Mearns Primary Nursery Newsletter

August 2012

Welcome to Mearns Primary Nursery

It has been great to welcome back pupils retuning to Mearns Nursery for another year and also to see our new pupils settle well into the nursery.

From the start of the children’s nursery experience we use every opportunity to develop independence skills. Can we ask that you assist us in this by encouragingyour child at the start of each session to hang up their jacket, change their shoes and put on their badge. We encourage active outdoor play everyday and it is important that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.

Learning in nursery

The children’s health and wellbeing is of paramount importance and this term we focus on learning about the people in the children’s lives who care for and look after them. The children learn torecognise that we have similarities and differences but are all unique. In literacy, to help them understand stories and other texts the children are learning to ask questionsand link what they are learning with what they already know. In numeracy and maths the children are developing an awareness of how routines and events in world link with times and seasons. A representative from the Fire Service will visit the nursery to talk about keeping safe on Thursday 13 September in the afternoon and Wednesday 19 September in the morning.

Visit to GreenbankGardens

The nursery will visitGreenbankGardensto look for signs of Autumn and do pond dipping. The children will come at their usual time and we will go and return by coach. We will require parent helpers to assist with supervision on these days and would like you to complete the return slip attached.

Visit Dates/Times:MorningPick up 9.15Return for 11.30am

AfternoonPick up 12.45Return for 3.00pm

28 September (Room 1) and 1 October (Room 2)


Morning children visit the PE hall every Friday and afternoon children have PE on a Wednesday. To ensure that the children benefit fully from this time, it is very important that they have the correct footwear. Gym shoes should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children should wear trousers or leggings on PE days as they are more practical for the activities undertaken.

Collection times

Nursery sessions are 8.45 – 11.45 and 12.30 – 3.30

Thank you to parents who have been allowing their children to take full advantage of the afternoon session by waiting with their school children in the playground or the street once they have been collected. It is good to see some of them using this opportunity to do their homework. It is important that nursery pupils are picked up and leave by 11.45am to allow time for the staff to be ready for the afternoon session at 12.30pm.

If you would like to take advantage of our Wrap around care service from 7.45 – 8.45, 11.45 - 12.30 or 3.30-5.30 then please contact Mrs Aitken in the nursery or Mrs Alexander in the office.

Toy Fund

Thank you for donations received to replenish this fund.A committee will be established involving parents and a staff member from each room. Details of this will follow shortly.

Nursery Information Session for parents

We would like to invite all parents to attend the Nursery on 27 September from 6.30 – 7- 30 to find out more about the experiences your children have when at nursery. You will have the opportunity to see how we structure activities in literacy, numeracy, outdoors, health and wellbeing and other curricular areas through play. We hope that by providing this information you will be better able to support your child’s learning at home as we know this makes a big difference to their achievements in life. We intend to follow this up with an opportunity for you to come into nursery to work alongside your child and try out some of the activities and see a session for yourself. This will help you to have a better understanding of your child’s experiences at nursery and put to rest the myth that they did ‘nothing’ today!

We understand that not everyone can participate due to other commitments.

Nursery Entry Routine

Change shoes

Hangs up jacket

Parent signs in child

Child collects name label

Child puts it on the board

Child signs in

Child puts on badge

September Weekend

Nursery closes at 3pm on Thursday 20 September and reopens on 25 September

October Holiday

Nursery closes on Thursday 11 October and reopens on Monday 22 October


Some parents have suggested sending the Nursery Newsletter by email. If there is a demand for this, we will pilot it in the future. Please indicate on the return sheet if you would like this to happen.


I ______am available/ am not available to accompany the nursery on a visit to GreenbankGardens

Friday 28 September am/ pmAMPM

Monday 1 October am/ pmAM PM

I am Disclosure CheckedYes No

Child’s Name______Room Nos.______

Times: Morning 9.15-11.30am

Afternoon 12.45-3.00pm


I would like to attend a session with my child on:

Wednesday 3 OctoberAMPM

Tuesday 9 OctoberAMPM

Child’s Name______Room No.______

Parent’s Name______


I would be interested in receiving the newsletter by email.
