Measurement and Detection of Radiation. 3rd Edition
- Page 22: The area under curve of figure 2.1 is equal to 1, with a = -inf and b = +inf.
- page 23 Eq. 2.27: The lower limit of integration of the integral in the denominator should be -inf.
- Page 24: The question mark at the bottom of page 24 should be a period.
- p.24, Example 2.7, not
- p.27, Eq. 2.47, pN not PN
- Page 29: Should the upper bound of the summations in Equations 2.52 and 2.53 be N rather than inf?
- Page 29: Equation 2.56 represents the shaded area under the curve of Figure 2.4, not Equation 2.55.
- p.33, Ex. 2.12 in the integral. the denominator should be (the 0.5 outside the sq. root.
- Page 34:In the first paragraph of Section 2.10.2 the text to the right of the vertical bars should read i=1,...,N as opposed to i-1,...,N and N=1,...,M as opposed to N-1,...,M.
- p.39, line 3 from top it shows , should be just
- page 39 Eq. 2.74: The subscript i was dropped from the sigma term but it should not have been.
- p.44, Ex. 2.18, the result is 2.5% not 5%.
- p. 47, Eq. 2.91, equal sign missing after σn.
- Page 47: the reference to Equation 2.75 before Equation 2.90 should reference Equation 2.74.
- Page 48: The ten in the calculation of the standard deviation of n-bar should be outside the square root sign (sqrt(2060)/10), not sqrt(2060/10).
- Page 49: In the equation for the background counting rate the g should be changed to a b.
- Page 50 Equation 2.97: The first t-sub-B-sub-i should be a t-sub-G-sub-i.
- p. 51, Eq. 2.97 Gi/tGi, not Gi/tBi
- Page 51 Example 2.23: in the second part of the problem in the calculation of B the 2.4 in the fraction 100/2.4 the 2.4 should be a 2.5.
- Pages 54 and 55: the k-alpha and k-bravo terms in the text following Equations 2.103 and 2.104, respectively, should be k-sub-alpha and k-sub-bravo, respectively.
- Page 56: The word "detector" is missing in the first d sentence of the second paragraph in Section 2.21.
- p. 58, problem 2.5 ,correct to read "...light water reactor..."
- Page 60 Problem 2.22: The equal sign in the expression for the buckling should be a plus sign
- p. 64, Eq. 3.8, E2=(Mc2)2+(pc)2.
- p.66, Ex. 3.3, =0.022Mc2=0.021*939.55 MeV (equal sign , not plus)
- p.69. Eq. 3.17...-B(A,Z)/c2.
- p.76, alpha decay: (the daughter should be Y; different element)
- p.77, Eq. 3.44 to 3.47 should be TM not TN.
- p.83, next to last line should read "survive to time t) (probability to decay in dt)=e-λtλdt.
- p.104, Ex. 4.5, β2=0.9976, not β
- p. 107, Eq. 4.17, in denominator, density ρ, not r.
- p.108, Ex. 4.7, RAu=(3.35x10-1)... not 3.2
- p.113, Ex. 4.12a, y=-0.280+1.25*0.301-0.182*(0.301)2=0.0798~0.08
- (the main error is the missing minus sign in front of 0.280)
- p.114, Ex. 4.13, Al density is 2.7x10+3 kg/m3.
- p.127, top line "... total probability for interaction μ... (not M)
- p.129, Ex. 4.18, last line of the example: 2.25x10-4....
- p.130, just before Eq. 4.18, the reference should be to 4.66, not 4.62.
- p.132, Ex. 4.19, the correct result is 3.93x106 MeV/(kg.s)=6.29x10-7 J/(kg.s)
- (forgot to multiply by 0.85; see correction in Ex. 4.18)
- p.172, line 5 from the bottom, "5. Activator centers,,,", not activation..
- p. 236, problem 8.4, last line should be "scaler" not sealer
- p. 237, Problem 8.11 :...the result of Problem 8.10...", not problem 8.9
- p. 240, line 7 from top: ..."to E0=N(E1)=N0.
- p.249, line just before the title "9.9 BRIEF DESCRIPTION..., , not ..
- p.324, inside Fig.2.21, the C is missing (for Compton plateau).
- p.330, line 6 from the bottom, Fig. 12.28 not Fig. 12.27
- p. 330, last line not Te.
- p. 338, inside Fig. 12.38, Mn 6.49 keV, not 649 keV; same figure, 275 eV FWTM (full width tenth max), FWHM.
- p.391, Eq. 14.36 and 14.37 Ni (the subscript i is missing)
- p. 392, Ex. 14.5, Figure needed for the example is missing. MAJOR ERROR!
- p.392, Eq. 14.38, the symbol (angstrom) is missing from the end
- p.420, Eq. 15.14, AZ etc should be AX...since Z=atomic number everywhere else.
- p 421 Problems 15. 1 change 1013 neutrons/cm2*s to 1013 neutrons/cm2.s
- p 421 Problem 15.2 change 2.0 X 105 neutrons/cm2*s to change 2.0 X 105 neutrons/cm2.s
- p 421 Problem 15.3 topped change to stopped
- p.426, last line , the units of flux should "(part/m2.s)" not cm2..
- p. 427, Eq. 16.4 should read:
- p. 433, Ex. 16.2, the dose rate in air 556x10-9 Sv/s=0.20 rem/h
- p.435, Ex.16.3 , the flux should be 3.5x108 n/m2.s; in last line: 0.467 rem/h (not H)
- p.441, Ex. 16.8
(a) not μr
(b) In the line " The total dose....", should read "The total dose rate from betas and gammas=5.51x10-7 Sv/s+3.3x10-8 Sv/s=5.84x10-7 Sv/s..."
(c) Te=.....=(8x138)/(8+138)=7.56d<T(50y) and in next line change 7.7 to 7.56d; the final result is 0.550 Sv=55 rem
62. p.446, Table 16.11 under Lung, TOTAL =180-450 not 180-350.