David L. Bain, PhD
A. General Information
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Colorado Denver
Research 2 C238-P15
Aurora, CO 80045
Ph: (303)-724-6118
Fax: (303)-724-3759
B. Education
PhD, Molecular Biophysics, 1994 (with Dr. Gary Ackers)
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
BA, Biology, 1985
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
C. Professional Experience
Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado Denver (formally University of Colorado Health Sciences Center), Denver, CO (2008-present)
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO (2001-2008)
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO (2000-2001)
Instructor, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO (1998-2000)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO (1994-1998) (with Dr. Kathryn Horwitz)
Research Assistant, Department of Biochemistry, Loyola University of Chicago, Maywood, IL (1985-1986)
D. Teaching Activity
PharmD Program
PHRD 3610 – Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Course Director and lecturer), Fall 2001-present
PHRD 2500 - Instructional Methods II, Fall 2001
PHRD 5200 – P3 Seminar, Spring 2004-present
PhD Program:
PHSC 7354 - Structural Analysis of Biomolecules, Spring 2001, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010
PHSC 7350 - Protein Chemistry, Spring 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009
PHSC 7310 - Fundamentals of Pharm. Sci. (Course Director and lecturer), Fall 2007- present
IDPT 7800 – Biomedical Sciences Core Course, Fall 2002-present
E. Advising Activity
Thesis Advisor for Keith Connaghan-Jones, Amie Moody and Rolando Deangelis -Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate students.
Current thesis committee member for graduate students: Keith Connaghan-Jones, Amie Moody, Regina Hutchings, Paul Kirwan and and Jay Yang.
Past thesis committee member for: Tia Estay, Chris Vessely, Mayank Patel, Andy Kosky, Derrick Katayama, Shouvik Roy, Renuka Roy, Brooke Bishop, Sarah Roehmer, John Paul Gabrielson and Patrick Li, Krista Hill.
F. Administrative Activity and University Service
Director, DOPS Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program – 2008-present
Organizer – 2008 Gibbs Conference on Biothermodynamics, Carbondale, IL
Associate Director, DOPS Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program – 2004 – 2008
Committee member, SOP Advancement, Promotion and Tenure – 2008-present
Committee member, SOP Professional Service Plan – 2004 - present
Committee member, ad hoc DOPS faculty search committees – 2004-present
Committee member, SOP Admissions – 2004- 2005
Committee member, DOPS seminar series – 2003-2006
Committee member, DOPS Seed Grant Review – 2002
Organizer – DOPS Research Retreat – 2002
G. Professional Activity
Member of the Biophysical Society, Endocrine Society
Study Section Member, Defense Department Breast Cancer Research Program, 2002, 2003
Study Section Member, Defense Department Prostate Cancer Research Program, 2006
NIH Study Section ad hoc member, Biochemical Endocrinology, 2000, 2003
NIH Study Section Special Emphasis Panel, 2008
NIH Challenge Grant reviewer, 2009
Journal Referee: Biochemistry, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, Molecular Endocrinology, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biophysical Journal, Analytical Biochemistry, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Cancer Therapy
H. Publications
Connaghan-Jones, KD, Moody, AD & Bain, DL (2009) “Using Thermodynamics to Understand Progesterone Receptor Function: Method and Theory”. Methods in Enzymol, 455, 41-70.
Connaghan-Jones, KD, Moody, AD & Bain, DL (2008) “Quantitative DNAse Footprint Titration: A Tool for Analyzing the Energetics of Protein-DNA Interactions”. Nature Protocols, 5, 900-914.
Connaghan-Jones, KD, Heneghan, AF, Miura, MT & Bain, DL (2008) “Thermodynamic Dissection of Progesterone Receptor Assembly at the Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus Promoter: Monomer Binding and Strong Cooperativity Dominate the Assembly Reaction.” J. Mol. Biol., 377, 1144-1160.
