facsimile number:…………………….
e-mail address: / ………………………………………………………….…………
hereby tender(s) to perform the work for:
Tender details
Insert the Contract title and number.
Include type of work and location.
Ensure that the details match the Contract name and number used on the title page.
Contract title: / »»
Contract number: / »
in accordance with the following documents:
List all sections of the RFT Documents by heading to correspond with the table of contents.
and Addenda Numbers: …………………………………….……
Tenderer’s offer
Include one option only. Use TF Option 1, or TF Option 2, or TF Option 3, or TF Option 4 and delete the options that do not apply.
Use TF Option 1 when the Contract Price will be a lump sum with no work items to be paid for at tendered rates.
Use TF Option 2 when the Contract Price will be the sum of the products of the quantities and tendered rates in the Schedule of Rates.
Use TF Option 3 when the Contract Price will be a lump sum with a small number of rates for work items for which quantities cannot be accurately estimated at the time of tendering.
Use TF Option 4 for a Demolition contract.
TF Option 1
For the Contract Price, being the lump sum (including Provisional Sums, if any) of:……………………………………………………………………
($……………………………………………) including GST.
The Contract Price includes the Completion Amount shown in Contract Information Item 45.
End of TF Option 1
Note: If TF Option 1 is used delete:
Tender Schedule - Schedule of Rates,
Preliminaries clause - Application of Schedule of Rates; and
Preliminaries clause - Application of tendered Rates.
TF Option 2
For the Contract Price of:……………………………………………………………………
($……………………………………………) including GST
being the sum of:
- any Lump Sum in the attached Schedule of Rates;
- the products of the quantity and the relevant rate for each Rate item in the attached Schedule of Rates; and
- the Total of Provisional Sums (if any).
The Contract Price includes the Completion Amount shown in Contract Information Item 45.
End of TF Option 2
Note: If TF Option 2 is used delete:
Tender Schedule - Schedule of Prices - Lump Sum, and
Preliminaries clause - Application of tendered Rates.
TF Option 3
For the Contract Price of:……………………………………………………………………
($…………………………………………) including GST.
The Contract Price includes Provisional Sums (if any) and the sum of the products of the quantity and the relevant rate for each Rate Item identified in the attached Schedule of Prices – Lump Sum.
The Contract Price includes the Completion Amount shown in Contract Information Item 45.
Note: If TF Option 3 is used delete:
Tender Schedule - Schedule of Rates, and
Preliminaries clause - Application of Schedule of Rates.
End of TF Option 3
TF Option 4
Include for Demolition contracts, otherwise delete.
For the Contract Price of:……………………………………………………………………
($……………………………………………) including GST,
(a) to be paid by the Contractor to the Principal. *
(b) to be paid by the Principal to the Contractor. *
* Strike out the alternative that does not apply.
End of TF Option 4
Note: If TF Option 4 is deleted also delete:
Tender Schedule - Schedule of Rates,
Preliminaries clause - Application of Schedule of Rates; and
Preliminaries clause - Application of Tendered Rates.
2Schedule of Rates
Include this schedule if Tender Form Option 2 is used. If this schedule is included, delete the Schedule of Prices – Lump Sum.
If a two-envelope system is being used for the tendering process, add ‘- in envelope 2’ to the note below.
Refer to General Conditions of Contract clause 55 - The Contract Price and Preliminaries clause - Application of Schedule of Rates.
Complete this Schedule by inserting the tendered rates under Rate, or where “Lump Sum” appears under Rate, by inserting the tendered lump sum under Amount. Where a rate is tendered, insert under Amount the amount arrived at by multiplying the tendered rate by the quantity. The rates and lump sums tendered shall form part of the Contract. The correct extended amounts and total shall be used to assess tenders.
All rates and amounts must include GST.
Complete the item number, description and quantity for all items. (refer to the concise method of measurement for construction works. see Preliminaries clause - Priced Bill of Quantities.)
ItemNo. /
Description /
Quantity /
Unit /
Rate /
Item 1 is Mandatory.
1 / All work and obligations under the Contract NOT INCLUDED ELSEWHERE in this Schedule. /1 /
Item /
Lump Sum /
$ ……...
GC21 has no limits of accuracy, so use ranges, for example:
If the quantity is expected to be about 20m3 but not more than 50m3
X2.1Excavation in rock for quantities 20 m3$...... $......
between 0 and 50 m3
if the quantity may be above 50m3 and a lower tendered rate can be expected for greater quantities:
Y2.1Excavation in rock for quantities 50 m3$...... $......
between 0 and 50 m3
Y2.2Excavation in rock for quantities 20 m3$...... $......
over 50m3
Insert all Rate and Lump Sum Items in the table below.
Include brief descriptions of the items here. provide details of the work involved and the payment method for each item in Preliminaries Clause – Application of Schedule of Rates.
Do not use ‘Rate Only’ in Quantity Column, use ‘0’ insteadand specify a quantity range, eg. “between 0 and 20m3”.
Insert rows to expand the table, as required.
2 / Rate items:2.1 / » / » / » / $ ………. / $ ……...
