McWhinnie Minute


Dear Parents,

Tomorrow is the Thanksgiving Feast! This is one of my favorite days. Please help your child dress up as a Native American or a pilgrim. It will be a noon dismissal. You do not need to pack a lunch or snack.

Please note that there was a November book order in the Thursday folder last week. If you are interested in stocking up for Christmas presents, please send in a note for secrecy. Also, please notice that I have made the order deadlines much sooner than before because the first order (September) took too long to get in. Now with the week or two-week deadline, the books come about 4 days after the order deadline. This month’s order deadline is Friday, November 18th.

Last week I sent home Christmas basket food information. You may send it in at any time. I will send home more information regarding gifts when I get it.

Remember to study for the quiz on Tuesday after the first 12 vocabulary words. Your child should have brought home a study guide yesterday. The quiz will be matching if you want to make your child some practice quizzes.

Congratulations to Cole McWhinnie – our Spelling Bee representative! We tested each child individually over the same 10 words and Cole only missed one! Riley Kramer will be the alternate, he only missed two! Everyone did a great job. Sadly, we can only send one per class this year.

My student teacher, Miss Jackson, will be finishing at the end of November. I am in the classroom observing and your child’s success is still my greatest concern. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions/concerns.

Thank you for your great support. I can see why this group is a favorite among many teachers. 


Mrs. McWhinnie

See back for more information.

Next Week’s Verse:

No verse next week.

No spelling words next week.

We are doing very well with our A.R. reading! We are taking tests every morning before pledges and on Thursday mornings before chapel.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy your holiday!

SHHHHH! I do not know the exact last day for Miss Jackson. But when that day comes, I want to have a “Teacher Shower” for her. If you feel led, please consider picking up some good teacher supplies to give her on that day. Suggestions are books for her classroom, markers, EXPO markers, stickers, posters, borders, die cuts, crayons, chalk, plastic containers, a classroom stool, overhead markers, hall passes… you get the idea.  Feel free to keep your donation at home until I let you know the date of the party. Thanks!