MDE Answers to IEP Questions

About Specific Situations/Students

Spring/Summer 2015

(1)Are ELA and Math goals required for a gifted high school student that requires the use of a wheelchair attends all general ed classes and will graduate with a standard diploma?

Need to show deficits and that she had a need for Special Ed services or dismiss from Special Ed and offer a 504 Plan with accommodations.

(2)Are ELA and Math goals required for homebound students that are academically ok but cannot attend school due to illness?

Must show deficits. Consider missed instruction.

(3)Are ELA and Math goals required for a high school HI student that is on grade level and attending all general ed classes but needs an interpreter?

Must show deficits. May be missing academics due to language deficits. Look specifically at grammar deficits.

(4)Are ELA and Math goals required for a VI student that is on grade level but needs large print materials or Braille?

Must show deficits. May be missing academics.

(5)Are ELA and Math Goals required for OHI (ADHD) and EmD students that are on grade level and attending general ed classes?

Must show impact on education due to behavior and need to show deficits.

(6)Should transportation be documented on the IEP as Special Transportation for private contracts? RCSD has private contracts for Hudspeth students and parents.

Yes. Here is an example of how to document the basis for the decision: “RCSD reimburses Hudspeth/Parent for transportation to and from the school/Facility.”

(7)On the new IEP form there is a place to mark whether a student has passed a state test (SATPs, MWAP3, MS-CPAS2) or not. What do we do in the event they fail the state test but will be able to graduate using the formula?

Don’t mark anything. The IEP form will be revised this summer and possibly this info will be included in the revision.

(8)If the HI teacher is a related service and specifically gives tests to the student are ELA and Math goals required?

Look at deficits in the functional areas. The Special Ed teacher and the HI teacher can write functional goals. The HI teacher can provide instruction to remediate those deficits.

(9)How do we write ELA and Math goals for MOD students?

All academic goals must be aligned with either the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards (MCCRS) or the Essential Elements. For MOD students, this would be the MCCRS. Remember that the goals are written for each student’s deficit areas in English and Math – which for MOD would come from Employment English, Job Skills Math and Career Prep. What you will need to do is take your MOD objectives and compare them to the MCCRS for whatever general ed class the student would be in (if he/she were in general ed classes).

For example, for a 9th grader you would look at Algebra 1 MCCRS vs. Job Skills Math 1 and English 1 MCCRS vs Employment English 1 and Career Prep 1 and so on......

You will look for the MCCRS that correlate to the MOD goals and use those. Combine the wording from both – use the MCCRS but throw in specifics from the MOD goal as it relates to your class and what you are teaching.

Here is an example:


Career Prep Goal 9C23 (STIOs from A-C)

In 36 weeks, given a rubric, ______will demonstrate writing through developing a professional portfolio to convey ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through effective organization with 60 % accuracy.

So you have used an ELA standard and mixed it with a career prep goal dealing with professional portfolios.

(10) How do we determine the duration/frequency for Instructional/Functional Accommodations such as?

A. Cue student to stay on task.

B. Read quizzes, chapter tests, formative/summative tests aloud

C. Peer Buddy

Write the duration/frequency as the amount of time and the number of days a week the student attends the class. It is “anticipated” that the student will need the accommodation.

For example, if the student attends Math for 45 minutes/5 days a week, then write the duration frequency as 45 minutes/5 days a week.

(11) If a student has an Individual Health Plan, where is it (health plan) documented in the IEP?

Need to include in the PLAAFP under the Impact of Disability and Child Needs section because due to the child’s health it is probably affecting their access to the curriculum. For example: A student with diabetes experiences sleepiness when their blood sugar is too high. Also, include under support for personnel because the school nurse will need to review the plan with the student’s teachers.

(12) Program Modifications are defined as “changes to the environment and/or instruction that alter or change expectations for the child to enable him/her to be successful and to participate actively with other children in the general ed classroom and in school-wide activities. Program modifications include but are not limited to:

  • Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) modify behavioral expectations.
  • Modified assignments limit or omit assignments or requirements for assignments or lower the reading level and/or vocabulary of assignments.
  • Clarification: If the change will not allow the student to master grade level standards then that change is a modification.
  • Material modifications lower the reading level and/or vocabulary of texts.
  • Curriculum modifications use a specialized curriculum that presents information using simplified vocabulary, content, and/or principles or leads to modified outcomes such as the Mississippi Occupational Diploma or General Educational Development (GED).
  • Clarifications:
  • 9-12-graders that are not required to master all standards will not get credit for that class.
  • Modified curriculums must use Special Ed class codes.
  • Modified grading modifies the weights of assignments, projects, and tests.