Heneghan, AF, Connaghan-Jones, K, Miura, M and Bain DL (2007) “Coactivator Assembly at the Promoter: Efficient Recruitment of SRC2 is Coupled to Cooperative DNA Binding by the Progesterone Receptor”, Biochemistry, 46, 11023-11032.
Connaghan-Jones KD, Heneghan, AF, Miura, MT, and Bain, DL (2007) “Thermodynamic Analysis of Progesterone Receptor-Promoter Interactions Reveals a Molecular Model for Isoform-Specific Function”. Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA, 104, 2187-2192.
Bain, DL, Heneghan, AF, Connaghan-Jones, KD, and Miura, MT (2007) “Nuclear Receptor Structure: Implications for Function.”.Annual Reviews of Physiology, 69, 201-220.
Connaghan-Jones, KD, Heneghan, AF, Miura, MT, and Bain, DL (2006) “Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Human Progesterone Receptor A-Isoform Reveals that Self-Association Occurs in the Micromolar Range.” Biochemistry, 45, 12090-12099.
Heneghan, AF, Connaghan-Jones, K, Miura, M and Bain DL (2006) “Cooperative DNA Binding by the B-Isoform of Human Progesterone Receptor: Thermodynamic Analysis Reveals Strongly Favorable and Unfavorable Contributions to Assembly.” Biochemistry, 45, 3285-3296.
Heneghan, AF, Berton, N, Miura, MT and Bain, DL (2005) “Self-Association Energetics of an Intact, Full-Length Nuclear Receptor: The B-Isoform of Human Progesterone Receptor Dimerizes in the Micromolar Range”. Biochemistry, 44, 9528-9537.
Martin, S.L., Branciforte, D., Keller, D. & Bain, D.L. (2003) “Trimeric Structure for an Essential Protein in L1 Retrotransposition”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100, 13815-13820.
Takimoto, G.S., Tung, L., Abdel-Hafiz, A., Abel, M.G., Sartorius, C.A., Richer, J.K., Jacobsen, B.M., Bain, D.L., & Horwitz, K.B. (2003) “Functional Properties of the N-terminal Region of Progesterone Receptors and their Mechanistic Relationship to Structure. J. Steroid Biochem. & Mol. Biol., 85, 209-219.
McManaman, J.L. & Bain, D.L. “Structural and Conformational Analysis of the XD to XO Conversion of Xanthine Oxidoreductase.” (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 21261-21268.
Bain, D.L., Franden, M.A., McManaman, J.L., Takimoto, G.S., & Horwitz, K.B. “The N-terminal Region of Human Progesterone B-Receptors: Biochemical and Biophysical Comparison to the A-receptors.” (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 23825-23831.
Bain, D.L., Berton, N., Ortega, M., Baran, J., Yang, Q., & Catalano, C.E. “Biophysical Characterization of the DNA Binding Domain of gpNu1, a Viral DNA Packaging Protein.” (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 20175-20181.
Bain, D.L., Franden, M.A., McManaman, J.L., Takimoto, G.S., & Horwitz, K.B. “The N-terminal Region of the Human Progesterone Receptor: Structural Analysis and the Influence of the DNA Binding Domain.” (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 7313-7320.
Graham, J.D., Bain, D.L., Richer, J.K., Jackson, T.A., Tung, L., Horwitz, K.B. (2000) “Nuclear Receptor Conformation, Coregulators, and Tamoxifen-Resistant Breast Cancer.” Steroids 65, 579-584.
Graham, J.D., Bain, D.L., Richer, J.K., Jackson, T.A., Tung, L., Horwitz, K.B. (2000) “Thoughts on Tamoxifen Resistant Breast Cancer. Are Coregulators the Answer or Just a Red Herring?” J. Steroid. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. 74, 255-259.
Bain, D.L., & Ackers, G.K. “A Quantitative Cryogenic Gel-Shift Technique for Analysis of Protein-DNA Interactions.” (1998) Anal. Biochem. 258, 240-245.
