/ Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
MECT Annual Compliance Report (Form ECT-1)

TCEQ–10384 (Revised 11/2014) Page 1

MECT Annual Compliance Report (Form ECT-1)

This form is subject to revision


The owner or operator of a facility or facilities subject to the Mass Emissions Cap and Trade (MECT) Program must submit a completed MECT Annual Compliance Report (Form ECT-1) no later than March 31 after each calendar-year control period. A submission must include a completed Form ECT-1 with actual nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions from all MECT facilities at the site for the specified control period and detailed documentation supporting the reported activity level and emission factor for each facility. It is acceptable to reference supporting documentation previously submitted. The signed Form ECT-1 must be submitted by March 31 after each control period to:

Emissions Banking and Trading Program, MC-206

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

PO Box 13087

Austin, TX 78711-3087

Company Information

Company Name: Enter the legal name of the company. The company name on this form should match the name in the TCEQ Central Registry Database.

Customer Reference Number (CN): Enter the TCEQ-assigned CN. This identifier is a nine-digit number preceded by the letters “CN.” If your company does not have a CN, you will need to submit a Core Data Form.

Company Contact Information: Provide the name, title, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the company official authorized to make agreements and representations on behalf of the company. Official correspondence related to the Form ECT-1 will be mailed to this person. This person cannot be a consultant.

Site Information

Site Name: Enter the site name. The site name on this form should match the name in the TCEQ Central Registry Database.

Location: Enter the street address of the site. If no street address is available, provide directions using nearby streets, highways, or landmarks.

Regulated Entity Reference Number (RN): Enter the TCEQ-assigned RN. This identifier is a nine-digit number preceded by the letters “RN” assigned to the entire property owned or controlled by the applicant at a specific location. If your company does not have a RN, you will need to submit a Core DataForm.

Air Account Number: Enter the TCEQ-assigned Air Account Number, if available. This identifier is typically a four-digit number preceded by two letters and ending with one. Not all sites are assigned an Air Account Number.

Portfolio Number: Enter the TCEQ-assigned Portfolio Number. This identifier is a four-digit number preceded by the letter “P.” If you do not know your Portfolio Number or do not have one, contact the Emissions Banking and Trading staff for assistance.

Technical Contact Information

Provide the name, job title, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the individual the TCEQ should contact for technical questions related to the information provided in Form ECT-1. This individual may be a consultant.

Annual Facility Emissions

Note: If additional space is necessary, continue reporting the annual facility emissions using the Form ECT-1 Supplemental Tables as needed.

EPN: Enter the Emission Point Number (EPN) for each facility. This information should match data in TCEQ Emissions Inventory submittals and/or permit registrations. If the EPN does not match, provide an explanation in the supporting documentation submitted with the completed Form ECT-1.

FIN: Enter the Facility Identification Number (FIN) for each facility. This information should match data in TCEQ Emissions Inventory submittals and/or permit registrations. If the FIN does not match, provide an explanation in the supporting documentation submitted with the completed Form ECT-1.

FIN Name: Enter the FIN name for each facility. This information should match data in TCEQ Emissions Inventory submittals and/or permit registrations. If the FIN name does not match, provide an explanation in the supporting documentation submitted with the completed Form ECT-1.

Level of Activity: Enter the level of activity for each facility and select the appropriate units of measure from the drop-down list provided. If “other” is selected, provide supporting documentation detailing the units used to report the level of activity.

Level of Activity Monitoring Protocol: Use the drop-down list provided to select the rule citation for the monitoring protocol used to determine the level of activity for each facility. Additional information on the 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 117 citations and the necessary supporting documentation to submit with the completed Form ECT-1 are available in the guidance document entitled Chapter 117 Monitoring and Testing Protocol Options for MECT. When using the options listed in 30 TAC §101.354(b), submit a detailed justification for not using the monitoring protocols required under 30 TAC Chapter 117 and the justification for the method used.

Emission Factor: Enter the emission factor for each facility and select the appropriate units of measure from the drop-down list provided. If “other” is selected, provide supporting documentation detailing the units used to report the emission factor.

