Measurement and Detection of Radiation. 3rd Edition


  1. Page 22: The area under curve of figure 2.1 is equal to 1, with a = -inf and b = +inf.
  2. page 23 Eq. 2.27: The lower limit of integration of the integral in the denominator should be -inf.
  3. Page 24: The question mark at the bottom of page 24 should be a period.
  4. p.24, Example 2.7, not
  5. p.27, Eq. 2.47, pN not PN
  6. Page 29: Should the upper bound of the summations in Equations 2.52 and 2.53 be N rather than inf?
  7. Page 29: Equation 2.56 represents the shaded area under the curve of Figure 2.4, not Equation 2.55.
  8. p.33, Ex. 2.12 in the integral. the denominator should be (the 0.5 outside the sq. root.
  9. Page 34:In the first paragraph of Section 2.10.2 the text to the right of the vertical bars should read i=1,...,N as opposed to i-1,...,N and N=1,...,M as opposed to N-1,...,M.
  10. p.39, line 3 from top it shows , should be just
  11. page 39 Eq. 2.74: The subscript i was dropped from the sigma term but it should not have been.
  12. p.44, Ex. 2.18, the result is 2.5% not 5%.
  13. p. 47, Eq. 2.91, equal sign missing after σn.
  14. Page 47: the reference to Equation 2.75 before Equation 2.90 should reference Equation 2.74.
  15. Page 48: The ten in the calculation of the standard deviation of n-bar should be outside the square root sign (sqrt(2060)/10), not sqrt(2060/10).
  16. Page 49: In the equation for the background counting rate the g should be changed to a b.
  17. Page 50 Equation 2.97: The first t-sub-B-sub-i should be a t-sub-G-sub-i.
  18. p. 51, Eq. 2.97 Gi/tGi, not Gi/tBi
  19. Page 51 Example 2.23: in the second part of the problem in the calculation of B the 2.4 in the fraction 100/2.4 the 2.4 should be a 2.5.
  20. Pages 54 and 55: the k-alpha and k-bravo terms in the text following Equations 2.103 and 2.104, respectively, should be k-sub-alpha and k-sub-bravo, respectively.
  21. Page 56: The word "detector" is missing in the first d sentence of the second paragraph in Section 2.21.
  22. p. 58, problem 2.5 ,correct to read "...light water reactor..."
  23. Page 60 Problem 2.22: The equal sign in the expression for the buckling should be a plus sign
  24. p. 64, Eq. 3.8, E2=(Mc2)2+(pc)2.
  25. p.66, Ex. 3.3, =0.022Mc2=0.021*939.55 MeV (equal sign , not plus)
  26. p.69. Eq. 3.17...-B(A,Z)/c2.
  27. p.76, alpha decay: (the daughter should be Y; different element)
  28. p.77, Eq. 3.44 to 3.47 should be TM not TN.
  29. p.83, next to last line should read "survive to time t) (probability to decay in dt)=e-λtλdt.
  30. p.104, Ex. 4.5, β2=0.9976, not β
  31. p. 107, Eq. 4.17, in denominator, density ρ, not r.
  32. p.108, Ex. 4.7, RAu=(3.35x10-1)... not 3.2
  33. p.113, Ex. 4.12a, y=-0.280+1.25*0.301-0.182*(0.301)2=0.0798~0.08
  34. (the main error is the missing minus sign in front of 0.280)
  35. p.114, Ex. 4.13, Al density is 2.7x10+3 kg/m3.
  36. p.127, top line "... total probability for interaction μ... (not M)
  37. p.129, Ex. 4.18, last line of the example: 2.25x10-4....
  38. p.130, just before Eq. 4.18, the reference should be to 4.66, not 4.62.
  39. p.132, Ex. 4.19, the correct result is 3.93x106 MeV/(kg.s)=6.29x10-7 J/(kg.s)
  40. (forgot to multiply by 0.85; see correction in Ex. 4.18)
  41. p.172, line 5 from the bottom, "5. Activator centers,,,", not activation..
  42. p. 236, problem 8.4, last line should be "scaler" not sealer
  43. p. 237, Problem 8.11 :...the result of Problem 8.10...", not problem 8.9
  44. p. 240, line 7 from top: ..."to E0=N(E1)=N0.
  45. p.249, line just before the title "9.9 BRIEF DESCRIPTION..., , not ..
  46. p.324, inside Fig.2.21, the C is missing (for Compton plateau).
  47. p.330, line 6 from the bottom, Fig. 12.28 not Fig. 12.27
  48. p. 330, last line not Te.
  49. p. 338, inside Fig. 12.38, Mn 6.49 keV, not 649 keV; same figure, 275 eV FWTM (full width tenth max), FWHM.
  50. p.391, Eq. 14.36 and 14.37 Ni (the subscript i is missing)
  51. p. 392, Ex. 14.5, Figure needed for the example is missing. MAJOR ERROR!
  52. p.392, Eq. 14.38, the symbol (angstrom) is missing from the end
  53. p.420, Eq. 15.14, AZ etc should be AX...since Z=atomic number everywhere else.
  54. p 421 Problems 15. 1 change 1013 neutrons/cm2*s to 1013 neutrons/cm2.s
  55. p 421 Problem 15.2 change 2.0 X 105 neutrons/cm2*s to change 2.0 X 105 neutrons/cm2.s
  56. p 421 Problem 15.3 topped change to stopped
  57. p.426, last line , the units of flux should "(part/m2.s)" not cm2..
  58. p. 427, Eq. 16.4 should read:
  59. p. 433, Ex. 16.2, the dose rate in air 556x10-9 Sv/s=0.20 rem/h
  60. p.435, Ex.16.3 , the flux should be 3.5x108 n/m2.s; in last line: 0.467 rem/h (not H)
  61. p.441, Ex. 16.8

(a) not μr

(b) In the line " The total dose....", should read "The total dose rate from betas and gammas=5.51x10-7 Sv/s+3.3x10-8 Sv/s=5.84x10-7 Sv/s..."

(c) Te=.....=(8x138)/(8+138)=7.56d<T(50y) and in next line change 7.7 to 7.56d; the final result is 0.550 Sv=55 rem

62. p.446, Table 16.11 under Lung, TOTAL =180-450 not 180-350.