Name ______

Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment Review Sheet

Directions: Please find the meaning of the following terms.

1.  Copernicus-Heliocentric model, born in Poland, thought planets moved in circles

2.  Galileo-Improved the telescope (improved magnification),found sunspots, experi

3.  Kepler-Found out that planets move in elliptical patterns, wrote “Somnium”

4.  Newton-Made reflecting telescope (used mirrors instead of lens, calculus, 3 laws

5.  Locke-Revolutions are sometimes an obligation, wanted religious freedom

6.  Montesquieu-Wanted separation of powers, checks and balances, climate and soci

7.  Rousseau-Wrote “Social Contract”, people make the laws, gov’t run by magistrate

8.  Adam Smith-Wrote “Wealth of Nations”, competition is good, laissez faire, free tr

9.  Laissez faire-“hands off” approach to the economy. Let it run

10.  Pantheon-This is where many important French figures are buried, Rousseau, chur

11.  Ptolemy-Created geocentric model in 150

12.  Scientific Method-A way of gathering and explaining information

13.  Galileo’s Recantation-Galileo had to stop heliocentrism or face death

14.  “Somnium”-Written by Kepler, man travels to moon and finds life there

15.  Alchemy-Turning basic metals into gold

16.  Law of Inertia-Objects remain in place unless acted upon by outside force

17.  Law of Acceleration-Force =mass x acceleration

18.  Law of Action and Reaction-For every action there is equal and opposite reaction

19.  Voltaire-French philosopher, went to exile in England, criticized French gov’t

20.  “Wealth of Nations”-Written by Adam Smith in 1776

Name ______

Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment Review Sheet

Directions: Please find the meaning of the following terms.

1.  Copernicus-______

2.  Galileo-______

3.  Kepler-______

4.  Newton-______

5.  Locke-______

6.  Montesquieu-______

7.  Rousseau-______

8.  Adam Smith-______

9.  Laissez faire-______

10.  Pantheon-______

11.  Ptolemy-______

12.  Scientific Method-______

13.  Galileo’s Recantation-______

14.  “Somnium”-______

15.  Alchemy-______

16.  Law of Inertia-______

17.  Law of Acceleration-______

18.  Law of Action and Reaction-______

19.  Voltaire-______

20.  “Wealth of Nations”-______

Essay hint: Compare and contrast two thinkers of the Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment