April 1, 2015
PRESENT: Board Members present: Sue Lyman, Don Baxter, Mike Milhollin and Bill Heiberger. Representing Snow’s Management, Inc. was Deborah Downs.
EXCUSED: John Jobe
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. at the office of Snow’s Management, Inc., located at 2701 Fairbanks Street.
MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: The meeting minutes from the November 26, 2014 Board of Directors meeting were presented for review. Bill Heiberger made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Sue Lyman seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion carried.
Exterior Painting: DLM painting will be posting notice at each unit on or around April 13, 2015 to let the homeowners know they will be power washing the buildings.
American Roofing Invoices: The roofing invoices were broken down by building, the portion for the roof repair on 6720 Lunar Drive will be submitted to the insurance company for reimbursement from the original claim filed in 2012. The board requested a written report from American Roofing regarding the work they did on 6706. Did they find damage? Was it repaired? What are the recommendations going forward on the other roofs?
Home Inspection 6738: The board members did not approve work for insulating the B vent flu pipe on 6738 Lunar Drive. The association attorney provided written confirmation that this exterior work is the homeowner’sresponsibility to cover because it is their heating system.
Taylored Restoration Invoice: The emergency services invoice for the fire damage at 6712 was paid by State Farm, the association needs to pay the invoice to Taylored Restoration.
Insurance Coverage: The Managing Agent is contacting insurance agencies to get quotes for coverage.
The board requested a letter go out to the homeowner of 6712 Lunar where the fire started. The fire department determined the fire started from briquettes in a paper bag next to the barbeque grill on the deck. The amount they need to reimburse the association is the $10,000 insurance deductible.
Spring Clean-up can be scheduled earlier this year since most of the snow and ice is gone off the property.
The contactor’ working at the complex need to make sure they park in designated areas only.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: the Delinquency Report current through April 2, 2015 was reviewed.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be the spring walk around the property on April 22nd at 5:30 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Deborah Downs
Association Manager