Emission Factor Monitoring or Testing Protocol: Use the drop-down list provided to select the rule citation for the monitoring or testing protocol used to determine the emission factor for each facility. Additional information on the 30 TAC Chapter 117 citations and the necessary supporting documentation to submit with the completed Form ECT-1 are available in the guidance document entitled Chapter 117 Monitoring and Testing Protocol Options for MECT. When using the options listed in 30 TAC §101.354(b), submit a detailed justification for not using the monitoring protocols required under 30 TAC Chapter 117 and the justification for the method used.

Annual Emissions: Enter the total tons of NOX emissions for each facility during the control period. Calculate annual emissions by multiplying the level of activity by the emission factor and converting the resulting value into tons. Provide supporting documentation for any conversion factors used in the calculation. Report this value conventionally rounded to the hundredths of a ton.

Facility Status Update

Note: Enter facilities that are new, changed operational status, or did not operate during the control period.

Facility Details: In each respective column, enter the EPN, FIN, and FIN Name for each facility. This information should match data in TCEQ Emissions Inventory submittals and/or permit registrations. If the EPN and FIN do not match, provide an explanation in the supporting documentation submitted with the completed Form ECT-1.

Facility Type: Use the drop-down list provided to select the type of facility using the terms in the corresponding rules in 30 TAC Chapter 117.

Authorization: Enter the NSR permit number, standard permit rule citation or registration number, permit-by-rule citation or registration number, or other authorization for each facility.

Facility Status: Use the drop-down list provided to select the type of status change for each facility. If “other” is selected, explain how the status of the facility changed during the control period in the supporting documentation submitted with the completed Form ECT-1.

Effective Date: Enter the date during the control period when the status change occurred for each facility. Enter the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Trade Summary

Enter the tons of allowances traded in and out of the portfolio during the control period. Use your Portfolio Number to view the amount of allowances transferred on the Portfolio Summary Table.

Current: The Portfolio Summary Table reflects the tons of current allowances transferred in and out as the “Current Trade In” and “Current Trade Out” respectively.

Future: The Portfolio Summary Table reflects the tons of future allowances transferred in and out as the “Future Trade In” and “Future Trade Out” respectively.

Stream: The Portfolio Summary Table reflects the tons of stream allowances transferred in and out as the “Stream Trade In” and “Stream Trade Out” respectively.

Vintage: The Portfolio Summary Table reflects the tons of vintage allowances transferred in and out as the “Vintage Trade In” and “Vintage Trade Out” respectively.

Summary Allowances Used for Offset Requirements (If Applicable)

ECT-4O Submitted: Check the box if an Application to Use Allowances for Offset Requirements (Form ECT-40) was previously submitted to the TCEQ or is being submitted concurrently with this Form ECT-1. A Form ECT-4O is required for all facilities using MECT allowances to satisfy a NNSR offset requirement.

Total Allowances for 1:1 Offset: Enter the total tons of allowances used to satisfy the 1:1 portion of an offset requirement during the control period. Report this value in tenths of a ton. This amount should be consistent with the information provided in Form ECT-4O and the NNSR permit special conditions authorizing the use of allowances for the offset requirement. For additional guidance regarding the use of allowances to satisfy offset requirements, refer to the TCEQ Guidance on the Use of Allowances for NNSR Permit Offset Requirements.

Account Summary

Control Period: Enter the 4-digit year of the control period.

Total Emissions from All MECT Facilities: Enter the total tons of annual emissions for the control period from all MECT facilities. Report this value rounded up to the nearest tenth of a ton.

Current Allowances Used: Enter the tons of current allowances usedfor compliance during the control period. The amount of current allowances available for use is reflected as the “BALANCE” in your Portfolio Summary Table. Use your Portfolio Number to view your Portfolio Summary Table. If you are using Emission Reduction Credits or Discrete Emission Reduction Credits (DERC) in lieu of allowances, the “BALANCE” in your portfolio summary will reflect this amount. Any unused DERCs will be returned to the company for future use.

Vintage Allowances Used: Enter the total tons of vintage (i.e., banked) allowances used for compliance during the control period. The amount of vintage allowances available for use is reflected as the “VINTAGE BALANCE” in the Portfolio Summary Table. Use your Portfolio Number to view your Portfolio Summary Table. Vintage allowances not used to cover emissions during this control period will expire.

Remaining Account Balance: Enter the number of current allowances remaining, if any. This value is determined by subtracting the current allowances used from the “BALANCE” in your Portfolio Summary Table. Use your Portfolio Number to view your Portfolio Summary Table. Any remaining current allowances will be banked as vintage allowances for use in the following control period. This value may be a negative number. Note that any remaining current allowances used to satisfy an offset requirement may not be banked as vintage allowances.

Authorized Signature

A company representative with the authority to make binding agreements and representations on behalf of the regulated entity must certify the MECT Annual Compliance Report (Form ECT-1) with an original signature and date, in ink.

TCEQ–10384 (Revised 11/2014) Page 1

MECT Annual Compliance Report (Form ECT-1)

This form is subject to revision

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
MECT Annual Compliance Report (Form ECT-1)
Company Information
Company Name:
Customer Reference Number: CN
Company Contact Name: / Title:
Mailing Address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Telephone: / E-Mail:
Site Information
Site Name:
Street Address:
City: / County: / ZIP Code:
Regulated Entity Reference Number: RN
Air Account Number (if applicable):
Portfolio Number: P
Technical Contact Information
Technical Contact Name:
Mailing Address:
City: / State: / ZIP Code:
Telephone: / E-Mail:

TCEQ–10384 (Revised 11/2014) Page 1

MECT Annual Compliance Report (Form ECT-1)

This form is subject to revision

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
MECT Annual Compliance Report (Form ECT-1)
Annual Facility Emissions
EPN / FIN / FIN Name / Level of Activity / Level of Activity Monitoring Protocol / Emission Factor / Emission Factor Monitoring or Testing Protocol / Annual Emissions (tons)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)
Select UnitsMMBtu/yrgal/yrhp-hr/yrton/yrhr/yrMMscf/yrOther / Select Protocol117.340(a)(1)(B)117.340(a)(2)(A)117.340(a)(2)(B)117.340(a)(2)(C)117.340(a)(2)(D)117.1240(i)(2)117.2035(a)(1)117.2035(a)(2)(A)117.2035(a)(2)(B)117.2035(a)(2)(C)117.2035(a)(2)(D)117.2035(a)(2)(G)101.354(b) / Select Unitsg/hp-hrlb/gallb/MMBtulb/tonppmvOther / Select Protocol117.340(c) and (f)117.340(c) and (g)117.340(o)117.1240(a)117.1240(e)(1)117.1240(f)(2)117.2035(c)117.2035(e)101.354(b)

TCEQ–10384 (Revised 11/2014) Page 1

MECT Annual Compliance Report (Form ECT-1)

This form is subject to revision

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
MECT Annual Compliance Report (Form ECT-1)
Facility Status Update
EPN / FIN / FIN Name / Facility Type / Authorization / Facility Status / Effective Date
Select TypeBoilerBoilers and Industrial FurnaceCatalyst Regenerator VentCO BoilerCO FurnaceDuct BurnerFluid Catalytic Cracking UnitGas TurbineHeat Treating FurnaceIC EngineIncineratorLightweight Aggregate KilnLime KilnMgCl2 Fluidized Bed DryerProcess HeaterPulping Liquor Recovery FurnaceReheat Furnace / Select StatusDemolishedIdleMothballedNewRemovedShutdownOther
Select TypeBoilerBoilers and Industrial FurnaceCatalyst Regenerator VentCO BoilerCO FurnaceDuct BurnerFluid Catalytic Cracking UnitGas TurbineHeat Treating FurnaceIC EngineIncineratorLightweight Aggregate KilnLime KilnMgCl2 Fluidized Bed DryerProcess HeaterPulping Liquor Recovery FurnaceReheat Furnace / Select StatusDemolishedIdleMothballedNewRemovedShutdownOther
Select TypeBoilerBoilers and Industrial FurnaceCatalyst Regenerator VentCO BoilerCO FurnaceDuct BurnerFluid Catalytic Cracking UnitGas TurbineHeat Treating FurnaceIC EngineIncineratorLightweight Aggregate KilnLime KilnMgCl2 Fluidized Bed DryerProcess HeaterPulping Liquor Recovery FurnaceReheat Furnace / Select StatusDemolishedIdleMothballedNewRemovedShutdownOther
Select TypeBoilerBoilers and Industrial FurnaceCatalyst Regenerator VentCO BoilerCO FurnaceDuct BurnerFluid Catalytic Cracking UnitGas TurbineHeat Treating FurnaceIC EngineIncineratorLightweight Aggregate KilnLime KilnMgCl2 Fluidized Bed DryerProcess HeaterPulping Liquor Recovery FurnaceReheat Furnace / Select StatusDemolishedIdleMothballedNewRemovedShutdownOther
Select TypeBoilerBoilers and Industrial FurnaceCatalyst Regenerator VentCO BoilerCO FurnaceDuct BurnerFluid Catalytic Cracking UnitGas TurbineHeat Treating FurnaceIC EngineIncineratorLightweight Aggregate KilnLime KilnMgCl2 Fluidized Bed DryerProcess HeaterPulping Liquor Recovery FurnaceReheat Furnace / Select StatusDemolishedIdleMothballedNewRemovedShutdownOther
Select TypeBoilerBoilers and Industrial FurnaceCatalyst Regenerator VentCO BoilerCO FurnaceDuct BurnerFluid Catalytic Cracking UnitGas TurbineHeat Treating FurnaceIC EngineIncineratorLightweight Aggregate KilnLime KilnMgCl2 Fluidized Bed DryerProcess HeaterPulping Liquor Recovery FurnaceReheat Furnace / Select StatusDemolishedIdleMothballedNewRemovedShutdownOther
Select TypeBoilerBoilers and Industrial FurnaceCatalyst Regenerator VentCO BoilerCO FurnaceDuct BurnerFluid Catalytic Cracking UnitGas TurbineHeat Treating FurnaceIC EngineIncineratorLightweight Aggregate KilnLime KilnMgCl2 Fluidized Bed DryerProcess HeaterPulping Liquor Recovery FurnaceReheat Furnace / Select StatusDemolishedIdleMothballedNewRemovedShutdownOther
Select TypeBoilerBoilers and Industrial FurnaceCatalyst Regenerator VentCO BoilerCO FurnaceDuct BurnerFluid Catalytic Cracking UnitGas TurbineHeat Treating FurnaceIC EngineIncineratorLightweight Aggregate KilnLime KilnMgCl2 Fluidized Bed DryerProcess HeaterPulping Liquor Recovery FurnaceReheat Furnace / Select StatusDemolishedIdleMothballedNewRemovedShutdownOther
Select TypeBoilerBoilers and Industrial FurnaceCatalyst Regenerator VentCO BoilerCO FurnaceDuct BurnerFluid Catalytic Cracking UnitGas TurbineHeat Treating FurnaceIC EngineIncineratorLightweight Aggregate KilnLime KilnMgCl2 Fluidized Bed DryerProcess HeaterPulping Liquor Recovery FurnaceReheat Furnace / Select StatusDemolishedIdleMothballedNewRemovedShutdownOther
Select TypeBoilerBoilers and Industrial FurnaceCatalyst Regenerator VentCO BoilerCO FurnaceDuct BurnerFluid Catalytic Cracking UnitGas TurbineHeat Treating FurnaceIC EngineIncineratorLightweight Aggregate KilnLime KilnMgCl2 Fluidized Bed DryerProcess HeaterPulping Liquor Recovery FurnaceReheat Furnace / Select StatusDemolishedIdleMothballedNewRemovedShutdownOther

TCEQ–10384 (Revised 11/2014) Page 1