3 / Lump Sum items:
3.1 / » / 1 / Item / Lump Sum / $ ……...
include the following LINE in the table if the contract includes provisional sums. Otherwise delete.
Insert the Total of Provisional Sums (brought forward from tender schedules - Schedule of provisional sums).
4 /Total of Provisional Sums (brought forward from Tender Schedules - Schedule of Provisional Sums) /
Total of Schedule of Rates /
$ ……...
End of Schedule of Rates
3Schedule of Prices - Lump Sum
Include this Schedule where the tender is for a lump sum. The price break-up in this schedule assists in comparing tender prices and in valuing progress payments.
Delete this schedule if the contract is a SCHEDULE of rates contract (Tender form option 2).
If a two-envelope system is being used for the tendering process, add ‘- in envelope 2’ to the note below.
Break-up of Lump Sum
Insert the amount allowed for each of the following items. These amounts are for information only and do not form part of the Contract. Their purpose is to assist in valuing completed work, but the Principal is not bound to use them.
All amounts must include GST.
ItemNo. /
Description /
1 / Break-up of tendered Lump Sum:
Insert THE titles of sections OF THE TECHNICAL specification, for example:
Preliminaries, demolition, ground works, piling, concrete, brickwork, structural steel, hydraulics, mechanical work, electrical work, etc.
Expand the table by inserting rows as required.
1.1 / » / $ ………….….1.2 / » / $ ………….….
Delete table 1 below if there are no Provisional Sums. if table 1 is deleted also delete:
conditions of tendering Clause – provisional sums; and
TEnder Schedules – Schedule of provisional sums.
Delete table 2 unless the proposed contract includes a minimal number of incidental work items to be paid for at tendered rates.
If Table 2 is deleted, also delete:
Preliminaries Clause – Application of tendered rates.
If Table 2 is included, use TEnder Form Option 3.
If Table 2 is not included, use Tender Form Option 1.
table 1
Provisional Sums
Insert the Total of Provisional Sums (brought forward from tender schedules - Schedule of provisional sums).
2. /Total of Provisional Sums (brought forward from Tender Schedules – Schedule of Provisional Sums) /
$ »
End of table 1
table 2
Rate Items
Refer to General Conditions of Contract clause 55 - The Contract Price and Preliminaries clause - Application of Tendered Rates.
Complete this Schedule by inserting in the Rate columnthe rate tendered for each work item and, in the Amount column, the amount arrived at by multiplying the tendered rate by the relevant quantity. The tendered rates shall form part of the Contract. The correct extended amounts and total shall be used to assess tenders.
Each rate must allow for associated overhead costs (both on-site and off-site) and profit. All rates must include GST.
GC21 has no limits of accuracy, so use ranges, for example:
If the quantity is expected to be about 20m3 but not more than 50m3
X2.1Excavation in rock for quantities 20 m3$...... $......
between 0 and 50 m3
if the quantity may be above 50m3 and a lower tendered rate can be expected for greater quantities:
Y2.1Excavation in rock for quantities 50 m3$...... $......
between 0 and 50 m3
Y2.2Excavation in rock for quantities 20 m3$...... $......
over 50m3
Insert all Rate Items in the table below.
Include a brief description of each item here. provide details of the work involved and the payment method in Preliminaries Clause – Application of tendered Rates.
Do not use ‘Rate Only’ in Quantity Column, use ‘0’ insteadand specify a quantity range, eg. “between 0 and 20m3”.
Insert rows to expand the table, as required.
ItemNo. /
Description /
Quantity /
Unit /
Rate /
3. / Rate Items
3.X / » / » / » / $ ………. / $ ……...
3.X / » / » / » / $ ………. / $ ……...
Extended Total for Rate Items /
$ ..……
End of table 2
Total (Lump Sum tendered including GST)Delete the following note unless the contract includes provisional sums (Table 1 above) or rate items (Table 2 above). Amend the wording as required.
including the Total of Provisional Sums and the Extended Total for Rate Items.
always Include the following.
The Total (Lump Sum tendered including GST) must equal the Contract Price shown on the Tender Form. If there is any discrepancy, the Contract Price shown on the Tender Form will take precedence. /
$ ………….….
End of Schedule of Prices - Lump Sum
4Schedule of Provisional Sums
include this schedule if provisional sums are used. use provisional sums only in exceptional circumstances, where the work cannot reasonably be priced at close of tenders, eg an item for workshop machinery for a school.
if this schedule is deleted, also delete conditions of Tendering Clause – provisional Sums.
If a two-envelope system is being used for the tendering process, add ‘- in envelope 2’ to the note below.
complete the description and insert the amount of each provisional sum. add all Provisional sums and insert the total amount.
Include the Total of Provisional Sums in the Schedule of Rates or Schedule of Prices – Lump sum, as applicable to the contract.
EXPAND the table by inserting rows, as required.
Refer to General Conditions of Contract clause 56 – The Contract Price: Provisional Sums and Conditions of Tendering clause – Provisional Sums.