Jackson, T.A., Richer, J.K., Bain, D.L., Takimoto, G.S., Tung, L., & Horwitz, K.B. “The PartialAgonist Activity of Antogonist-Occupied Steroid Receptors is Controlled by the Ratio of a Novel Coactivator L7, to the Corepressors N-CoR or SMRT, Recruited to the Transcription Complex.” (1997) Molec. Endocrinol. 11, 693-705.
Horwitz K.B., Jackson, T.A., Bain, D.L., Richer, J.K., Takimoto, G.S., & Tung, L. “Nuclear Receptor Coactivators and Corepressors .” (1996) Molec. Endocrinol. 10, 1167-1177.
Bain, D.L., & Ackers, G. K. “Self-Association and DNA Binding of l cI Repressor N-Terminal Domains Reveal Linkage Between Sequence-Specific Binding and the C-terminal Cooperativity Domain.” (1994) Biochemistry 33, 14679-14689.
Koblan, K.S., Bain, D.L., Beckett, D., Shea, M.A., & Ackers, G.K. “Analysis of Site-Specific Interaction Parameters in Protein-DNA Complexes.” (1992) Methods in Enzymol. 210, 405-425.
Lane, P., Vichi, P., Bain, D.L., & Tritton, T.R. “Temperature Dependence Studies of Adriamycin Uptake and Cytotoxicity.” (1987) Cancer Res. 47, 4038-4042.
Ostrowski, L.E., Ahsan, A., Suthar, B.P., Pagast, P., Bain, D.L., Wong, C., Patel, A., & Schultz, R.M. “Selective Inhibition of Proteolytic Enzymes in an in vivo Mouse Model for Experimental Metastasis.” (1986) Cancer Res. 46, 4121-4128.
I. Speaking Engagements
UCHSC Program in Molecular Biology, March 2007
UCHSC Program in Biomolecular Structure, October 2006
UCHSC Program in Hormones and Cancer, October 2005, 2007
UCHSC Program in Reproductive Sciences, March 2005
Colorado Cancer League, April 2004
Corporate Board of Directors, Colorado Cancer League, March 2002.
Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Dept of Biophysics, December 2008
University of Vermont Medical School, Dept of Biochemistry, April 2007
University of Iowa Medical School, Dept of Biochemistry, April 2006
Colorado Protein Stability Conference, July 2002
Poster presentations -National Meeting of the Biophysical Society, 2002-2009
National Meeting of the Endocrine Society, 2006
National Meeting of the Protein Society, 2003
Keystone Symposium on Nuclear Receptors, 2004
Gibbs Conference on Biothermodynamics, 2004-2009
Colorado Protein Stability Conference, 2005, 2007
J. Grant/Research Activity
National Institutes of Health: 2R01-DK61933, “Mechanistic Studies of Progesterone Receptor Function”. PI- Bain, DL. Active 2/1/08-1/31/12. The goal of this project is to determine the quantitative mechanisms by which progesterone receptors (PR) assemble at multi-site DNA promoters.
National Institutes of Health, R21-DK071652, “Quantitative Analysis of AIB-1 Recruitment”. PI- Bain, DL. Active 7/1/07-6/30/10. The goal of this project is to determine the thermodynamic and structural basis for progesterone receptor-mediated recruitment of the coactivator, AIB1.
Avon Foundation: PI-Bain, DL. “Crystallographic Analysis of Human Progesterone Receptor Isoforms” Active 7/1/08 -open. The goals of this project are to determine conditions suitable for growth of progesterone receptor crystals amenable to x-ray diffraction studies.
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, New Investigator Award, “Quantitative Studies of Progesterone Receptor-GRIP1 Interactions”, PI- Bain, DL. Active 12/01/02-11/30/04
Avon Foundation: PI-Bain, DL .“Feasibility Studies of Progesterone Receptor Crystal Growth”. Active 12/1/02-11/30/07