ItemNo. /
Description / Provisional Sum
A. / » / $ »
B. / » / $ »
Total of Provisional Sums /
$ »
End of Schedule of Provisional sums
5Schedule of Information for General Conditions of Contract Schedule 3 (Payment Claim Worksheet)
Include for all lump sum contractsexcept whenPreliminaries clause - Priced Builder’s Bill of Quantities is included.
Refer to General Conditions of Contract clause 58 - Payment Claims. The following information is provided and must be used for completing the General Conditions of Contract - Schedule 3 (Payment Claim Worksheet).
Insert the value for the following activities or Milestones.
No. /Activity (or Milestone) / Value of activity
(or Milestone)
1 / Break-up of price (including Lump Sums and any Schedule of Rates items)
The Principal determines the extent of detail that the Contractor will provide with the Contractor’s progress claims by listing the activities (or milestones) in this schedule.
All milestones shown in contract information item 13 Times for Site access and Completion must be listed here
The activity could be as simple as ‘The Works (Excluding Variation)’. (in this example the Contractor’s progress claim will not provide any detail of how it is built up.)
It is not recommended to list ‘trades’ as activities, but instead to use elements.
Note: the Use of elements should simplify the payment process and thereby reduce disputation.
Refer to the Building Project Element Guide available at:
Use the Building Project Element Guide to define the elements.
If more than one building or structure is to be constructed then the elements for each building or structure is required.
Insert rows to expand the table, as required.
1.1 / » / $ ………….…….Total (must equal total on Tender Form) /
$ ………….…….
End of Schedule of Information for General Conditions of Contract Schedule 3 (Payment Claim Worksheet)
6Schedule of Mandatory Alternative Tenders
Delete this schedule and the above heading when Conditions of Tendering clause - Alternative Tenders (Mandatory Alternative Tenders) has been deleted.
If a two-envelope system is being used for the tendering process, add ‘- in envelope 2’ to the note below.
List alternative tenders (or prices) sought.
Insert the additional or diminished amount allowed for each of the following items in accordance with Conditions of Tendering clause - Alternative Tenders.
List all Mandatory Alternative Tenders sought, consistent with The list in Conditions of Tendering clause - Alternative Tenders (Mandatory Alternative Tenders).
Insert rows to expand the table, as required.
Mandatory Alternative Tenders /Amount
» / $ ………….….
End of Schedule of Mandatory Alternative Tenders.
7Schedule of Contract Information
Provide the information in the table below to enable completion of the General Conditions of Contract - Contract Information items.
Contractor's details8Contractor
The information required to complete Contract Information items 8 to 11 will be provided by the tenderer in the Tender Schedules - Schedule of Contract Information.
The Contractor is: / ………………………………………………………………………………………………
ABN ….…………………………….………
9Contractor’s Authorised Person
Mentioned in clause 2
The Contractor’s Authorised Person is: / ………………………………………………10Notices to the Contractor
Mentioned in clause 11
Notices must go to the Contractor’s Authorised Person named above, at the address or number shown here.
Office address:(for delivery by hand) / ……………………………….………………
Postal address:
(for delivery by post) / ……………………………….………………
Facsimile number: / ……………….………………………………
e-mail address: / …………………………….…………………
11Contractor’s senior executive
Mentioned in clause 70
The Contractor’s senior executive is: / ………………………………………………Office address:
(for delivery by hand) / ……………………………….………………
Postal address:
(for delivery by post) / ……………………………….………………
Facsimile number: / ………………………………………………
e-mail address: / ………………………………………………
End of Schedule of Contract Information
8Schedule for Adjustment of Customs Tariffs
Delete this schedule and the above heading when:
- Preliminaries clause - Customs Duty ; and
- Conditions of Tendering clause - Adjustment of Customs Tariffs
have been deleted.
If a two-envelope system is being used for the tendering process, add ‘- in envelope 2’ to the note below.
List below particulars of those imported items forming part of the Tender for which cost adjustment in accordance with Preliminaries clause - Customs Duty is required.
Item /Customs Duty Tariff No.
………………………………………………………… / ...………..………………..
………………………………………………………… / ...………..………………..
………………………………………………………… / ...………..………………..
………………………………………………………… / ...………..………………..
………………………………………………………… / ...………..………………..
………………………………………………………… / ...………..………………..
End of schedule forAdjustment of Customs Tariffs
9Schedule of Internal Designers
Delete this schedule and the above heading when Conditions of Tendering clause - Design Development and Documentation Resources has been deleted.
If a two-envelope system is being used for the tendering process, add ‘- in envelope 1’ to the note below.
If the Tenderer proposes to use internal resources for design development and documentation provide full details to establish that each of the key staff have the proven competence, qualifications and experience on similar tasks to perform the proposed functions satisfactorily.
Key staff
Include the following details for individual key staff:
Name: / …………………………………………………………Position: / …………………………………………………………
Discipline: / …………………………………………………………
Qualifications: / …………………………………………………………
Affiliations: / …………………………………………………………
Proposed function/ work: / …………………………………………………………
Recently completed significant commissions
Include the following details for each recently completed significant commission: